Thursday, 13 December 2018

There is no magic pill!

This morning I was in the gym and a gym member was talking to one of the fitness instructors and he asked me how my waist was so small as it was like magic! He then proceeded to say that it was probably hard work......

I explained that it was a lot of hard work, being consistent with training and healthy eating. This morning I could have quite easily pressed snooze again and turned over in bed, just because I am consistent with my training, it doesn't mean that I always feel like doing it.

Those that get results, for anything in life not just health and fitness are those that put the work in, those who are consistent and those that 'just do it' even when they feel like they can't be bothered.

December is the time when most people let things slide as parties, shopping, and sometimes the 'what's the point' mentality gets in the way.

There is no magic pill, no magic formula or no quick fix....

Action + Consistency = Results

So if you want to create your OWN magical results then click one of the links below.

Click here to take action
Click here to be consistent with your healthy eating
Andrea (this weekend is the weekend) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

And the festivities have begun!

Saturday was the first Christmas Party of 2018 for me and what better way to kick the festivities off than with Fit 4 Force Christmas Party! As requested by my clients we went to Prego's in Brighouse as we had such a great time there last year and the food was lovely! Now I don't think there are any crazy stories this year as was a pretty tame one ;)

The rest of my weekends in December pretty much involve eating out and drinking alcohol! There is often a struggle to keep a healthy eating mindset the rest of the time. There is often chocolates in offices, people are more likely to accept a mid week drink and hangovers, well they seem to be the green light to eating rubbish!

Now I would normally be less strict in December, however, this year I have the added goal of being able to fit into my dress for my 40th Party! In fact not only to just fit into it but to look good! Late nights, alcohol and eating unhealthy not only effects the waistline, in can show in your face (and often does in mine as my eyes tend to swell!).

So here are some tips below to keep the Christmas Carnage at bay....
  • Get rid of the 'I'll start tomorrow' mentality
    • Eat healthy in between your parties!
    • If you eat healthy the rest of the week the damage done on a weekend will be limited.
    • Avoid sugary snacks and those office chocolates!
  • Keep Active
    • Don't let your activity levels slide. Even if you can't make your usual training session, go out for a walk or a run. Fresh air is a great way to cure a hangover too!
  • Get plenty of sleep.
    • Christmas is a busy time of year and if you are lacking in sleep then you are more likely to over eat and less likely to stay active.
  • Fill up on Protein
    • Make sure you have protein with each meal, this will fill you up for longer and you are less likely to binge on sugary foods.
  • LBD test
    • Most people have an outfit that they love to wear (women tend to go for the Little Black dress). Test this outfit out each week over December, if it fits the same on New Year as it did beginning of December then you are onto a winner!
LBD seemed to the staple item for the Christmas Party on Saturday. Below is a picture of some of my bootcampers - one bootcamper obviously didn't get the 'black outfit - dark hair' memo ;)

This week we are doing a FREE training week which started last night, we will be doing for the rest of the week so if you want to try us out then sign up below.
Click here to look great in your party outfit
Click here to fuel the party season properly
Andrea (LBD mission40) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

You never forget how to ride a bike......or twirl a baton!

Remember the days when you used to call for your mates on your bike, head off for the day and only come home when you were hungry or you needed a plaster as your wheelie went wrong!?

Being young and learning new things is exciting, however as we get older we either forget how to do things or for most of us get out of the habit of taking part in different activities.

Now I don't know about you guys but I don't think I have ever used or had the need to use trigonometry since I left Secondary school!

However there are things we learnt as a child which we never forget even as we get older.....riding a bike is one of them. Once we learn we have those skills for life.....we might be a bit rusty but with a bit of practice they soon come back.

This is something which me and some friends have had the experience of we haven't started doing wheelies in the park......we have dusted off our batons and learnt to twirl again.

Majorettes is an activity which I did on a weekly basis from the age of 10 to 17. Now without giving the game away....lets just say we are providing some special entertainment at my 40th Party ;) Our twirling skills maybe rusty, however, they are skills that we will have for life, plus the fun we have had over the last few weeks has been great!

Exercise is something which some people seem to forget about as they get older, you may have been active as a child and got out of the habit of doing exercise or adult life just got in the way? Whatever the reason, it is never too late to get back on the exercise saddle and start over. Exercise has the feel good factor and I think anything that makes you feel young again or gets you away from the grind of daily life is a must.

At Fit 4 Force not only can we help you to get back into exercise, we can provide the feel good factor, make you feel young, have a laugh with other members and provide 60 minutes of escape from the daily grind.
We are doing a FREE training week w/c 3rd December, so if you want to try us out then sign up below.

So dust off those trainers and click one of the links below
Click here to get back on the exercise saddle
Click here to fuel your new routine
Andrea (midlife majorette) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Monday, 19 November 2018

Whatever you do make sure you are happy!

Today I did a careers workshop at a local school and the last question I asked them 'did they think that my job made me happy'? 100% of the children said YES.......which I was pleased to tell them that they were all right.

