Thursday, 7 November 2019

Two things that go together

Today I thought I best pull my finger out and get a blog out before you all worry that I have been missing in action!

I am currently sat on the sofa under a fleece blanket listening to the rain, not only outside, but also dripping down my hall wall as I have come home to a leak!!

On my way home, I noticed a lady who was walking in the torrential rain in what looked like white summer trousers along with a thick winter coat. First I thought how those white trousers won't stay clean for long in this weather and then my second thought was how the two items of clothing didn't seem to match as they were for different seasons.

This got me thinking about fitness and how you see people who exercise consistently yet have a shocking diet. Also those who are really strict and healthy with their food, yet don't move! Then there are those who are bad with both!

Many of us know or have heard that good results come from 30% exercise and 70% diet, I agree that these two combined equals 100% dedication. Unfortunately one hour of exercise does not outdo the other 23 hours of the day if you are making bad choices when it comes to food. I am not saying that you can't enjoy the occasional treat, I enjoy the odd treat otherwise life would be pretty dull! However it is how much and how often we have those treats that are the difference to getting where we want to be or staying the same!

So if you want to be consistent with your results and be work on that 100% dedication then click one of the links below...

Click here for the 30% of dedication

Click here for the 70% of dedication
Andrea (even gives out chocolate at bootcamp on special occasions!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

16 years to beat a World Record!

Back in 2003 Paula Radcliffe set the world record for women's fastest marathon in London, with an impressive time of 2.15.25! This weekend that record was broken by Brigid Kosgei at the Chicago Marathon in a time of 2.14.04!

It is a shame that an English athlete no longer holds the record, however, to hold it for 16 years is very impressive! Especially as nutrition and training experts become more knowledgeable, however, having said this, I believe genetics and natural talent play a massive role. When I used to run Marathons (I started round about the time Paula was breaking records), I know that even if I worked with nutrition and training experts I would never achieve world records.

However, over the years I did change the way I trained, fuelled correctly and broke my own records! When I look back at the days I used to love long distance running (it's a long time long distance running and love have gone in the same sentence lol), I started training by just doing LSD (long slow distance - not the drug!) and yes I did the miles, but never got any faster. I was constantly tired and wanted to eat rubbish! The year I got my PB, I ran less, combined my long distance runs with speed training and incorporated resistance training. I felt stronger (and happier) through-out my training, my physique was better (the runners paunch decreased) and my goal of running faster was achieved!

Now over the years I have come across a lot of runners, who just want to run miles and miles and miles as they worry that they won't get any faster! In fact those that train that way generally don't get any faster as they are normally riddled with injury. The runners I know who are successful, combine speed training with less mileage, do some sort of resistance training and come to my bootcamp haha!

Joking aside, I always promote that you mix your training up, if your body gets used to doing the same thing you never adapt, you never progress and often pick up injuries.

So if you want to mix your training up, then click one of the links below and let me take the stress of planning your work-out out of the equation. Now I am not saying I can help you break I world record, however, I can help you towards your own records!

Click here to break your own records

Click here to eat like an athlete.
Andrea (happy that hit my running goals) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 10 October 2019

World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day, so what a great opportunity to discuss the benefits exercise has on mental health.

We are all aware of the physical benefits exercise has, however, exercise also has many benefits when it comes to mental health. It can help with anxiety, depression, stress. It can help improve memory and help you sleep better (god knows what my memory would be like if I didn't exercise, as it is bad enough already!) All the aforementioned are things which, if left to their own devices can have a negative impact on physical health too.

For me exercise is part of my daily routine, not only to improve physically, but mentally too. It is my time to switch off, to do something for myself and gives me a great start to the day, both physically and mentally.

Yesterday I had a meeting first thing so I didn't have time to go to the gym, my start to the day was being sat in the car (and traffic) for a good couple of hours. I felt sluggish and tired most of the day. Now it might have been co-incidence, however, this morning I was back in the gym and I have felt so much better..... and being more productive.

So many people turn to food, alcohol or other substances to try and make them feel better when they are low. These may have an acute effect on how they feel, however, long term will only make them feel worse!

If I have had a busy day at work, or been cooped up all day I often go for a walk or run after work, there is nothing better than getting in the fresh air and getting active to make you feel better! This is something which you can incorporate with friends, over the summer I have been meeting my friend once a week and heading out for a walk, instead of our usual 'coffee catch up'. Not only does this make us feel better, it is saving money too (as we have to go to 'popular' coffee shops as my hot drink making skills are pants!)

A lot of clients often say how they have times where they can't be bothered to come to their sessions, however, 60 minutes later, they feel better - even if they are sweaty and shattered. It is the same for me teaching a class, because even though I don't join in as I am instructing I feel better as I am still moving, I am walking around, demonstrating exercises and currently some of my sessions are outside. I also have some fantastic clients who put a smile on my face.

So get active, improve your physical and mental health and do it with like minded people!

Click here to improve your mental health as well as physical

Click here to eat yourself happy
Andrea (helping improve your mood) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Interact and be energised!

