Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Shit Just got real!

Hey Guys,
Ever had one of those times in your life when you think everything is going against you, nothing is going right and you don't know what to do for the best? I know I have....infact I feel like that at the moment.
I will be 37 later this year and not once did I ever imagine I would be in the situation I would be in today.........Yes i have great friends, an amazing family and run my own business as well as working in a School and I am lucky enough to love doing both. People think if you have your own business then you must be loaded.......errrr the fact I am driving a Corsa and not a Scirroco is a good sign that I'm not ha!
There are other areas in my life which I would love to change as well as my car, like finding Mr Right and popping out some Warrior Children. I know that will happen (well it will if I stop attracting knob heads ha) but the one thing I want to grow is my business. I have dedicated 4 years to not only doing something I love but also passing that passion onto my clients (you guys!). I am constantly looking at new ways to grow, do new training sessions, create new nutrition plans (buy your copy here). When you have your own business there are always ups and downs.......when the downs come that is when 'Shit gets real'. Running a business is kinda like diet and exercise, there are whole loads of different ways to train, hundreds of nutrition plans out there and sometimes no matter what you try nothing seems to work!
So I called in the professionals (the marketing ones). I have taken advice from a guy who sold his national boot camp business and moved to Marbella with the proceeds.....now I'm not saying thats what I want to do (a holiday home out there would be nice though!) I have however realised that I don't know all the answers when it comes to running a business........he however does!
You will probably notice a difference in the style of my e-mails........I am getting real (part of his advice). There is a human being behind all the e-mails I send and I want you to get to know me & trust me (not really bothered if you like me, thats just a bonus) and realise that if you struggle with getting results there is an expert only a phone call or e-mail away! 
So if your 'Shit has got real' and you need help or motivation then come along to boot camp........if you want an easy ride and me to tell you that having a curly wurly a day is ok then it's not for you (think Slimming World promote that kind of shit!)
What have you got to lose? Other than fat, inches and weight! 
Have a great day guys.
Andrea (the shit just got real ) Springthorpe

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