Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Sleep should be up there on the to do list!

Hello Guys,
Today I want to talk about sleep........I love sleep, I love my bed and I love waking up feeling energised and getting through the day without feeling like I want to put my head on the desk.
However I haven't been getting enough recently and last week the lack of sleep got to me and I ended up having a mini melt down at work.
Last Tuesday I was up early to train, then I worked from 9am-9pm, then same again on Wednesday. I was absolutely shattered by Wednesday tea time and I still had a few hours left to work. Now I am great at getting my training done, staying up late to check emails and do my paperwork and because of this my need for 7/8 hours sleep a night was compromised. So Thursday morning I thought I wouldn't train as I needed to recover. I was obviously still tired as I spent the majority of my day crying! The worst thing was I was meeting one of my old University lecturers on Thursday afternoon (who I had a school girl crush on whilst at University) and I turned up looking a mess!!! 
However it did make me think how important sleep is.....this is when our bodies repair themselves. When we have enough sleep we are physically and mentally alert and in my case much more emotionally strong when I have had enough sleep.
Now I eat healthy and I am on week two of the LifeForce plan so this has made a massive difference........I know I would have felt 100 times worse if I was eating rubbish whilst trying to get through a 12 hour day.
Alot of people say they don't have time to cook when they work long hours. I got all my meals and snacks ready the day before so when I got home it was all ready to eat. It is about being organised............which I need to do more organising so I can get more shut eye. It is true what they say (whoever they are) you feel loads better after a good nights sleep.
Andrea (getting more sleep) Springthorpe

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