So here I am sat in my second office (aka Costa) to do my blog. As I was driving here I thought I would write about National Fitness Day which was yesterday (25th September), however, when I arrived I was more shocked than usual about what I saw. Now I often look in disbelief at couples, families, friends, who go out and interact with their phones more than they do each other! Unfortunately it seems to be the norm and acceptable........I actually think it is bloody rude, if you are out with someone and they are glued to their phones!!

Now don't get me wrong I think it is great how technology has evolved and how it can make lots of services more accessible to people, including fitness. However, when it takes over good old fashioned conversation and interacting with people, then I think people have a problem. We have an Obesity epidemic which is on the increase, the last thing we need is a nation of people who no longer know how to hold a conversation too!

When I am not at work, I can check emails, go on Social media at any point of the day where I am on my own, why would anyone want to go on their phones when in the company of an actual person? Now don't get me wrong I use technology on a daily basis and it is a key part of my business(es), however, just like I have a healthy balance when it comes to health and fitness I think that the same can be said when it comes to technology. A few weeks ago I disabled facebook on my phone and have to say it is one of the best things I have done. I only put it on once a week and it is amazing how much time I used to waste scrolling on there looking at pointless stuff! I have an app for booking people into bootcamp and I actually feel bad that my phone is out at the beginning of the session to book people in! I have seen in the past instructors or PT's on their phones during in a session.....if you have experienced that then you need to change your instructor!

For me interacting with people creates energy, if you have energy then you are more likely to be active. So if you want some time out from the technological world and train with an instructor who is focused on what is happening in the session and not the outside world then click one of the links below.

Click here to switch off from technology and be active

Click here to fuel your fitness and detox 
Andrea (likes to speak to people) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 19 September 2019

VO2 max of an excellent 20 year old.....wahoo!

I was out for my usual Sunday run with my friend and we were discussing her new Garmin. She was telling me how it told her her VO2 max (measurement of maximum amount of oxygen a person can utilize during exercise). It then got me questioning my own Garmin as I thought that it didn't' give me that information.

So when I got home I connected it to the Garmin app (something I only do once in a while) and low and behold there it was. Not only did it tell me my VO2 max it also said that it was at a level of an excellent 20 year old!! Wahoo not bad going for a 40 year old! When I saw my brother I was telling him (as he recently got the same watch) well within 10 seconds he showed me how to access it on my watch!

I got my watch as a birthday present so it has only taken me 9 months to discover how to use some of the features!! I can only imagine what else I am missing out on. Now I could use the excuse of being a technophobe, however, in all honesty I have no patience to a) sit and read the instructions or b) to have a play around and see what it can do. Watches, phones, computers etc I just want to be able to switch on and for them to work!

Now when I saw that my VO2 max compared to that of a 20 year old (an excellent one at that) this sparked my interest to look at what else it measures. Likewise should it have come up with a less than positive reading then it would have made me want to do something about it (as I am very competitive with myself).

Just like I neglected my watch, many people neglect their bodies and don't utilize them to their full potential. Like my watch they sit for months, often years, not using all of the features. Features which are designed to be used on a regular basis, features which get better the more they move and features that give positive results to health & well-being. Now one thing we don't need for our bodies is an instruction manual, we don't need to read how to walk, how to eat or drink or perform everyday tasks, these are something we learned at an early age and come naturally.

Exercise is one thing that should come naturally, however, over the decades we have become more sedentary and less confident in our own ability to move on a regular basis. Now I don't have a 50 page manual you have to download just to know how to move, however, I can take the stress out of knowing what to do!

So if you want to use all your features click one of the links below.

Click here to unlock all your features

Click here to fuel something that will last you a lifetime!
Andrea (really need to increase my patience) Springthorpe
07949 959 547


Friday, 13 September 2019

Success is not in what you have, but who you are!

Well it's been a busy week since I did my last blog......

Last Friday I headed up to the :Lakes with a group of friends, we have had a very busy week at Sporting Age and Fit 4 Force is still going strong!

I also had my 75th coaching session with my business coach - well I call him a business coach, however, he helps with both my professional and personal life. When I first started working with Adrian I was running Fit 4 Force and working part time in a secondary school. If I am honest I wasn't in a place I wanted to be in, I struggled to pay my bills, I was unhappy as I felt like nothing was changing or moving forward in my personal life and I had a car which was costing me more and more money each month! I constantly compared myself to my friends and felt disappointed that they had the things that I wanted.

3 years and 75 sessions later I can say that I am happy with the person I have grown into and the success that has come along the way. Now if I was to measure success on paper I would say that I have a long way to go, especially in my personal life - I am still waiting for the hunk of a hubby and a couple of kids of my own!! Working with someone who believes in me, gave me the confidence to go for another job. That job at the time was Legacy Sport and that opportunity was one of the best so far in my career, I became Director and last year we officially launched Sporting Age and became one of the Directors there too. So not only can I follow my passion on an evening by putting my adult clients through hell ;) I also get to help inspire primary school children to be more physically active.