When I questioned them why they thought my job made me happy, one child said was because I was happy and that I looked happy through-out the workshop! As I was driving home, what they said really struck a chord, being truly happy is something you can't hide and saying you are happy when you are not is something else you can't hide.

Now I am not saying that I am 100% happy all the time and there are things which I wish I had in my life. However the things I currently don't have are things that I want to enhance my happiness not solve it. We live in a world where we always want what someone else has, or we stay in the same situation because we are too scared to do anything about it.
  • If you don't like your job, change it.
  • If you are in an unhappy relationship, leave it.
  • If you are unhappy with how you look, then take action
Everything we have or don't have can be changed by one person.....YOU!

Christmas is nearly upon us and so many people moan how they can't fit into their favourite outfit, or how they feel unfit and unhealthy over the Christmas season. Now is the time to change. I am not saying miracles will happen over the next few weeks, however, small changes now will make 2019 a fit and healthier one.

We are doing a FREE training week w/c 3rd December, so if you want to try us out then sign up below.

If something scares you then it is most likely worth pursuing!
Click here to train out of your comfort zone
Click here to for a healthier 2019
Andrea (happy that I look happy!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

When Numbers Lie!

We live in a world full of numbers...........
  • How many likes we get on facebook/followers on instgram
  • How much money we earn
  • How many designer clothes we have in our wardrobes
  • How many gadgets we have
  • How big our sky package is
  • How fast our cars go
  • How much GB of data our latest phone holds 
Unfortunately the society we live in seems to define a person by superficial numbers. What about the numbers that define happiness, health and well-being?

Today I want to talk about a set of numbers which we associate with health and fitness.

A couple of weeks ago I did the Leeds Abbey Dash and that day was a day where I became both obsessed and relaxed about numbers. The year before I had a shocker of a run and did a time which I wasn't pleased with, so my aim was to beat last year. I would love to have got another PB, however, I think my sub 45 minute 10k's are well and truly over.

I was obsessed with my time and beating last year.......a couple of things differed from last year which made me relax and enjoy (as much as I could lol) the race.
  1. I had a relaxing weekend pre race (which last year I had a girly night away which helped towards my 2017 shocker!)
  2. I didn't have my GPS. Some people may say that this more of a hindrance than help, which I would normally tend to agree. I am getting a new one for my birthday and was disappointed when I couldn't have it early for the race. However what I did do (which I had to do pre GPS) was listen to my fast when I felt good and slow down when I felt like death ;0
I am not slating a GPS as I loved mine and can't wait to get my new one. However, what I do in races is constantly check my pace, try work out what time I will be finished and stress over all the numbers! By not having one I relaxed and let my body run its course....literally!

The other numbers which probably 99% of the population seem to get obsessed with is the number on the scales. I am guilty of this too! For years I defined how good I looked by how much I weighed (crazy I know). Now it is easy to lose weight, we can starve ourselves, lose water, lose muscle mass and if we are lucky some fat. However if we lose fat, lose inches, fit into our favourite pair of jeans and like how we look, does it really matter how much we weigh?

If we train and build muscle we might weigh more, however that doesn't mean that we aren't losing fat and inches.

If you want to quit your obsession with the scales and concentrate on burning fat and losing inches then click one of the links below.

Don't let the numbers on the scales define you!
Click here burn fat and lose inches
Click here to eat healthy calories
Andrea (quitting my obsession with numbers) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

You grow old when you stop laughing!

The below picture is part of the inspiration behind today's blog.........the rest of the inspiration came from my friend and I reliving our youth last week.

Many people ask me if I was into my fitness and sport when I was at school, now I always tell them that my passion for exercise came later in life, however, after Thursday I can now say that I did actually find exercise at an early just wasn't the typical activity you would associate exercise with. For many years I was in the Majorettes, which because it was fun, it never felt like exercise! For those who don't know what Majorettes is, it is basically cheer leading/dance with a baton (a big stick which you twirl!)

On Thursday, after nearly 23 years of leaving the Majorettes, me and my friend dusted off our twirling skills to practice a routine (now I am not giving too much away, however, those who will be attending my 40th will find out lol). Well I can honestly say I have not laughed as much in ages, it is a good job that I am turning 40 and not 60 otherwise I might have needed some tena ladies! The surprising thing was how quick the skills came back, after one hours practice we had half of the routine done! I forgot how much it made my arms ache!

It is 23 years since I left the Majorettes, however, I didn't leave exercise, it might not have been in the same guise but I have still kept active, which meant I could still lift my leg high enough to throw my baton under! One thing that any exercise regime I have carried out has in common is that I enjoy it, it has brought laughter, friendship, health, sometimes tears and I think it has kept me young! When we were in the Dance studio on Thursday I felt 17 again (well until I saw my crows feet lol).

