Remember the days when you used to call for your mates on your bike, head off for the day and only come home when you were hungry or you needed a plaster as your wheelie went wrong!?
Being young and learning new things is exciting, however as we get older we either forget how to do things or for most of us get out of the habit of taking part in different activities.
Now I don't know about you guys but I don't think I have ever used or had the need to use trigonometry since I left Secondary school!
However there are things we learnt as a child which we never forget even as we get older.....riding a bike is one of them. Once we learn we have those skills for life.....we might be a bit rusty but with a bit of practice they soon come back.
This is something which me and some friends have had the experience of we haven't started doing wheelies in the park......we have dusted off our batons and learnt to twirl again.
Majorettes is an activity which I did on a weekly basis from the age of 10 to 17. Now without giving the game away....lets just say we are providing some special entertainment at my 40th Party ;) Our twirling skills maybe rusty, however, they are skills that we will have for life, plus the fun we have had over the last few weeks has been great!

Exercise is something which some people seem to forget about as they get older, you may have been active as a child and got out of the habit of doing exercise or adult life just got in the way? Whatever the reason, it is never too late to get back on the exercise saddle and start over. Exercise has the feel good factor and I think anything that makes you feel young again or gets you away from the grind of daily life is a must.
At Fit 4 Force not only can we help you to get back into exercise, we can provide the feel good factor, make you feel young, have a laugh with other members and provide 60 minutes of escape from the daily grind.
We are doing a FREE training week w/c 3rd December, so if you want to try us out then sign up below.Being young and learning new things is exciting, however as we get older we either forget how to do things or for most of us get out of the habit of taking part in different activities.
Now I don't know about you guys but I don't think I have ever used or had the need to use trigonometry since I left Secondary school!
However there are things we learnt as a child which we never forget even as we get older.....riding a bike is one of them. Once we learn we have those skills for life.....we might be a bit rusty but with a bit of practice they soon come back.
This is something which me and some friends have had the experience of we haven't started doing wheelies in the park......we have dusted off our batons and learnt to twirl again.
Majorettes is an activity which I did on a weekly basis from the age of 10 to 17. Now without giving the game away....lets just say we are providing some special entertainment at my 40th Party ;) Our twirling skills maybe rusty, however, they are skills that we will have for life, plus the fun we have had over the last few weeks has been great!

Exercise is something which some people seem to forget about as they get older, you may have been active as a child and got out of the habit of doing exercise or adult life just got in the way? Whatever the reason, it is never too late to get back on the exercise saddle and start over. Exercise has the feel good factor and I think anything that makes you feel young again or gets you away from the grind of daily life is a must.
At Fit 4 Force not only can we help you to get back into exercise, we can provide the feel good factor, make you feel young, have a laugh with other members and provide 60 minutes of escape from the daily grind.
So dust off those trainers and click one of the links below
Click here to get back on the exercise saddle
Click here to fuel your new routine
Andrea (midlife majorette) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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