Last Friday was #scarselfie day, which was a celebration from Children's heart surgery fund in Leeds. For me this is something which is close to my heart - literally! At the age of nine I had open heart surgery to repair a hole in my heart, which I am glad to say that 31 years later I am still going strong (well most of the time lol). I have two leaky valves and still go for check ups every four years, but otherwise I forget that I have a heart condition - even my scar is something I have grown up with so often forget it is there.

Now for me I have been lucky that it hasn't really affected what I do, I keep active and lead a normal life........and run a fitness company! My parents play a massive part in that as they never wrapped me in cotton wool, there are a few things I can't/shouldn't do like have my ears pierced and have tattoos (kind of ignored the second one!) Having a scar at nine years old was pretty cool (from what I remember), however, had I had to have the operation in my teenage years or early twenties I am guessing that the impact of that would have been worse, from an embarrassment level.
As I got older, started going out & meeting guys it was something I tried to cover. I hardly wore low cut tops and if I did I would wear a large or long necklace which covered it. As I have got older, more confident and the scar has faded it doesn't bother me anymore - it is part of me.
We all go through life and gather some kind of 'battle scars' whether this be physical or emotional. When it comes to exercise, some people are scared to try sessions, as they may have had a bad experience in the past or they have bad memories of school PE (which is now so much better!) Or they have a fear that they can't do something due to current weight/fitness levels etc.
Our bodies are quite robust, it is our minds that normally quit before our body does! I have clients past and present that have found it hard just walking into the first session due to nerves and not knowing what to expect - now I wouldn't even know that they ever felt like that as their confidence in what they can do has grown.

For me exercise ticks so many boxes, both physically and mentally, however, the one box I will focus on today is the healthy heart why not check off the first box on your health and fitness journey!
Click here to train your heart healthy

Now for me I have been lucky that it hasn't really affected what I do, I keep active and lead a normal life........and run a fitness company! My parents play a massive part in that as they never wrapped me in cotton wool, there are a few things I can't/shouldn't do like have my ears pierced and have tattoos (kind of ignored the second one!) Having a scar at nine years old was pretty cool (from what I remember), however, had I had to have the operation in my teenage years or early twenties I am guessing that the impact of that would have been worse, from an embarrassment level.
As I got older, started going out & meeting guys it was something I tried to cover. I hardly wore low cut tops and if I did I would wear a large or long necklace which covered it. As I have got older, more confident and the scar has faded it doesn't bother me anymore - it is part of me.
We all go through life and gather some kind of 'battle scars' whether this be physical or emotional. When it comes to exercise, some people are scared to try sessions, as they may have had a bad experience in the past or they have bad memories of school PE (which is now so much better!) Or they have a fear that they can't do something due to current weight/fitness levels etc.
Our bodies are quite robust, it is our minds that normally quit before our body does! I have clients past and present that have found it hard just walking into the first session due to nerves and not knowing what to expect - now I wouldn't even know that they ever felt like that as their confidence in what they can do has grown.

For me exercise ticks so many boxes, both physically and mentally, however, the one box I will focus on today is the healthy heart why not check off the first box on your health and fitness journey!
Click here to train your heart healthy
Click here for eat your heart healthy
Andrea (excuse the serious selfie face) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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