Now I am lucky enough to not only find enjoyment in the exercise I do, but also the sessions I teach, there is not often a session goes by where I don't laugh at something my clients have said or the random groans they make when they are in pain lol. Last night was the best when someone brought a butternut squash for their Halloween work-out as they couldn't get a pumpkin!

One of my goals before my 40th birthday is to help 40 people to preserve and enhance their health and fitness. So if you want to do something which makes you laugh, keeps you fit & makes you feel young then click one of the links below........


Click here to preserve and enhance your fitness
Click here to eat away the 'half time' spread
Andrea (still having a laugh) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Its not too late to start!

Hello Troops,

Hope you have had a good weekend and a good start to the week?

Last week was out of the norm for me as we launched a PR campaign for our other business 'Sporting Age'. We had a slot on Look North and also did a live interview on Radio Leeds.......slightly nerve wracking to say the least! For those who don't know, Sporting Age is a product we deliver in Primary Schools to help improve Physical Literacy of students.  Visit to find out more.

Helping children to be physically active at a young age will help give them the foundations to stay active later in life. Having said this, if someone hasn't been an active child it doesn't mean that they can't be an active is never too late to start!

You all probably know by now I turn 40 at the end of the year, and the countdown is getting nearer! Over the years I have heard people say that life begins at 40 and I am starting to think this is true as exciting things seem to be happening this year! 

A few weeks ago I launched our new package #MISSION40 as I want to help as many people as I can improve their health and fitness. Now I know I am far from ready for the scrap heap, however, I have started to notice that I don't bounce back from things as easy as I did when I was in my twenties/early thirties........nights out being the main one lol! It is the same when it comes to doing new training programmes, not having enough sleep, even a weekend away takes more recovery the week after! I often think how would I cope if I didn't eat healthy and stay active!?

If any of the above relates to you and you want to make improvements to your health and fitness then click one of the links below........

You are never too old and it is never too late!

Click here to be a fit adult
Click here to energise your body!
Andrea (bring on turning 40!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Mini Adventure has come to an end!

Hi Guys,

Hope you are all having a happy & healthy week?

This weekend was a sad one for me as I said goodbye to my Mini Cooper L. For years I had a picture of a blue mini on my computer screen as it was my dream car. Two & half years ago I was lucky enough to come across my blue Mini Cooper S and finally get behind the wheel on a daily basis.

Now when I got my car it was 7 years old and had a fair few miles on the clock, however, I knew I would look after it and enjoy it whilst it lasted. Over the last 6 months it has been giving me signs that all was not great under the bonnet! I have had a few issues which needed fixing and over the last few months I have had two mechanics tell me to get it traded in as soon as possible! Now as much as I love that car, you have to listen to the experts!

Sunday was the day when I went to do a trade in! On the Saturday I washed and cleaned my Mini and when I went to get my Dad on Sunday morning I felt quite sad that I was letting go of my ‘dream car’. My new car was in Birmingham so we had a very wet journey down on Sunday morning. I was in two minds about whether I was doing the right thing………then with about an hour to go on our journey my engine warning light came on! My mind was then made up and I drove my Sirocco home!

Now the one thing about my Mini was that it looked in great condition on the outside, however, the things happening under the bonnet were a different story!

The same can be said for people, we may look good on the outside and think we don’t need to exercise or eat healthy, however, it is what is going on inside that matters! Often like cars, we may have small warnings which flag up every now and then, which we often tend to ignore and hope will go away. We have the luxury of trading cars in, however, we only get one body! Two things which are precious are time and health….the things which can’t be reversed!

Now I listened to the experts and was in a fortunate position that I could trade my car in………….bodies are a different story.

So if you think you need to maintain your chassis before it is too late then let the experts help and click one of the links below.

Click here to be healthy inside out
Click here to eat the right fuel
Andrea (can't park my new car for toffee) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Red eye reduction

Hi Guys,

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned about a recent hot tub party and how I would write my next blog on after another weekend celebrating friends 40th's I thought this was the ideal time.

Now obviously what happens in a hot tub stays in a hot tub, however I do want to talk about the after effects of me thinking that I am still 21 on a night out!

I went to my friends hot tub party with all good intentions of having a couple of drinks then coming home as I was at a Wedding the day laid plans! Lets just say it didn't take me till 1.30am to have 'only' two drinks. I had a great day at the wedding the day after but the Sunday I felt like I had been run over by a bus!

Fast forward a couple of weekends and I was feeling the same this Sunday after a great night out for my friends birthdays. I am human and I love it at the time, the day after and the day after that, and sometimes the day after that is a different story.

I woke up Monday morning and my eyes were all red and swollen......I looked awful, now at nearly 40 years old I cant get away with puffy eyes like I could in my twenties! So instead of hitting the gym like I normally would I had to stay in bed with cucumbers on my eyes so I looked presentable for work. I actually googled causes of red puffy eyes, (because like most people I like to self diagnose lol) it is actually a reaction to alcohol!

I don't know how people do it week after week, it takes me longer to get over a night out than it does to get over minor surgery. One reason is probably because I don't drink that often so my tolerance levels are really low (and I think I am 21 when I am out).

