Well it's been a busy week since I did my last blog......
Last Friday I headed up to the :Lakes with a group of friends, we have had a very busy week at Sporting Age and Fit 4 Force is still going strong!
I also had my 75th coaching session with my business coach - well I call him a business coach, however, he helps with both my professional and personal life. When I first started working with Adrian I was running Fit 4 Force and working part time in a secondary school. If I am honest I wasn't in a place I wanted to be in, I struggled to pay my bills, I was unhappy as I felt like nothing was changing or moving forward in my personal life and I had a car which was costing me more and more money each month! I constantly compared myself to my friends and felt disappointed that they had the things that I wanted.
3 years and 75 sessions later I can say that I am happy with the person I have grown into and the success that has come along the way. Now if I was to measure success on paper I would say that I have a long way to go, especially in my personal life - I am still waiting for the hunk of a hubby and a couple of kids of my own!! Working with someone who believes in me, gave me the confidence to go for another job. That job at the time was Legacy Sport and that opportunity was one of the best so far in my career, I became Director and last year we officially launched Sporting Age and became one of the Directors there too. So not only can I follow my passion on an evening by putting my adult clients through hell ;) I also get to help inspire primary school children to be more physically active.
It has been a whirlwind 3 years, I have learnt new skills, put myself out of my comfort zone and learned to relax and stop trying to control things in my life which I can't. I have also updated the clapped out Corsa!! Also a by product of me being more relaxed was Fit 4 Force has grown too!

When I was in the Lakes at the weekend I did a 10k trial run (which was more like a fell run!), it was a last minute signing on my part, I have struggled with a few injuries this year and not trained - so talk about having a shock to the system. If anyone has ever done a hardcore trail run then you will probably know that when the hellish hills kick in, most people start to walk. I am actually such a wuss when it comes to going down hill too - I was probably as slow going down as I was going up. Now the fact that people walked made me feel better as I had to walk too, if that had have happened on a road race I would have felt guilty and annoyed at myself that I had to walk. For me the success of the weekend was to complete my first fell(ish) race and not die lol! 5 or 10 years ago I would have been chasing a time, been worried about what others were doing or beat myself up because I walked or acted like a wuss going down hill. However, I went and enjoyed (well not at the time) the experience. I would like to say I soaked up the views however, all I saw was the floor and my feet!
The main thing I have learnt over my time working with Adrian is not to give a s**t about what other people are doing. I have learnt to focus on myself and be happy with what I have in life and be patient for the things that are yet to come........
Over 8 years of teaching bootcamp I have seen so many people progress and achieve things they may never have thought possible. What is a success to one person is the norm to another. Even though train in a group, everyone is made to feel individual - they can work at their own level, celebrate their own success and most of all have a fantastic tribe of people around them who help them celebrate. One concern people may have when coming to bootcamp is that other people will be watching what they do. I can tell you know that everyone else is so focused on their own achievements that they don;t have the energy to watch anyone else!
The main thing that kept me focused and feeling good about myself, even when I perceived things to be a bit s**t was exercise!
So if you want to invest in yourself (both physically and mentally) and focus on yourself then click one of the links below
Click here for personal success
Click here for feel good nutrition
Last Friday I headed up to the :Lakes with a group of friends, we have had a very busy week at Sporting Age and Fit 4 Force is still going strong!
I also had my 75th coaching session with my business coach - well I call him a business coach, however, he helps with both my professional and personal life. When I first started working with Adrian I was running Fit 4 Force and working part time in a secondary school. If I am honest I wasn't in a place I wanted to be in, I struggled to pay my bills, I was unhappy as I felt like nothing was changing or moving forward in my personal life and I had a car which was costing me more and more money each month! I constantly compared myself to my friends and felt disappointed that they had the things that I wanted.
3 years and 75 sessions later I can say that I am happy with the person I have grown into and the success that has come along the way. Now if I was to measure success on paper I would say that I have a long way to go, especially in my personal life - I am still waiting for the hunk of a hubby and a couple of kids of my own!! Working with someone who believes in me, gave me the confidence to go for another job. That job at the time was Legacy Sport and that opportunity was one of the best so far in my career, I became Director and last year we officially launched Sporting Age and became one of the Directors there too. So not only can I follow my passion on an evening by putting my adult clients through hell ;) I also get to help inspire primary school children to be more physically active.
It has been a whirlwind 3 years, I have learnt new skills, put myself out of my comfort zone and learned to relax and stop trying to control things in my life which I can't. I have also updated the clapped out Corsa!! Also a by product of me being more relaxed was Fit 4 Force has grown too!

When I was in the Lakes at the weekend I did a 10k trial run (which was more like a fell run!), it was a last minute signing on my part, I have struggled with a few injuries this year and not trained - so talk about having a shock to the system. If anyone has ever done a hardcore trail run then you will probably know that when the hellish hills kick in, most people start to walk. I am actually such a wuss when it comes to going down hill too - I was probably as slow going down as I was going up. Now the fact that people walked made me feel better as I had to walk too, if that had have happened on a road race I would have felt guilty and annoyed at myself that I had to walk. For me the success of the weekend was to complete my first fell(ish) race and not die lol! 5 or 10 years ago I would have been chasing a time, been worried about what others were doing or beat myself up because I walked or acted like a wuss going down hill. However, I went and enjoyed (well not at the time) the experience. I would like to say I soaked up the views however, all I saw was the floor and my feet!
The main thing I have learnt over my time working with Adrian is not to give a s**t about what other people are doing. I have learnt to focus on myself and be happy with what I have in life and be patient for the things that are yet to come........
Over 8 years of teaching bootcamp I have seen so many people progress and achieve things they may never have thought possible. What is a success to one person is the norm to another. Even though train in a group, everyone is made to feel individual - they can work at their own level, celebrate their own success and most of all have a fantastic tribe of people around them who help them celebrate. One concern people may have when coming to bootcamp is that other people will be watching what they do. I can tell you know that everyone else is so focused on their own achievements that they don;t have the energy to watch anyone else!
The main thing that kept me focused and feeling good about myself, even when I perceived things to be a bit s**t was exercise!
So if you want to invest in yourself (both physically and mentally) and focus on yourself then click one of the links below
Click here for personal success
Click here for feel good nutrition
Andrea (was glad of the ice-cream van at end of that awful run!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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