This week is Mental Health Awareness week and this years theme is body it only seemed right to do this weeks blog on something which we all have.....a body and a perceived image of said body, whether that is positive or negative.
The mental health benefits that exercise gives me is much more than a healthy perceived body image
The mental health benefits that exercise gives me is much more than a healthy perceived body image
- It helps me switch off from the stresses of everyday life and keeps me sane..,.(ish)
- It increases my confidence and helps me feel good about myself (even on the days I feel pretty crap!)
- Its social which can help improve mood - every gym where I have trained i have made friends which leads to an increased social life. I also have some great friends and customers who I have met through bootcamp.
- I have some great friends which I have made through Running which brings a whole set of laughs - when I was dragging my backside round Ripon ten mile on Sunday it was those friends who got me round..... if you haven't had a 'team wee' behind a tree are you even friends!?

We live in a world where social media promotes the 'ideal' body.......or the 'ideal filtered' body? Now its strange how you don't see any instagram posts of people in Next changing rooms..... cos bloody hell you might think you are slim till you have four way magnified mirrors around you whilst you are trying to pull on that pair of skinny jeans. #notthebestlighting
From my experience perceived body image changes over time.....mine has changed as I have got older and more confident. When I was at school I got called 'dinghy lips' so all I wanted when I was at school was thin lips....if only I knew then what I know now! People pay to have their lips pumped up to dinghy heights!
I also hated that I had a 'curvy bum' I longed for the flat bum look so people couldn't see it in my jeans....again if I only knew back then what I know now! I would say that it's probably one of my best assets (after my cracking personality of course!)
There are parts of my body I still don't like (like my granny knees) but I have learned to accept them and realise they are part of me!
Now I know that you can't just flick a switch and start to love yourself, however, if you exercise & eat healthy on a regular basis it will help you to feel more confident, feel more positive and gradually start to love your body. We only get one body so it needs looking after!
For further reading on Mental Health Awareness week and body image click here.
Click here to exercise your way to a happier body image
Click here for mood boosting food
Andrea (loving the granny knees) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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