This got me thinking that the less you practice something the harder it is. Before you get excited this blog isn't about practicing drinking is however about exercise, the more we practice the easier it gets.

How often have you started something new and felt like you cant walk for over a week? I have clients who come to their first session, or clients who try some new training and they ache for days afterwards. I am exactly the same when I start a new training plan. It is so easy to then delay the time between sessions, however the longer you leave between training sessions I think it makes the recovery process harder.

For example if you do a training session on a Monday and ache like hell, we often tell ourselves that we can't train for the rest of the week. Monday comes around again and we do something different and have the same response, this can often lead to people quitting or only training once a week. However if we trained three/four times a week, our recovery time would get easier. Now I am not saying you are never going to ache again, however, as we get fitter the aches get less.

Consistency is key, if we practice something often it becomes part of our routine and we form brushing our teeth!

So if you want to form healthy habits and save money on a night out because you can't drink a lot ;) then click one of the links below.
Click here to get consistently fitter
Click here for a 'toxin' free diet
Andrea (hangovers from hell) Springthorpe
07949 959 547


Tuesday, 2 October 2018

To be as hot as Kylie!

Last night I went to see the Pop Princess which is Kylie Minogue at Manchester Arena. It was a fantastic concert with hits both old and new.

I was impressed that she still sounded as good 30 years on and more impressed at how amazing she looks for 50 years old! If I look like that when I am 50 then I will be happy.

Now I can't comment on what her beauty regime is to look so good, however, I am guessing from her physique and the way she danced around the stage in high heels (which is a skill in itself) she has not had a life of eating pizza and sitting on the couch.

Now as I am approaching the big 40 I have started to look at health and fitness differently........I used to put so much focus on how I looked (which is still important to me) however it is what is going on in the inside too.

I am going to use my car as an example, my little Mini Cooper S. Lovely sporty number, body work still in good nick with just the odd chip here and there,on first glance looks great. However what is going on under the bonnet is a different story. 11 years old and with 93000 on the clock it is not running at its best and my 'car guy' has advised that probably won't last much longer :(

Now we have the luxury of trading cars in over our lifetime, however, we only get one body! In some cases we probably look after our cars better than we look after our bodies!

Now I know for some this seems irrelevant as getting older seems ages away, for some it might seem too late to start, however, whatever age, whatever level of health or fitness it is never too late! Small changes can lead to small results.

Our new package #MISSION40 launches on Monday 8th October, it is designed for those who want a lifestyle change, who can commit to getting fit over the next 6 months and for those who are thinking beyond a quick fix option.

I admit I have had a big issue with turning 40 as there are things in my personal life which I have not achieved, however, I know the healthier I am then those things are still achievable regardless of my milestones. Last night Kylie was my inspiration, if I can dance around in high heels and wear fitting clothes and look that good at 50 then I will be very happy!

If you feel inspired then click one of the links below........
Click here to strut your stuff as you get older
Click here to eat yourself young
Andrea (wrote this 'especially for you') Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 25 September 2018


Hi Guys,

Hope you have all had a good weekend and week so far? My weekend consisted of a Hot tub party and a Wedding (watch out for my next blog on hot tubs ;)

This year I have a big birthday coming.......40 arghhh! And it seems to be flying round quicker than Usain Bolt completing the 100 metres!

After my holidays I had what is known as the holiday blues and started to feel fed up at the prospect of turning 40! I was even going to cancel my party that I have booked!! Then I had a word with myself and got over it!

In reality it is just a number, however, it got me thinking about the things which I still want to achieve in my personal life......having said that each birthday should be celebrated and I am happy that I am nearly at 40's door, a luxury that some people don't get!

Some things in life we can't control or put a time limit on and somethings we can, like our health and fitness. Turning 40 has given me some inspiration,  I have set myself some new goals and I aim to help 40 people achieve their health and fitness goals by my Birthday in December. Health and fitness has been a big part of my life....... growing up via my folks and from my early twenties it has become part of my daily routine and career!

From 8th October our new package #MISSION40 is launched, and in honour of those who are turning or have turned 40 this year I will be giving the first month at a discounted rate #bornin1978

Some of you reading this may think 40 is miles away and for some it will be a distant memory. I honestly don't know where the last ten years have gone, I blinked and they disappeared! So if you want help in achieving your health and fitness goals, then click one of the links below or contact me on the below number.
Click here to join the #mission40 crew
Click here to feel and look fab at whatever age
Andrea (is now embracing middle age!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

When it comes to 'House every weekend'

Yesterday I was driving home from work and I was flicking through the radio stations and after being bored with what I was listening to I decided to put a CD on (CD I know, I still have them!)

The CD was one that I had bought to copy for my sessions and liked it so left in the car. Now the CD was a 'Very best of House Music, which if someone had asked me if I was into House Music I would have said no. My answer would have been based on a perception I had of house music and not actually knowing what house music was........I googled it and the description is below.

