The last couple of Sunday's have involved road trips to North Yorkshire to do some trial running. The run that I did this Sunday was a 10k and had been in the diary for a while, the run that I did the previous week was a last minute leave of senses 10 mile off road run! Have you noticed how I have said run and not race!? #therewasnoracinginvolved
Now I did something which I would never advise anyone to do which was rock up with very little activity specific training, I haven't run 10k in a very long time let alone 10 mile!
So the ten miler last week, was fairly enjoyable to say that I didn't have the miles in my legs, however I went with the mindset that it would be nice scenery and if I needed to walk I would do so. Now I was absolutely shattered for the rest of the week but I did it. So rocking up to this Sunday's run didn't seem that bad even though I didn't have the best prep as I had spent the day at the races on the Saturday in high heels and didn't get to bed till 1am!
Now there was no option to start out steady as it was hill start, then off road (which I am not great at) and then another hill, there was some respite on a few downhills and back on tarmac before it finished with the 'hill of pain!' There was a sign at the bottom of the hill which did exactly what it said on the tin! I think I could have walked up it faster, but knew if I stopped I would never get going again. After the trauma of the hill it was a downhill and flat finish so I managed to do a sprint(ish) finish!

Now you might be wondering why I am telling you all about my idiotic weekends (other than I want you all to think I am a warrior!).......well the one event I did this weekend can resonate with so many fitness journeys.......
Now I did something which I would never advise anyone to do which was rock up with very little activity specific training, I haven't run 10k in a very long time let alone 10 mile!
So the ten miler last week, was fairly enjoyable to say that I didn't have the miles in my legs, however I went with the mindset that it would be nice scenery and if I needed to walk I would do so. Now I was absolutely shattered for the rest of the week but I did it. So rocking up to this Sunday's run didn't seem that bad even though I didn't have the best prep as I had spent the day at the races on the Saturday in high heels and didn't get to bed till 1am!
Now there was no option to start out steady as it was hill start, then off road (which I am not great at) and then another hill, there was some respite on a few downhills and back on tarmac before it finished with the 'hill of pain!' There was a sign at the bottom of the hill which did exactly what it said on the tin! I think I could have walked up it faster, but knew if I stopped I would never get going again. After the trauma of the hill it was a downhill and flat finish so I managed to do a sprint(ish) finish!

Now you might be wondering why I am telling you all about my idiotic weekends (other than I want you all to think I am a warrior!).......well the one event I did this weekend can resonate with so many fitness journeys.......
- Start off a bit apprehensive
- Then you set off and it feels quite good
- You then hit your first struggle and wonder if you should quit
- Then it starts to feel easier
- Then wham it hits you like a bloody brick, you feel tired, you wonder how you are going to carry on and wonder if it is worth the pain
- Then you reach your peak and are onto a flyer....
- The finish line is in sight and you feel fantastic when you cross it
- Then you treat yourself to a piece of cake before you get back on track :)
So whatever your reason is, just know that at some point in your journey you will come to your 'HILL OF PAIN!! is what you decide to do half way up the hill that counts!
If you want to combat that hill click one of the links below
Click here to combat the 'hill of pain'
Click here to energise your training sessions
Andrea (no crazy running for me this week) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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