The below picture is part of the inspiration behind today's blog.........the rest of the inspiration came from my friend and I reliving our youth last week.

Many people ask me if I was into my fitness and sport when I was at school, now I always tell them that my passion for exercise came later in life, however, after Thursday I can now say that I did actually find exercise at an early just wasn't the typical activity you would associate exercise with. For many years I was in the Majorettes, which because it was fun, it never felt like exercise! For those who don't know what Majorettes is, it is basically cheer leading/dance with a baton (a big stick which you twirl!)
On Thursday, after nearly 23 years of leaving the Majorettes, me and my friend dusted off our twirling skills to practice a routine (now I am not giving too much away, however, those who will be attending my 40th will find out lol). Well I can honestly say I have not laughed as much in ages, it is a good job that I am turning 40 and not 60 otherwise I might have needed some tena ladies! The surprising thing was how quick the skills came back, after one hours practice we had half of the routine done! I forgot how much it made my arms ache!
It is 23 years since I left the Majorettes, however, I didn't leave exercise, it might not have been in the same guise but I have still kept active, which meant I could still lift my leg high enough to throw my baton under! One thing that any exercise regime I have carried out has in common is that I enjoy it, it has brought laughter, friendship, health, sometimes tears and I think it has kept me young! When we were in the Dance studio on Thursday I felt 17 again (well until I saw my crows feet lol).
Now I am lucky enough to not only find enjoyment in the exercise I do, but also the sessions I teach, there is not often a session goes by where I don't laugh at something my clients have said or the random groans they make when they are in pain lol. Last night was the best when someone brought a butternut squash for their Halloween work-out as they couldn't get a pumpkin!
One of my goals before my 40th birthday is to help 40 people to preserve and enhance their health and fitness. So if you want to do something which makes you laugh, keeps you fit & makes you feel young then click one of the links below........
Click here to preserve and enhance your fitness

Many people ask me if I was into my fitness and sport when I was at school, now I always tell them that my passion for exercise came later in life, however, after Thursday I can now say that I did actually find exercise at an early just wasn't the typical activity you would associate exercise with. For many years I was in the Majorettes, which because it was fun, it never felt like exercise! For those who don't know what Majorettes is, it is basically cheer leading/dance with a baton (a big stick which you twirl!)
On Thursday, after nearly 23 years of leaving the Majorettes, me and my friend dusted off our twirling skills to practice a routine (now I am not giving too much away, however, those who will be attending my 40th will find out lol). Well I can honestly say I have not laughed as much in ages, it is a good job that I am turning 40 and not 60 otherwise I might have needed some tena ladies! The surprising thing was how quick the skills came back, after one hours practice we had half of the routine done! I forgot how much it made my arms ache!
It is 23 years since I left the Majorettes, however, I didn't leave exercise, it might not have been in the same guise but I have still kept active, which meant I could still lift my leg high enough to throw my baton under! One thing that any exercise regime I have carried out has in common is that I enjoy it, it has brought laughter, friendship, health, sometimes tears and I think it has kept me young! When we were in the Dance studio on Thursday I felt 17 again (well until I saw my crows feet lol).
Now I am lucky enough to not only find enjoyment in the exercise I do, but also the sessions I teach, there is not often a session goes by where I don't laugh at something my clients have said or the random groans they make when they are in pain lol. Last night was the best when someone brought a butternut squash for their Halloween work-out as they couldn't get a pumpkin!
One of my goals before my 40th birthday is to help 40 people to preserve and enhance their health and fitness. So if you want to do something which makes you laugh, keeps you fit & makes you feel young then click one of the links below........
Click here to preserve and enhance your fitness
Click here to eat away the 'half time' spread
Andrea (still having a laugh) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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