House music is a genre of electronic dance music created by club DJs and music producers in Chicago in the early 1980s

After listening to the CD most of the music I like comes under the 'House Music' genre!

The same goes for exercise.......people often say they don't like it without trying different types. On the flip side to that people can be having fun and being active without actually realising they are exercising.

This was the case on Sunday, we had a family fun day at a local park. Armed with equipment and packed lunches we had three hours of games and socialising. We had team relays, rounders, tug of war, hula hooping..........those activities brought lots of laughs, some competitive streaks came out and most of all we were exercising without realising we were doing so.

Sometimes we become blinkered in what we enjoy or think that we might not like something because of a previous perception. Just give something a go, you never know you might enjoy it!

Click one of the links below to have your mind changed!

Click here to enjoy exercise
Click here to enjoy healthy eating
Andrea (forgot how much fun rounders is) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Dating V Fitness

Hello Troops,

I know it's been a while since I have updated you on my dating, well quite frankly dating over the age of 35 is proving worse than sticking needles in my eyes! The straw that broke the camels back was when I was supposed to have a date at the weekend - I suggested meeting him for coffee and the vibe I was getting wasn't great so I ended up cancelling. I then received a message calling me weird for wanting to meet for coffee!

Dating in a world of swipes is grim, what happened to old school dating where you met a guy got on and took it from there?

This situation got me thinking and made me realise that dating and fitness are not dissimilar. 
  1. There are those who want a quick fix
  2. Those who expect results after one session
  3. Those that go all out at first then have burn out after a few months
  4. Those that blame someone else when they don't get the results they want
  5. And finally those who are consistent, who commit to long term results and realise that you don't get results overnight!
Number 5 for me is something we should inspire to be (whether that is in fitness or dating!)

If you have patience, want a lifestyle change and want long lasting results then you have to commit to regular exercise and be consistent when it comes to healthy eating.

So if you want help to commit to be fit then click one of the links below.
Click here to commit to be fit
Click here to be consistent with healthy eating
Andrea (might have better look searching in tesco) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Backing a Winner

Hi Guys,

Hope you are well and have had a good bank holiday?

Last Thursday I went to Ladies Day at York races, it was a great day and I even managed to back a couple of winners (well my friend had great tips so I followed her lead).

Now I aren't a big gambler and I soon get bored when my horses end up trailing at the rear, so after the first couple of races I decided not to bet on one of the races, it ended up being one of the most successful ones for my mates and I missed out!

When it comes to horse racing I tend to think that it is luck of the draw as to who wins on the day. Yes I agree that some horses have better odds, better trainers, better jockeys and better genes however no matter what prep has been done it is all down to one race.

I have had some personal experience of this.....well not in horse racing obviously! However back in the day when I enjoyed doing long distance running, I was training for one of London Marathons I have completed and I was wanting to see if I could get under 4 hours. So I cut out booze (not that I drank much to start with), made sure that my healthy eating stayed on track, trained well, got lots of rest and had some great training runs. Everything was heading in the direction of hitting that goal!

When it came to the day I ended up twisting my ankle on a water bottle and ended up having to walk the last 11 say I was peed off is an understatement! As someone who was running the Marathon for 'fun' the only person I was letting down was myself, as it was my personal goal.

When it comes to health and fitness the only person you should be focusing on is yourself. It doesn't matter what other people are doing, what level they are at, backing yourself as a Winner and becoming the best version of yourself should become a priority.

At Fit 4 Force our sessions help you to become the best version of yourself, train at your own level whilst increasing health and fitness levels. The sessions are group based, however, the focus is on the individual. Interval based training allows everyone to work at their own level whilst still pushing themselves.

Time to start backing yourself as a winner!

If you want to find out more or want to try a FREE taster session then click one of the links below
Click here to get over the first hurdle to fitness
Click here to eat like a thoroughbred 
Andrea (prefer the socialising to gambling) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Habits achieve goals


Well it is a week since I got back from Spain and finally getting back into work mode! I had a fantastic 10 days away, a very much needed break.

I was struggling for content this week, hence why my blog is later than usual. I thought I could start telling you about my holiday and one particular night when I had far too much Gin and staggered home at 5am, but then I thought who wants to know about that ;)

Anyway today I want to talk about habits, part of my job is to get people to form new habits......start exercising on a regular basis and eating healthy. Now every year I go on holiday I lay on my sun lounger and read, something which 'I don't have time for at home' or should I say I don't make time for at home! So for the past 5 years I have come back from holiday saying I am going to learn Spanish and make sure I read at least 4 times a night before bed.

Well I can ask for un agua por favor and this year I took a book to read on holiday which I got for last years holiday and not read!!

This year I read 3 books whilst I was away, so again I got back and told myself that I needed to read more. Well the reason I am writing about this is because this year I have stuck to it! I have read every night (apart from one) since I have got home. I have made a conscious effort to go to bed half an hour earlier and read.

