Tuesday 29 December 2015

When shit things happen to good people

Hey Guys,
Friday already.........to be honest this week has passed in a complete blur! I don't think I have slept so much after time away. This time last week I was still laid on a sunbed topping up my tan and this week, well back to sorting PE kit and house badges (yawn!!). One benefit is that I'm back training you guys which I love doing (even if it is in the cold!)

I think alot of my tiredness was due to me stressing out before I went, nothing at all to do with the late nights and early morning's whilst away (honest!)
Other than having a blast in Marbella I have had a few personal things to deal with and one question has got me thinking.......'Why do shit things happen to good people?'

So many examples.......
There are so many extreme's of good and bad
Those who work damm hard, save money and have their own homes, to only lose their job and everything that goes with it
The scrotes who just live off the state and have never done a days work in their lives.

Those who never break the rules and get done for the odd time they were speeding (me ooops!)
Those who break the law all the time and get away with it!
Now the one thing out of everything that really pissess me off is......
Those that live a healthy active lifestyle and get ill!
Those who smoke, drink and stuff their faces with burgers on a regular basis and never get ill!

When I say get ill, I don't mean the odd cough or cold as we all get these occasionally, I mean something more serious, something that not only impacts that person, but their family also.
It seems like the biggest 'bitch slap' in the face when bad things happen to good people!
It does make you think well if I have been so healthy and still got XYZ then what is the point! 
Now there is a point........some people get an illness anyway even though they have been fit and healthy.....just think of how much worse it could have been if someone didn't look after themselves. Health & fitness is not only about prolonging our lives, it's also about helping us have a better quality of life now and  when we get older. The stronger, fitter and healthier we are makes us better at fighting whatever shit life has to throw at us. It makes you more determined to fight for the health you have and not just give in.

So the next time you are having a bad day or cant be arsed to exercise or call in the drive through on the way home........just stop and think is the shit you are putting into your body any good for you? There is someone out there who wants to train today but cant because they are too ill to do so and so what if you lost a big file on your computer.

Life is short, spend it with people you love, who love you back. Have fun, smile and never have any regrets.........one day it might be too late!

Andrea (believes in Karma) Springthorpe

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