It has been a whirlwind 3 years, I have learnt new skills, put myself out of my comfort zone and learned to relax and stop trying to control things in my life which I can't. I have also updated the clapped out Corsa!! Also a by product of me being more relaxed was Fit 4 Force has grown too!

When I was in the Lakes at the weekend I did a 10k trial run (which was more like a fell run!), it was a last minute signing on my part, I have struggled with a few injuries this year and not trained - so talk about having a shock to the system. If anyone has ever done a hardcore trail run then you will probably know that when the hellish hills kick in, most people start to walk. I am actually such a wuss when it comes to going down hill too - I was probably as slow going down as I was going up. Now the fact that people walked made me feel better as I had to walk too, if that had have happened on a road race I would have felt guilty and annoyed at myself that I had to walk. For me the success of the weekend was to complete my first fell(ish) race and not die lol! 5 or 10 years ago I would have been chasing a time, been worried about what others were doing or beat myself up because I walked or acted like a wuss going down hill. However, I went and enjoyed (well not at the time) the experience. I would like to say I soaked up the views however, all I saw was the floor and my feet!

The main thing I have learnt over my time working with Adrian is not to give a s**t about what other people are doing. I have learnt to focus on myself and be happy with what I have in life and be patient for the things that are yet to come........

Over 8 years of teaching bootcamp I have seen so many people progress and achieve things they may never have thought possible. What is a success to one person is the norm to another. Even though train in a group, everyone is made to feel individual - they can work at their own level, celebrate their own success and most of all have a fantastic tribe of people around them who help them celebrate. One concern people may have when coming to bootcamp is that other people will be watching what they do. I can tell you know that everyone else is so focused on their own achievements that they don;t have the energy to watch anyone else!

The main thing that kept me focused and feeling good about myself, even when I perceived things to be a bit s**t was exercise!

So if you want to invest in yourself (both physically and mentally) and focus on yourself then click one of the links below

Click here for personal success

Click here for feel good nutrition
Andrea (was glad of the ice-cream van at end of that awful run!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547


Friday, 6 September 2019

When you don't want something to end......

There are many enjoyable things in life which we don't want to end, favourite movie, a great conversation, favourite meal or chocolate bar and summer......I am really not ready for summer to end!

I am clinging on to the last bit of nice weather we might have, shorts were still on for bootcamp on Monday and my sandals have still been worn for work. My alarm has been going off this week and I thought it was faulty as it felt like the middle of the night as it was still dark :(

I definitely need to retire somewhere warm or have a holiday home in the sun!

Now when it comes to training there are many times I wish the sessions were over, when you are doing a tough gym session, a hard class or your lungs or on fire from doing a run. I can say that probably 8 out of 10 times I am glad that the session is over! However even though I am often glad it is over it is only ever short term feeling - as I always (well 90% of the time) feel good once it is complete.

On the flip side, the by product of a hard session is the health benefits you gain - which is something I want to continue as long as possible! I was lucky enough to have healthy, fit role models in my parents. Ever since I can remember they have been into fitness, even now they are older with a few aches and pains under their belts the benefits of years of training still show.

Now I can't stop the summer ending or have a never ending bag of Cadbury's giant buttons (one of my faves in case you haven't guessed). However I can control how long my health and fitness lasts by investing time into training and eating healthy.

So if you want help to make health infinite click one of the links below.

Click here for never ending health benefits

Click here to eat for longevity
Andrea (partial to Cardbury's buttons) Springthorpe
07949 959 547


Wednesday, 28 August 2019

When did being overweight become the norm!?

Hope you have all had a good bank holiday and enjoyed the gorgeous weather!

Mine was pretty chilled catching up with friends and relaxing. On Monday I visited Ilkley Lido (outdoor swimming pool). I have never been before and the lovely weather meant it was very busy.

I went with my friend and her niece, we pitched up with our towels and bikinis and relaxed on the grassed area and went in the pool a couple of times...... it was bloody freezing - it was a jump in kinda of cold,  the unbearable feeling of the cold water hitting your waist was too much to handle lol.

My friend and I were very surprised that we were actually in the minority - I am not talking men v women, or people over a certain age, or people of a certain culture, we were in a very tiny handful of people who were thin, shockingly this included children too!

Now I know as a nation obesity is on the increase and the stats are pretty scary, however, when I saw it in person it was pretty shocking! We were a minority in what was a very busy, highly populated place.

For me being physically active & eating healthy is something I have done growing up so it is the norm to me. The health benefits and looking half decent when I get in my bikini is a by product of all the hard work and consistency which I put in.

I could write down a list of benefits of being physically active and eating healthy, however, I think the experience is so much better than reading about it! So if you do one activity today, make it click of the button on one of the links below!

Click here to start making the minority the majority

Click here to make a majority of difference to your diet
Andrea (glad to be in the minority) Springthorpe
07949 959 547


Wednesday, 21 August 2019

The right kind of 'twin set'

Well this weeks blog is less holiday orientated and more 'back to reality'!