I mentioned in one of my previous blogs that I don't relax enough and I have found that this has killed two birds with one stone, reading & relaxing. I am great at getting up every morning before work and hitting the gym, I am great at prepping my food so I always have healthy meals, however, up to press I have not been great at relaxing. I often don't understand when I hear people say they don't have time to exercise as we all have the same 24 hours, however I have been guilty of saying the same thing when it comes to making time to relax and read.

Now health and fitness is not all about doing exercise and healthy eating, we have to take care of our well being too which most of us neglect. Most of us have busy schedules, we make appointments and schedule meetings very easily so why not book yourself some 'me time' in the diary and you will probably find that you are more motivated to do some activity and start to eat healthy.

If you want any help on the exercise or healthy eating front then click one of the links below.
Click here to diarise your fitness session
Click here to eat well and feel great
Andrea (too old for 5am finish) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Sunday, 29 July 2018

Soon forgot the day 16 degrees felt warm

So this weekend the joggers & hoody have been out and there have been times when I have felt....dare I say it cold!! The crazy thing is that it has still been 16/17 degrees one point I would have though that was warm enough for shorts!

We have had an amazing summer and it shows how quickly we acclimatise to the warm weather. Friday was a very sweaty bootcamp.....even I got a sweat on watching everyone ;) Then I stepped out the front door on Saturday morning and it felt so fresh after the rain we had Friday night.

I called at the shop Saturday morning and someone was moaning about the it a British thing where we seem to moan at everything? Too hot, too cold, too dry, too much rain blah blah.....

The same goes for exercise, 'moaning about not getting the results, but not willing to change'!

I was quite shocked how I felt cold when it is 16 degrees, however, our bodies soon adapt to the conditions it is put under. The same goes for exercise, when we first start to exercise and follow a healthy diet we often see results straight away.....then we start to plateau. If we keep doing the same thing for a prolonged period of time our body gets used to it. That's when we need to shock it and try something different.

Your training sessions should be varied and progressive, diet should be consistent and you should always be out of your 'comfort zone' with any type of training. The problem with most people is they struggle with variety and don't always try different training techniques.

If this sounds like you and you feel the need to mix it up and challenge yourself then click one of the links below.

Click here to mix up your training
Click here to shock your body into being healthy!
Andrea (forget what my hoody looked like) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

P.S Look out for our revamped packages coming soon!

Tuesday, 24 July 2018


Well this weekend I got to help celebrate one of my best friends Wedding! I had the honour of being one of the bridesmaids and it truly was an amazing day!

I have known my friend for about 30 years! (I know we don't look old enough lol) We first met at majorettes when I was nine years old.......who would have thought that 30 years later we are still friends. In fact the group of girls in the picture are my 'majorette' friends and we have all stayed in touch and they are some of my closest friends.

Like with any relationship, whether that is friendship or a marriage you have to be consistent. Make an effort on a regular basis then the relationship stays in tact. If we hadn't made the effort over the years then our friendship would have fizzled out as quick as our baton twirling skills...(although we are not too bad at it still lol). There have been times we don't see enough of each other, however, we know that we are all there for each other.

Exercise and healthy eating is like a marriage, you have to commit to doing it on a regular basis, there might be days you want out and want to sit in and eat cream cakes instead of training or cooking something healthy. However, as long as this is a rarity rather than regular occurrence then you will get the results you want.

Life, love, friendships, health and fitness all come with hurdles along the is how you tackle those hurdles that determine the outcome.

Andrea (now I want to get married) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Even Wonder Woman needs a day off!

Can you believe it is nearly the summer holidays and that most schools break up this Friday! You will be pleased to know that Fit 4 Force sessions keep going so you can still blitz those bodies into shape!

Since I got back from Ibiza my weekends have been pretty full on with hen do's, endurance events, anniversary parties and concerts. Last week at work I think all these events caught up with me as I felt exhausted!

I was booked in to do a 10k race on Saturday, then go for afternoon tea. However I made the decision not to go and do the race and just to have a day where I didn't need to set an alarm or have to be at a certain place for a certain time.

I am the first to admit that I very rarely relax and just sit and do nothing, I am constantly on the go whether that is for work, training or my social life and every so often it hits me! It is hard to admit that I am not Wonder Woman and the fact that I don't bounce back like I did when I was younger. In fact it is like getting over minor surgery after one night out!!

Now I know I have spoken about this in the past, however, rest days and getting enough sleep is as important as training and eating healthy. Rest and sleep allows our bodies time to recover and repair. I am probably the worst one for taking my own advice, until I get to the point where my body makes the decision for me! We need to listen to our bodies, if you feel run down, tired, ache all the time then this is probably a good sign that you need a rest!

Even Wonder Woman needs a rest day!

So if you want to get the most out of your training without having to train every day and run yourself into the ground then click one of the links below.
Click here for quality training sessions
Click here feel energised through food
Andrea (not Wonder Woman in disguise) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

P.S Look out for our revamped packages coming soon!

