Another week another boy band (well now a man band!) This week myself and my Mum went to see Westlife! I have to say that I enjoyed them more than Take That! I have re-developed my crush I used to have on them as a younger woman lol (still there as an older woman!)
Their music reminds me of my early twenties, great memories with great friends. I often did my ironing whilst Westlife was blurting out - perhaps I need to rekindle that routine to make my ironing a little more exciting! (although I am not sure ironing can ever be exciting!)
Now one of their classic songs is 'Flying without Wings' I am sure many people have played that as their first dance at their Wedding or if you're like me sung along whilst ironing your work clothes.
As I have got older I listen to lyrics of songs and put more meaning to them - some of the lyrics I really liked (and noticed) were the following......
So impossible as they may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
'Cause who's to know
Which one you let go
Would have made you complete

I think these words are so true and can relate to many aspects of your life, health, relationships, career, many people give up on something before they have given it a chance/or when things become hard?
Their music reminds me of my early twenties, great memories with great friends. I often did my ironing whilst Westlife was blurting out - perhaps I need to rekindle that routine to make my ironing a little more exciting! (although I am not sure ironing can ever be exciting!)
Now one of their classic songs is 'Flying without Wings' I am sure many people have played that as their first dance at their Wedding or if you're like me sung along whilst ironing your work clothes.
As I have got older I listen to lyrics of songs and put more meaning to them - some of the lyrics I really liked (and noticed) were the following......
So impossible as they may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
'Cause who's to know
Which one you let go
Would have made you complete

I think these words are so true and can relate to many aspects of your life, health, relationships, career, many people give up on something before they have given it a chance/or when things become hard?
- Don't get an instant promotion or pay rise - quit & get another job
- Don't lose a stone in a week - quit and then eat cake to feel better
- Don't get a six pack after one abs class - never go back and tell friends how rubbish it was
- Have an argument with a partner - get on facebook or Tinder and find someone new!
We live in a world of instant gratification where people are no longer willing to wait for things or to work for longer term goals. Now I freely admit that I am very impatient - however when it comes to longer term goals I know that things don't happen overnight.
It is so easy to indulge in a high-calorie treat instead of picking a healthy snack, easier to hit snooze instead of getting up early to exercise. It is also easier to try a quick fix diet fad instead of working hard and achieving long term sustainable goals.
Even the days of waiting to have your photo's developed are gone! - everything is instant!!
So if you have a dream you have to fight for it, you have to work for them and realise that most things that are worth having don't knock on our door or happen overnight.
If you want a quick fix then I would suggest you don't click one of the links below - however if you want to make a dream a reality and are willing to work for it then let us help and click one of the links below :)
Click here to sweat for every dream
It is so easy to indulge in a high-calorie treat instead of picking a healthy snack, easier to hit snooze instead of getting up early to exercise. It is also easier to try a quick fix diet fad instead of working hard and achieving long term sustainable goals.
Even the days of waiting to have your photo's developed are gone! - everything is instant!!
So if you have a dream you have to fight for it, you have to work for them and realise that most things that are worth having don't knock on our door or happen overnight.
If you want a quick fix then I would suggest you don't click one of the links below - however if you want to make a dream a reality and are willing to work for it then let us help and click one of the links below :)
Click here to sweat for every dream
Click here for nutrition to make you complete
Andrea (still waiting patiently for two of my dreams!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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