I was in Morrisons earlier today and saw a lady wearing a 'twin set' brought a smile to my face as I can remember buying one for my first office job, many years ago. I didn't know that they were still in fashion! For those who do not know what a twin set is, it is a matching cardigan and knitted top, the duo was made chic when Hollywood stars such as Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly were spotted wearing them, they are obviously now a timeless classic!

Over the years I have probably had some major fashion disasters, however, one latest fashion trend which I can't seem to get my head round is sliders and socks!!!! I mean you never let your Dad out of the house in sandals and socks so why is it now acceptable!!? Not sure if it is an age thing or just that fact I have taste lol.

When it comes to health and fitness for me there is one 'twin set' principle that should always be followed.....and no it is not heading to the gym in your sliders and socks, instead it is diet and exercise. For me these should always go hand in hand when it comes to making a change to your lifestyle, your health and your body!

Now one on its own will give you some results/benefits however, to make maximum change then you should embark on the fitness 'twin set'. Yes you can lose weight with diet alone, however, do you want to lose weight or burn fat? Do you want to be skinny or be slim with shape? Same goes for exercise, you will see some changes, however, if you fuel your training properly and eat healthy as well as train then you get the best results, feel more energised and look great.

So if you want the right kind of 'twin set' click one of the links below......

Click here for 20% of the fitness 'twin set'

Click here for 80% of the fitness 'twin set'
Andrea (no sliders and socks on my watch) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Sun, Sea & Squats


This time last week I was laid on a sun lounger reading my book in 30+ degree heat.......roll on a week, I am sat at home debating whether or not to put the light on as it is grey, miserable and raining boooo!

Amazing how much different your life can be from one week to the next! I know which option I would prefer right now - even if I was a little sweaty!

Last week I was on my annual trip to Spain with my fab friend Sarah. We have been out to her apartment for the last five years and I have to say it is always such a laugh and often eventful! We both say how we are the perfect holiday buddies - we sunbathe, sleep, read and not say much during the day (unless it is time for a calippo or to mention when we have noticed a nice looking guy lol), then on an evening we like to go out for a meal and few drinks, our 'one more drink' often turn into quite a few more but hey that's what going on holiday is about!

For the first couple of years I used to take my trainers and go for a run whilst Sarah hit the golf course, I soon came to realise that it was far too hot to run over there and also I train so much the rest of the time, I now use my holidays as a time to have a complete rest and let my body recover.

However, I did find the energy for a random press-up and squat challenge - which after a couple of sambuca shots is not the easiest ;)

I am probably one of the worst culprits of keeping going even when my body is showing signs that it needs a rest. If you start to get niggles, feel tired or run down more often than usual then its is normally an indicator that you need a break. There is no harm in taking a week off exercise, regardless if you are going away on holiday or staying at home. You normally come back more energised and stronger.

Before I went away I started feeling really tired, everything ached, old niggles I had when I ran started flaring up and I just felt mentally exhausted. It is amazing what a week in the sun, switching off and catching up on sleep does for you. I know I promote exercise, however, if you are someone who exercises on a regular basis then you need to pencil in some rest time too. Ideally you should have one full rest day a week and every so often have a full week off. You don't see professional athletes hammering their bodies 52 weeks of the year, so those who do it for fitness and work full time shouldn't either.

So if you have any of the signs which I mentioned above, take a break!

If you want to start something new, then click on one of the links below.

Click here to be able to challenge someone to squats ;)
Click here to eat for energy
Andrea (love a random squat challenge) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

You know you're an adult when you get your own car vac!

Ok so the first thing I want to say is that I have been bit slack on the blog front, I could sit and tell you my excuse that last week I was away with work, then in London at the weekend. However, the truth is I should have been organised and done it before I went. Like with many things in life it is easier to make an excuse than to sit and get the job done.

Today I want to talk about how a few weeks ago I finally became a responsible adult and purchased my own car vac! To most this isn't a big deal, to my Mum & Dad it is great news as I no longer have to go and borrow theirs when I want to clean my car.

They are probably now on count-down for the day I collect all my boot camp kit out of their garage, stop pinching their cashew nuts & peanut butter every time I visit ;) and to stop speed dialling my Dad every time my car makes a noise or my washer doesn't work properly.

I have cleaned my car on a regular basis ever since I have had my own car, as I am writing this I am thinking how I need to go to the car wash as it is a dusty mess after motorway driving.....I digress.

You could say that I have been committed to keeping my cars nice and clean over the years. However, I confess that I go to a very good car wash and let the guys there get it gleaming, and up until recently I have relied on my folks to use their vac, window clean etc to keep the interior nice and clean.

So after many years I decided to take responsibility and invest in my own vac. How many can say the same when it comes to taking responsibility for health and fitness?

It is so easy to blame a situation, someone else or not being equipped with the right tools to make a difference. However, as adults we have to be responsible for what we eat, how often we exercise and keeping ourselves healthy. We also need to be role models to children so they make the best choices as adults.

So if you feel like you are ready to be an adult and take charge of your own health & fitness click one of the links below.....