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

A weekend of celebrations #itscominghome

Hello Troops,

Well I think this weeks blog has to be on the events of the weekend! First off Fit 4 Force celebrated 7 years in business whaooo and secondly I think there was a football event on ;) 

Joking aside massive shout out to the England squad and I am sure I am not the only one who will be cheering them on tomorrow night! I will be honest I don't follow football normally, however, this World Cup has been fantastic and seems to have brought the nation together. England are doing fantastic with what is a relative young & inexperienced team of players.

Saturday was a great day.....watching England win then we celebrated 7 years in business with a meal and a boogie. Now when I ask clients to do Burpees in a session I can feel the daggers in the back of my head, yet get them on the dance floor after a few drinks and they want to do them off their own back ;)

I can honestly say that the last 7 years has been a roller coaster which I have enjoyed. There has been ups and downs, laughs and tears but most of all for me is enjoyment! I feel like a proud Mum every time someone hits a new goal or does something they thought they couldn't.

If we are honest not many of us thought England would get as far as they have, however, they have proved us wrong and seem to be getting stronger as a team.

The same goes for exercise, there might be things which you think are unachievable, things you think you cant do, however, with the right support, motivator and team mates you can do it! Last night we had our very own World Cup themed and fun is what it is all about!

Andrea (7 bloody years!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

P.S Look out for our revamped packages coming soon!

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Enjoy rather Endure it!

Hi Guys,

Hope you have had a good weekend and still making the most of the lovely weather. The super soaker has been a regular addition at boot camp over the last few weeks!

This weekend I did an endurance event, Endure 24......24 hours of relay running which started on Saturday at 12 noon and finished on Sunday at 12 noon. There were a group of us which took part, we had two teams of 5, two teams of 4, two duos and one solo runner!!

Now I will be honest I was dreading the weekend, I did the event last year and on the last lap (5 x laps - 25 miles) I shed a tear as I was in so much pain and completely exhausted!! Now I think I must of blocked that part of it out when I was asked to do it again as I agreed to go for more torture.

Now if you are a regular reader of my blog you will know that my goal posts have changed when it comes to running, I much prefer interval training than pounding out mile after mile steady state running. The most I had run up to the event was 6 miles so I knew I wasn't prepared.

Each leg was 5 miles, however, when the laps accumulate you cover a lot of miles.....which I didn't have in my legs. So with this in mind combined with the heat, it was something I wish I hadn't signed up for.

The bonus about it being hot was that it made camping more bearable, we had more of a laugh at base camp and I didn't have to pack as many warm clothes!

Myself and my running buddy (who is also an interval queen) completed the first lap with some of the other people from other teams from our group, steady paced.......OMG it dragged like hell, my legs hurt, my Achilles was giving me bother and all I could think of was the pain I was in last year on my final lap!

So after that we decided to do each lap as in a way the whole event was interval training, you did a lap had some rest then went again. However, we had to make the 5 mile laps more enjoyable. So our second lap we did as went so much quicker and I enjoyed it rather than endured it! Plus my legs and my Achilles didn't hurt as much! We did interval training for the remaining laps, we completed one more lap than last year (30 miles) and I could have done another if someone had forced me to do so. The experience was completely different to last year. In fact I have taken part in lots of endurance events over the years and this is the one where I have completed the most miles!

Now I was still tired, my legs still fact so did my abs from the faster paced running, but I wasn't in agony like previously! Plus my fat burning would have increased by doing intervals instead of steady state running. For me mentally it was so much easier doing the laps as a training session I enjoyed....if your mind is in the game it is amazing how the body responds.......basically we did 5 miles of steady state then 25 miles as intervals!!

Anything that I do it has to have an enjoyment factor, work, exercise, socialising, if not what is the point!?

When it comes to exercise we all want something which gives us results, however, to get and maintain those results it has to be enjoyable.......if we have to endure something rather than enjoy it then sustainability goes out of the window.

I have tried different training techniques over the years, I used to be a plodding penguin over the years and now I have turned into an interval inferno (well in my head I have lol). I actually never thought I would complete an endurance event by doing intervals and enjoy it! Sometimes you have to break from the norm and try something different!

So if you want training which is sustainable, fun and gets results then why not try boot camp? I have been there and done it and can pass the best bits onto you guys!
Click here to enjoy rather than endure training
Click here to fuel your fitness
Andrea (shocked that I enjoyed 30 miles!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

P.S Look out for our revamped packages coming soon!

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

What happens in Ibiza.....goes in my blog!

Errrr well the title is not entirely true.......certain things that happen in Ibiza can go in my blog, the rest can stay in the Balearics!

So last week I was back to reality after spending four nights on the gorgeous Isle of Ibiza. Eight of us jetted off and spent four nights for fun in the sun in a private Villa. To say that the holiday was action packed is an understatement. I am not sure how we fitted it all in!

