Tuesday 29 December 2015

How last minute are you?

Hello Troops,

Today I want to talk to you about leaving things till the last minute..............
Last year I started with a pain at the top of my shoulder, it had a small knot which used to trigger up every now and then. Sometimes I would go weeks without realising it was there then other times it would give me pain for a few days. I often massaged it myself and when I caught it in the right place it would give me pins and needles in my hand. Now I thought it was made worse by boxing (from the constant jabbing). So I stopped boxing for a while and it didn't improve so I couldn't put it down to that.
I have had a couple of sports massages on it which helped short term but it was still not getting better, the pain was gradually getting worse. Small things like pushing myself out of bed on a morning, or lifting the duvet to make my bed and even just resting in the plank position then I could feel it............so after nearly a year I decided to go to the doctor. The problem with me is once I decide to do something or make the decision to change I expect things doing straight away.
My doctor gave me a leaflet for the local hospital physio department where I had to phone up and refer myself........WELL what a performance! I phoned everyday after I had been to the doctors and up to my holiday to try get through. It was either engaged or went to an answer phone where you COULDN'T  leave a bloody message. When I said I phoned everyday it wasn't just once, it was a few times each day. Then I kept trying when I got back from my holidays, by this time I was really pissed off that I couldn't make an appointment. So early this week I thought it would be easier to go to the hospital and make an appointment there..........boy was I wrong!! No I couldn't even make an appointment at the hospital argggh. Luckily for me I spoke to a really helpful member of staff who took my details and said she would try get someone to phone me back, she couldn't guarantee it and that I needed to keep phoning myself too. 
Anyhow to my suprise that same afternoon someone phoned back and I have an appointment made (not for another three weeks, but still an appointment!)
So what is it that you are putting off and leaving till the last minute? Have you realised that things are gradually getting worse and you need to do something about it? The waist is expanding, you constantly eat shit and are nowhere motivated enough to exercise?
If this is the case you are the lucky ones, because unlike me you don't have to wait three weeks before you can start the journey to a new you! You can take action today, infact now! One click and you are on your way to success!!
Now if you are like me and are totally impatient I will warn that one exercise session or one day of eating healthy is not going to give you long term results. Just like I am guessing that my shoulder won't be fixed after one physio session! It will take time, motivation, dedication and patience!
Again you are the lucky ones as you will have me to motivate you in the sessions and a full 21 day guide on what to eat on the transformation plan. Couldn't be easier! 
So don't delay make that committment today!

Andrea (Miss Impatient) Springthorpe

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