Click here to equip yourself with the tools for fitness
Click here to ditch the candy
Andrea (know you're getting old when you get excited over a car vac!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Marathon Training V Relationships

In my last blog (which I have realised was a couple of weeks ago!) I spoke about how I changed my original blog style of 'hints and tips' to real life issues so people can get to know the person behind Fit 4 Force.

Now I remember my first 'authentic' blog I related fitness to some of my previous relationships.... I remember the backlash I got from one disgruntled ex when I was away on holiday :)

So today I want to share my relationships through the eyes of a runner - I thought I would use this activity as this is what started my love of fitness.

The start of any journey or training is very exciting, you run a couple of 5k's and you think you have enough experience to run a Marathon. So you set off on a training plan, excited as it is something new and you find out that you love what you are doing and have the endurance to keep going - you are near the finish line and then your training partner decides to drop out! You carry on to the end, deflated, upset and heart broken as the dream of crossing the finish line together never happened.

After realising it was probably too soon to go from a 5k to a Marathon you ditch any thoughts of long distance and do some speed training instead. You carry on with this for a while with the odd 5k and even 10k thrown in there before you realise that you want to have another shot at long distance.

The new improved marathon training comes out and this time you have more 10k's and half marathons under your belt so you know what to expect, you know that the best results are obtained when you have a mix of endurance running, tempo training and plenty of speed sessions! The training for the second Marathon felt easier, more fun and the pain of crossing the finish line wasn't as bad as the first.

Post Marathon blues kick in, so you go on holiday to recover, come back fresh and ready to do some more speed sessions! 5ks & 10ks come and go and then you decide that a half marathon might be the next option, before jumping straight into a full marathon. You finally feel ready to embark on another Marathon and then realise that your training partner is training with several other people at the same time! If this doesn't fit with your plan then this is the time to go back to solo training.

You may come across other training partners who seem the perfect fit, then you find out that they are flaky when it comes to training, missing sessions or ones that have been badly injured by previous Marathons that they are scared to take a risk to try again.

Life, training and relationships are not a one size fits all. However, I believe the most successful training is achieved with a mix of endurance, speed and strength. So whatever training you decide to do never neglect the intervals!!

If you want help mixing all the elements of training in your regime then click one of the links below......

Click here to mix your training up
Click here to avoid post Marathon bingeing
Andrea (is yet to find the perfect Marathon training partner for me) Springthorpe
07949 959 547


Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel......

Like you're less than, less than perfect, Pretty pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing
You're perfect to me!

Today's blog had to be a tribute to my amazing weekend which I spent in London to see Pink in concert! I have seen her before, however, the last time was about ten years ago so I was really looking forward to seeing her again. It was a hot weekend in London and my first time at Wembley Stadium!

Her concert alone was amazing as she did acrobats in the air whilst singing! What is also amazing is how authentic she is, she writes songs about 'real issues' and promotes how everyone should love themselves even if they are different to what society perceives as being normal. I think this is why she is so successful - people get to see the 'real her' through her music.


I can relate to this when I write my blog, when I first started writing blogs for Fit 4 Force I used to write about general hints and tips related to health and fitness, which if I am honest I found it hard to come up with new content and often got bored writing it, so god knows what people thought reading it!

It was probably 4  or 5 years ago when I had signed up to a bootcamp marketing course and was advised to show the real me.......warts and all! So that is when the style of my blogs changed, I wrote about real life issues - which I always try relate to fitness and I enjoyed writing them! This is something which can be hard - to put yourself out there can make you vulnerable and open to criticism.

Luckily for Pink I can't hold a tune for toffee, otherwise she might have competition lol!

Feeling vulnerable is something which people often feel when they embark on a new fitness journey.......the fear of attending the first class, the fear of not being able to keep up, the fear of not knowing if you will get the results you want and even the questions of whether you are wearing the right clothes! The list can go on!

When clients come to train with me I want them to know who I am, I not saying I am the best trainer in the world, however, what you see is what you get. There are days I don't feel like training, there are days when I want to sit and eat chocolate and have one to many sociables......I am, human after all. The hardest part with anything in life is getting started and be consistent.

Anyone can make a change, learn to believe in yourself, learn to love the person you are and be true to yourself. Time to get 'The Party Started' on health and fitness!

Click here to 'Run just as fast as I can'
Click here as 'You gotta get up and try'
Andrea (has desire to be a performer - just not the talent!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547


Friday, 28 June 2019

Don't hide your scars, they make you who you are!

Last Friday was #scarselfie day, which was a celebration from Children's heart surgery fund in Leeds. For me this is something which is close to my heart - literally! At the age of nine I had open heart surgery to repair a hole in my heart, which I am glad to say that 31 years later I am still going strong (well most of the time lol). I have two leaky valves and still go for check ups every four years, but otherwise I forget that I have a heart condition - even my scar is something I have grown up with so often forget it is there.

Now for me I have been lucky that it hasn't really affected what I do, I keep active and lead a normal life........and run a fitness company! My parents play a massive part in that as they never wrapped me in cotton wool, there are a few things I can't/shouldn't do like have my ears pierced and have tattoos (kind of ignored the second one!) Having a scar at nine years old was pretty cool (from what I remember), however, had I had to have the operation in my teenage years or early twenties I am guessing that the impact of that would have been worse, from an embarrassment level.

