Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Take your passion and make it happen

Hello Guys,
Hope you have all had a good weekend?
I just want to say a massive thank you for all the emails I have recieved sending support and well wishes about my Mum. A few of those emails made me blub........really kind words thank you.
One of my Mum's favourite songs is Flashdance by Irene Cara.........one of the lines in the song is 'take your passion and make it happen' now I have done this over the years with fitness. I found something I loved doing and I kept doing it untill I reached my goal. I took up running and completed Marathons, I started at the gym and now I can do 9 pull-ups (one off my target!!!) I even took that passion and made a career out of it!
Now I know that not everyone has that instant passion for fitness or healthy eating, a lot of people only do it because they know it is good for them, or they do it because they want to control their weight and some people are just too scared to try. Starting something new can be scary, however, no-one reaches their goals without acting out of their comfort zone!
First when there's nothing
But a slow glowing dream
That your fear seems to hide
Deep inside your mind
So whatever your dream may be........set your goal and work towards it!! To make changes you have to take action...........
Plus with all the squats we do in bootcamp you too could have a cracking looking arse in a leotard ;)
Andrea (love wearing leg warmers) Springthorpe

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