Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Deal with your shit or it will start to stink

Hello Guys,
Been  a while since I have got personal with you all........hope you all had a great Christmas. If you are anything like me you are probably sat waiting to bring in the New Year with a bigger backside and belly!
Now a couple of weeks before Christmas I went on a course to help market my was a great course as it wasn't your usual marketing course, it was how to tap into your mindset to achieve success! Now I went with the focus on business, however what I learnt can be used for all aspects of my life, health, fitness, relationships etc.
Now we all set goals, and with new year just around the corner this is the time when they are set more often than not. However how many times do you not stick to them or hear of others breaking their goal within first couple of weeks in January! You only have to enter a gym in January, you can't get to the equipment because of all the newbies........come February you have pick of equipment again!!
There can be several reasons why we don't hit our goal..........
It can seem like a mamouth task to achieve it, you can combat this by breaking it down into smaller goals which seem less daunting.
Another reason, which after attending the course I believe is the main one, people set goals yet they dont want them bad enough to achieve it!
Take diet........over December I have been like a kid in a Candy store, I have pretty much eaten and drank what I wanted as I know I am strick the rest of the year so it is the time I like to let my hair down. However it is nearly New Year's I have a gorgeous outfit to wear and my gut and thighs have expanded to proportions I don't like! Now I am sat here moaning about it but I can't as over December I wanted to enjoy food and drink more than I wanted my six pack.......well I thought I did untill I look down and can see a small podge emerging in its place. So come January I am starting the LifeForce Transformation plan and I am going to 'Deal with my Shit' if I don't it will start to stink and I will be a fat instructor!
So before you start setting those New Year goals, really ask yourself if it is something what you really want! If you do great, do everything in your power to achieve it........if not set another goal you do want to achieve. Sometimes people set goals, because they feel they have to, or it is what everyone else is doing. 
Your life, your goal! 
Have a great New Year guys and stay safe!
If you really want to make a difference to your health and the way you look in 2016 then click on the links below!
Andrea (pissed off 'one pack') Springthorpe

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