As I got older, started going out & meeting guys it was something I tried to cover. I hardly wore low cut tops and if I did I would wear a large or long necklace which covered it. As I have got older, more confident and the scar has faded it doesn't bother me anymore - it is part of me.

We all go through life and gather some kind of 'battle scars' whether this be physical or emotional. When it comes to exercise, some people are scared to try sessions, as they may have had a bad experience in the past or they have bad memories of school PE (which is now so much better!) Or they have a fear that they can't do something due to current weight/fitness levels etc.

Our bodies are quite robust, it is our minds that normally quit before our body does! I have clients past and present that have found it hard just walking into the first session due to nerves and not knowing what to expect - now I wouldn't even know that they ever felt like that as their confidence in what they can do has grown.

For me exercise ticks so many boxes, both physically and mentally, however, the one box I will focus on today is the healthy heart why not check off the first box on your health and fitness journey!

Click here to train your heart healthy
Click here for eat your heart healthy
Andrea (excuse the serious selfie face) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Ever thought of something when it's too late!?

Well it's Tuesday and I aren't at a concert! So back to my usual coffee haunt to do my blog. When it comes to deciding what content to put in my blog, I can have a sudden flash of inspiration or I can spend several hours deciding what to write about and what angle to take........(today's inspiration is slow!!)

Now Sunday was Fathers Day and first I want to say a massive shout out to all the amazing Dad's (and father figures) out there....starting with My Dad 'our Nige' the best Dad I could ever of wished for. He inspired me to run and go to the gym and one memory I will always have is doing the London Marathon the same year as he did his last one (for his 60th). I did beat him that year! However, his come back would be that I haven't beat his PB (personal best)! I will let him have that one as I did beat his half marathon PB (not that we are competitive or anything lol).

So as I was sat thinking about writing about Fathers Day I thought I should have done a special bootcamp offer to celebrate Fathers Day!  I often have great brainwaves when it is too late! I also often think of something funny to say hours after a conversation has passed :)

Now I can still do a special offer as I have the time & the choice to do so (see below) but what about all those people who are too late to do something about their health and fitness? What about those who have chronic health conditions due to years of neglect, lack of exercise, being over weight and not following a healthy diet. What about those people who suddenly decide to do something about it and it's too late as they are too ill or can no longer move properly.

To many (myself often included) we think that all those things like getting old are years away and that 'it won't happen to us'. Well we will all get older and the aches and pains will creep in, however, if we keep fit and healthy when we are younger then we can keep these to a minimum.

I put a post on social media at the weekend about my Dad and someone commented on how was he old enough to have a 40 year old daughter! (unfortunately that is me and not some long lost older sister!) I think he is blessed with good genes, however, keeping fit and healthy over the years has kept him younger looking (well unless you see him trying to get up and down a ladder with his knackered knees, then he looks old!)

Don't leave it too late, Be someone's inspiration and more importantly have a lifestyle that leads to a good quality of life as we get older

*Special offer* FREE training week w/c 1st July 2019 - contact for further details

Click here to become someone's inspiration
Click here for intelligent nutrition
Andrea (thought my Dad was awesome for picking us up with our elbows as kids!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547



Thursday, 13 June 2019

Flying without Wings!

Another week another boy band (well now a man band!) This week myself and my Mum went to see Westlife! I have to say that I enjoyed them more than Take That!  I have re-developed my crush I used to have on them as a younger woman lol (still there as an older woman!)

Their music reminds me of my early twenties, great memories with great friends. I often did my ironing whilst Westlife was blurting out - perhaps I need to rekindle that routine to make my ironing a little more exciting! (although I am not sure ironing can ever be exciting!)

Now one of their classic songs is 'Flying without Wings' I am sure many people have played that as their first dance at their Wedding or if you're like me sung along whilst ironing your work clothes.

As I have got older I listen to lyrics of songs and put more meaning to them - some of the lyrics I really liked (and noticed) were the following......

So impossible as they may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
'Cause who's to know
Which one you let go
Would have made you complete

I think these words are so true and can relate to many aspects of your life, health, relationships, career, many people give up on something before they have given it a chance/or when things become hard?
  • Don't get an instant promotion or pay rise - quit & get another job
  • Don't lose a stone in a week - quit and then eat cake to feel better
  • Don't get a six pack after one abs class - never go back and tell friends how rubbish it was
  • Have an argument with a partner - get on facebook or Tinder and find someone new!
Now I am being facetious - however I don't think it is far from the truth?
We live in a world of instant gratification where people are no longer willing to wait for things or to work for longer term goals. Now I freely admit that I am very impatient - however when it comes to longer term goals I know that things don't happen overnight.

It is so easy to indulge in a high-calorie treat instead of picking a healthy snack, easier to hit snooze instead of getting up early to exercise. It is also easier to try a quick fix diet fad instead of working hard and achieving long term sustainable goals.

Even the days of waiting to have your photo's developed are gone! - everything is instant!!