Now I am not going to give you a blow by blow account of what happened, however in short we Irish danced and synchronised swam till the early hours and killed Meatloaf on the karaoke. Drunk purchased beach fabric whilst sunbathing, spent a whole day on a private boat, stopping off at a gorgeous Island. And danced away to Tinie Tempah and David Guetta........not bad for only 4 nights.

For me it was a fantastic break with fantastic friends which combined all the components I would want out of a holiday.......relaxing, laughing, experiencing new things and enjoying nice food and drink.

For me I love variety.......whether that relates to a holiday, my work, my training, my life in general. How boring would it be if we did the same thing day in day out!?

Taking this into account I like to take that variety and inject it into my fitness sessions........each session is different and includes the components for an all round health and fitness regime.......strength, endurance, speed and power.

The hard part of most training is knowing what to do and to also get a many people stick to one element of training (i.e cardio) and end up getting injured as they have neglected their strength....or vice versa. Now there isn't a one size fits all approach, however, if you want to try something new, which offers a balance of different training techniques and components of fitness then click one of the links below.
Click here for variety of training
Click here for a eating plan full of variety
Andrea (on countdown to the next trip!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

P.S Look out for our revamped packages coming soon!

Monday, 11 June 2018

In the words of Phil Collins......

My names Andrea and I have been watching Love Island!......

There you have it, confession over......I am known to watch reality TV, with Love Island being the most recent. Now I watched it last year and vowed not to get hooked this year! I won't say I am hooked, however, I know enough to be writing about it.

The one thing that has shocked me this year, is how much the contestants talk about who they like, what their 'game plan' is and how much pressure they put on each other to make a decision after only a week in there! As Phil Collins Mama said 'You can't hurry love!'

Love or any kind of relationship is something which is built over time......... getting to know someone properly, doesn't happen over night, it takes months, years and sometimes then you don't fully know someone. Now the circumstances which they are in are not natural, if you met someone you wouldn't spend 24/7 with them to the intensity of things are often increased.....however, these types of situations rarely last!

The same goes for health and fitness, results don't happen over night, they happen over chocolate bar doesn't make you fat, nor does one salad make you thin! It is what you do the most of that impacts your results......if you consistently eat 'bad' you will put on weight, if you consistently eat 'good' then you will get closer to your results. Now you can follow the extreme fad diets, live off shakes and 600 calories,  lose weight (mainly water and muscle when you are starving yourself) but these are not sustainable. Then when you go back to eating again the original weight and often more is gained!

Over the last 8 weeks I have been reigning in the bad 'comfort' eating habits I had got into over the rubbish winter we have had. Consistency has paid off....I have lost 11lb and 13.25" Now I have done that over a period of time, not starved myself, trained consistently and had the odd treat! For me this was 'getting myself back' and to stop reaching for food when I was stressed or tired.

You can't hurry health & fitness, or love for that matter......however, you can build a solid foundation to start building on what you want in the future.....(mine is abs for my 40th!)

So if you want help to achieve your goals, in a healthy sustainable way then click one of the links below.......

Click here for consistent fitness
Click here for a sustainable eating plan
Andrea (is now beach ready) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

P.S Look out for our revamped packages coming soon!

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

When you know something is wrong and do it anyway.......

Hi Guys,

Hope you have had a good weekend and enjoyed the lovely weather we had?

Last week was a busy week.....we officially signed and started training our new franchisee with Legacy Sport (my other business). So it was great for me to relieve some stress and put my boot campers through their paces ;)

On Friday I met a friend for coffee and whilst I was waiting for her arrive I went to get some more earrings. I went into the shop and asked them to show me where the clip on's were..........I cant believe the limited choice, well unless I wanted to wear Unicorns or lady birds in my ears! I was looking and one of the assistants came straight over and asked if I wanted to have my ears pierced instead.

Now for those that don't know I was born with a hole in the heart and have two leaky valves so I am not supposed to get any piercings in case there is a risk of infection. I proceeded to tell the assistant this and also said that it probably included tattoos but I had them anyway!

Now I would like to say that this is something which was done when I was young......well my first one was and my last one was when I was 37 (or 38 - can't remember) so I can't blame it on being too young to know any better.

If we are honest we have probably all done something at some stage in our lives which we know is wrong, or not good for us and done it anyway.

If we look at health related things, how many people smoke, drink in excess, constantly eat the wrong foods and never exercise? These are all things which have a negative effect on our health yet people still make the decision to do it.

I'll be honest when I had my first tattoo I was 23, just split from my fiancée at the time and went and got it without thinking. Fast forward 14/15 years and I knew what I was doing, went to a reputable artist and looked after it properly.

The same goes with diet, if you are consistently good, then one cheat meal is not going to harm you. However it is when the cheat meals become regular and the healthy eating is limited that issues can arise.

So if you want to take your first step to becoming a healthy version of yourself then click one of the links below and let us help you.
Click here to have a healthy heart and body
Click here to reduce cheat meals and increase healthy eating
Andrea (managed to get some decent clip on's) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

P.S Look out for our revamped packages coming soon!