Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Don't let the bad shit get you down!

Whilst I was in Marbella I had some bad news as I found out that my Mum has secondary breast cancer. To say it was a shock is an understatement!!! My mum first had breast cancer 8 years ago, she had treatment, recovered and has been fit and well since.
Now I don't know about you guys, but I tend to take my parents for granted........I am lucky that mine are fit and well (apart from current situation obviously) and keep themselves healthy. Yes they may be a bit slower physically (and sometimes mentally ha!), have knackered knees but I am proud that they do what they do at their age........they would put some twenty year olds to shame. I have got used to them been fit and well and you just always imagine that they will stay that way.
The first few weeks after finding out I was a mess........I had this horrendous news, plus holiday blues! Nothing like getting off the plane with a bang! Now my mum on the other hand just seems to be 'getting' on with it......yes she has days where she feels scared, on the whole she is doing amazing, she is still going to work, coming to bootcamp and still seems to put a smile on her face. I admire her for her physical and emotional strength.
By the way my emotional strength whilst typing this is shit..........lets just say I will need to re-do my mascara before I go to work!
No-one knows what is round the corner, however, by keeping fit and healthy we can give ourselves the best chance of leading a long healthy good quality life! seeing my mum cope with treatment so well and bounce back so quick makes me realise that because she has looked after herself her body is strong enough to fight back and kick cancer in the nuts!!
By making good healthy lifestyle choices on a regular basis can only have a positive effect. I know myself that by eating healthy and taking regular exercise I am very rarely ill!
So if you want to make a difference and stay fit and healthy then click one of the links below!
Andrea (emotional wreck) Springthorpe

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