So if you have a dream you have to fight for it, you have to work for them and realise that most things that are worth having don't knock on our door or happen overnight.

If you want a quick fix then I would suggest you don't click one of the links below - however if you want to make a dream a reality and are willing to work for it then let us help and click one of the links below :)

Click here to sweat for every dream
Click here for nutrition to make you complete
Andrea (still waiting patiently for two of my dreams!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Friday, 7 June 2019

30 Years in the making!

This weeks 'Tuesday' blog has turned into 'Friday' I was busy dancing away to Take That on Tuesday! The concert was held at The John Smiths Stadium ,so bit of a bus mans holiday for me, however, it was pretty exciting to know that the floor where our office is, is where all the dressing rooms were! No back stage access unfortunately!

We got absolutely soaked, however the concert was fab! Rick Astley was the support act who was equally as good.

I first saw Take That many years ago when I was about 14.......we were on holiday in Cornwall and they were playing as part of the Radio One roadshow on Fistral beach in Newquay. To say I was a little excited is an understatement! Many years have passed and I have seen them four times since.

On Tuesday they said how they had been going 30 years in total and their first ever gig was at a nightclub in Huddersfield in front of 12 people! Over that time they have had highs and lows, gone from a group of 5 to a trio.........and the one that no-one fancied (Gary Barlow) seems to be everyone's 'man crush'  (mine included).

You can also have highs and lows in fitness, you might be full on for a while then lose motivation or life gets in the way and you stop. You might start training 5 times a week and gradually reduce that to 3. Or you might find a love for it later in life. Fitness isn't a one size fits all template, nor is it something which happens overnight. For me however, it is about being consistent regardless of your circumstances. Yes the type of training may change. the days & times may vary, however the commitment to yourself should always be there.

What would have happened if 30 years ago Take That decided to quit as their first audience was only 12 people!?

If you want fitness training which is consistent, includes a variety of training techniques and can be done after work then click one of the links below.

Remember Gary Barlow wasn't always as fit as he is today!

Click here to make a difference in less than 30 years :)
Click here to eat yourself healthy
Andrea (better at writing blogs than taking pictures!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Be like Dave!

On Saturday I went to see Hugh Jackman in concert.........I will be honest it wasn't something I was interested in going to but went with my Mum and a family friend. I hadn't even seen the Greatest showman prior to going to the concert ( I have since watched it on Sunday night!) I can hear all those die hard 'Greatest Showman' fans gasping in disbelief lol!

Anyway it only took one concert for me to develop a crush on him! I didn't realise how fit he is (physically) and ripped......looking great at 50!! There was one point in the show where he had been dancing then a 'Wolverine' vein popped out of his bicep! (see below image).

He put on a great show which I really enjoyed, despite not knowing all the songs!

In part of his show he went down into the audience and started talking to a couple Val and Dave......eventually after a few one liners from Dave, Hugh got him up on stage. Now what I loved was how Dave embraced the experience and didn't care that he was dancing around on stage with a fit guy in front of thousands of people! The audience loved it, Hugh loved it and most of all Dave looked to be having the time of his life!

Often when people start group training they worry about what everyone else will think of them, what they look like, will they be fit enough, are they wearing the right gear.......many thoughts and anxieties can creep in when starting something new. All I can say is 'be like Dave' act like no-one is watching, because nine times out of ten no-one is (other than the instructor to make sure you are ok). Everyone is too busy doing their own thing or busy worrying about exactly the same things that they don't have time to watch anyone else.

Fit 4 Force sessions let you work at your own pace, we cater for a range of fitness levels and we really don't care if you have 'last seasons' trainers on! 

So get on your own 'stage' of fitness and become the star of your own show!
Click here to be like Dave
Click here to lose fat and 
Andrea (got a new crush) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Hill of Pain!

The last couple of Sunday's have involved road trips to North Yorkshire to do some trial running. The run that I did this Sunday was a 10k and had been in the diary for a while, the run that I did the previous week was a last minute leave of senses 10 mile off road run! Have you noticed how I have said run and not race!? #therewasnoracinginvolved

Now I did something which I would never advise anyone to do which was rock up with very little activity specific training, I haven't run 10k in a very long time let alone 10 mile!

So the ten miler last week, was fairly enjoyable to say that I didn't have the miles in my legs, however I went with the mindset that it would be nice scenery and if I needed to walk I would do so. Now I was absolutely shattered for the rest of the week but I did it. So rocking up to this Sunday's run didn't seem that bad even though I didn't have the best prep as I had spent the day at the races on the Saturday in high heels and didn't get to bed till 1am!

Now there was no option to start out steady as it was hill start, then off road (which I am not great at) and then another hill, there was some respite on a few downhills and back on tarmac before it finished with the 'hill of pain!' There was a sign at the bottom of the hill which did exactly what it said on the tin! I think I could have walked up it faster, but knew if I stopped I would never get going again. After the trauma of the hill it was a downhill and flat finish so I managed to do a sprint(ish) finish!

Now you might be wondering why I am telling you all about my idiotic weekends (other than I want you all to think I am a warrior!).......well the one event I did this weekend can resonate with so many fitness journeys.......
  1. Start off a bit apprehensive
  2. Then you set off and it feels quite good
  3. You then hit your first struggle and wonder if you should quit
  4. Then it starts to feel easier
  5. Then wham it hits you like a bloody brick, you feel tired, you wonder how you are going to carry on and wonder if it is worth the pain
  6. Then you reach your peak and are onto a flyer....
  7. The finish line is in sight and you feel fantastic when you cross it
  8. Then you treat yourself to a piece of cake before you get back on track :)
Keeping fit is hard, training sessions are hard, eating healthy consistently can be hard - however hard work = reward. Whatever that reward may be is personal, for me it is being fit & healthy, it is being able to stay active, it is keeping a healthy weight and feeling confident in myself and most of all it is being able to have that piece of cake when you have done a mental Sunday morning run! 

So whatever your reason is, just know that at some point in your journey you will come to your 'HILL OF PAIN!! is what you decide to do half way up the hill that counts!

If you want to combat that hill click one of the links below
Click here to combat the 'hill of pain'
Click here to energise your training sessions
Andrea (no crazy running for me this week) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Workout because you love your body!

This week is Mental Health Awareness week and this years theme is body it only seemed right to do this weeks blog on something which we all have.....a body and a perceived image of said body, whether that is positive or negative.

The mental health benefits that exercise gives me is much more than a healthy perceived body image
  • It helps me switch off from the stresses of everyday life and keeps me sane..,.(ish)
  • It increases my confidence and helps me feel good about myself (even on the days I feel pretty crap!)
  • Its social which can help improve mood - every gym where I have trained i have made friends which leads to an increased social life. I also have some great friends and customers who I have met through bootcamp.
  • I have some great friends which I have made through Running which brings a whole set of laughs - when I was dragging my backside round Ripon ten mile on Sunday it was those friends who got me round..... if you haven't had a 'team wee' behind a tree are you even friends!?

We live in a world where social media promotes the 'ideal' body.......or the 'ideal filtered' body? Now its strange how you don't see any instagram posts of people in Next changing rooms..... cos bloody hell you might think you are slim till you have four way magnified mirrors around you whilst you are trying to pull on that pair of skinny jeans. #notthebestlighting

From my experience perceived body image changes over time.....mine has changed as I have got older and more confident. When I was at school I got called 'dinghy lips' so all I wanted when I was at school was thin lips....if only I knew then what I know now! People pay to have their lips pumped up to dinghy heights!

I also hated that I had a 'curvy bum' I longed for the flat bum look so people couldn't see it in my jeans....again if I only knew back then what I know now! I would say that it's probably one of my best assets (after my cracking personality of course!)

There are parts of my body I still don't like (like my granny knees) but I have learned to accept them and realise they are part of me!

Now I know that you can't just flick a switch and start to love yourself, however, if you exercise & eat healthy on a regular basis it will help you to feel more confident, feel more positive and gradually start to love your body. We only get one body so it needs looking after!

For further reading on Mental Health Awareness week and body image click here.

Click here to exercise your way to a happier body image
Click here for mood boosting food
Andrea (loving the granny knees) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Never trust an Instructor who doesn't exercise!

Hope you have all enjoyed another bank holiday? I could quite easily get used to these four day weeks....however that extra day off is really testing my memory as I can't seem to recall what happened before the long weekend! #anotherjoyofturning40

Before I start on this weeks blog I suppose I should mention that some guy called Harry and some lady called Meghan did something so extraordinary that it is all over the news......they had a baby!!

Anyway back to the life of real people......a couple of weeks ago I was waiting outside the Sports Hall ready to take my boxing bootcamp and I bent down to get something out of my bag and I could hardly move. I had started a new gym programme that week and I felt like I had been in a tumble dryer as I ached all over.

A couple of clients laughed as I think they like to see me in pain ;) One client said it was good as Karma was working and getting it's own back on all the times I make them ache.......then added that you wouldn't actually trust an instructor who didn't exercise!

I loved the fact that my clients see the benefits of having an instructor who practices what they preach....don't get me wrong there are some fantastic coaches/instructors out there who can no longer train through injury, however, they have practised what they preach in the past.

One thing I mention often in my blogs in consistency, in order to get results you have to be consistent. I train before work every morning and it is now my way of life. Yes i am human and there are the odd days I press snooze and skip my work-out, however, I could count on one hand how many times I have done that this year.

As an instructor I like to motivate my clients and the only way I can honestly do that is by doing everything I promote to my clients - train regularly and eat healthy. Yes have treats, but keep them to a minimum.

I also like to share my pain with my clients, if I have sore legs they get a leg session ;)

The best thing for me about that comment was that my clients are comfortable enough and see me as approachable enough for them to take the mickey! So if you want to train with like minded people who like to have banter before training and are out of breath during then click one of the links below :)

Click here to be trained by instructors who practice what they preach
Click here for the 80% that gets you results
Andrea (enjoys inflicting pain through exercise!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547