Monday, 4 December 2017

Burpee's on the dancefloor

Hello Warriors.......

Hope you have had a good weekend? Saturday was one of the main events on the Fit 4 Force social calendar, it was our Christmas Party!

Boy I know I train you guys hard and you can certainly party hard! I am still trying to recover!! Can I just say that doing shots is not big or clever and I have to realise that I am no longer 21 ;)

We went to a local Italian restaurant and I must say that out of all the Christmas do's I have had it was the nicest food so far! It was great to see everyone out of their training clothes and glammed up instead. I have to say that I was looking round and thought how amazing everyone looked and in great shape too!

There was plenty of dancing going along with a few burpee's being 'smashed' out on the dancefloor.....without me telling people to do them too!

Now the thing I like to promote about bootcamp is how friendly everyone is, how everyone is made to feel welcome and how we have a great 'team' feeling both in and out of the sessions.

I have been to exercise classes before where I have walked in and felt like I shouldn't be there and wasn't made to feel welcome. This can be off putting for a lot of people........especially if you are new to exercise.

Christmas is well under way and New Year is just around the corner so its an ideal time to make the change.

So if you want to come along to a group session that.....
  • Makes you feel welcome
  • Caters for all abilities
  • Is friendly with some banter
  • And of course gets you results then click one of the links below
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here to be able to do Burpee's on the dancefloor

Click here to change your attitude towards eating and look great all year round

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (can't cope with the hangover) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Deep's about to begin!

Hi Troops,

I can't believe that I am hearing Christmas songs already!! I think they should wait till at least the 1st December before they start playing them!

Last week was the start of many do's coming up over the Christmas period, and the big one is this Saturday.....Fit 4 Force annual Christmas Party!

The next few weeks will be extra eating and drinking for me, which plays havoc with my waist line. The one thing that is so important to me over the festive period is to try and keep as active as possible. Now for most, the thing that people let slide over the Christmas period is their exercise routine. Christmas parties, shopping and catching up with friends often take priority.

Now I fit my training in before work as I am teaching boot camp on evenings so I need to make sure I get enough sleep to get my booty out of bed. 

The good thing about bootcamp is that we have a range of different classes, on different days, which can be done after work whilst still having time to socialise and do some Christmas shopping!

So if you want to keep those Christmas puddings at bay then click one of the links below

Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here to fit into those Christmas outfits

Click here to detox the effects of Christmas

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (don't want to be the chubby Penguin) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you!

Hi Guys,

Hope you have had a good weekend? I had a much needed quiet one, met up with a couple of friends but other than that it has been quiet.

Now I will be honest I was struggling what to write about today, I must have writers block (or might be the fact I am trying to stay off coffee!) So I thought I would search motivational meme's in order to get some inspiration.......and it worked! I came across the below meme and it made me think about why I do what I do and also the impact your actions can have on someone.

Before I get onto the impact I want to have on people, I was on the receiving end of how someone made me feel beginning of this week......not in a nice way either. I had a hospital appointment and they were running over an hour behind. When I finally saw the consultant she was abrupt, I felt like she was rushing everything then told me to get changed in a toilet and then just left me in the corridor wondering where the hell I had to go!! I came home from the hospital feeling quite upset, I had a painful procedure, which I would normally cope with but that on top of the lack of care made me upset (yes I am human and do cry at times lol). I like to think that I am quite a tough cookie but this was probably one of worst experiences I have had at a hospital.

Now one of the reasons I do what I do is to make individuals feel as passionate about exercise as I am. I know some of you might hate me for 60 minutes at a time and I can cope with the name calling because not only do I want to help you achieve your goals, I want to give you a good experience of exercise. It is hard if you push yourself, however, it can be fun, it can be enjoyable and most of all you normally feel so much better after you have done. So if you want a good experience as well as a great work-out then click one of the links below.

Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here to have an awesome exercise experience

Click here to feel passionate about healthy food

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (didn't like that doctor) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Heart rate of an athlete!

Hi Guys,

Hope you are all well? I have had another busy week/weekend....I am not sure where this year has gone.

On Friday I went to stay at my friends for a girly night (got messy!) and on Sunday I did the Leeds Abbey Dash.....the less said about that the better! My calf cramped up at about 4 miles and I had to hobble the rest of the way! Not my best time and I was disappointed.

Last week I had my 4 yearly check up on my heart..... for those of you who don't know, I was born with a hole in the heart and I had open heart surgery when I was 9 years old. I was in hospital for a week and I had to have 6 weeks off school. I still have two leaky valves and I have to go for check ups every 4 years.

One thing that resonates with me when I go is how big a thing it was that I went through. I have grown up with a scar and having check ups so I don't actually see it as a big deal.....until I speak to the Nurses and Consultants. First off they are often shocked on how low my heart rate is (heart rate of an athlete!).......until they find out what physical activity I do. Then they are shocked about all the activity I do. I often come away thinking that it is obviously not the norm for other people who have had a similar condition.

I think Mr & Mrs S have helped me be so robust over the years as they never mollycoddle me, in fact my Mum's motto was that you go to school unless you are being sick! I actually believe that it has helped me have a good work ethic and to actually just get one with things!

The Consultant (who by the way was an absolute god and had both me and my Mum drooling!) was asking me all sorts of questions if it affects my day to day life. Now I am one of the lucky ones as I know some people with Congenital Heart disease have worse symptoms and it does effect what they can and can't do.....especially physical activity.

All I want to do today is help motivate you all.........and give someone out there who might have a medical condition that you can still achieve your goals. I believe that being able to get up on a morning and have the choice to exercise is a gift. A lot of people have the ability to exercise taken away from them. I know how frustrated I have been last couple of days not being able to walk properly!! So make the most of what you have and click one of the links below.

Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here to be one step nearer to having the heart rate of an athlete ;)

Click here to eat your heart healthy

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (think I need to find myself a Doctor to date) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Monday, 30 October 2017

Rome wasn't built in a day!

Hello Warriors,

Hope you have had a great weekend?

I have just got back from a mini break in Rome. It was a surprise trip for my Mum, she knew we were going away but didn't know where to until we arrived at the airport!

We arrived in Rome to sunny warm weather and a fantastic apartment. We ventured out to find out where everything was and did plenty of sire seeing over the 4 days we were there.....we also did plenty of eating and drinking!

The first thing we came across was the Vatican city......I just couldn't believed the size and scale of everything. Every building hand grand details, grand architecture and were really amazing. A Roman will have worked all his life building something and would probably never get to see the end product!

When I was there I really started to understand the meaning of 'Rome wasn't built in a day' important things take time, you have to have patience and work on the things which are important every day!

The same can be said when it comes to health and can't expect to eat healthy and exercise for a day and see changes! You have to be consistent, make changes and have routines on a daily basis and most importantly be patient! (this is coming from Miss Impatient herself!)

There is no quick fix when it comes to making long term and lasting if you want help in achieving something great and becoming the best version of yourself then click the link below.
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here to become your very own Roman Warrior

Click here to eat your way to long term results

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (now has a love for Italy) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Monday, 23 October 2017

Top Gun.......the best you can be

Hi Troops,

Hope you have had a good weekend? I had a lovely weekend, shopping for Wedding dresses with my friend, catching up with other friends then Sunday I was at the Huddersfield Town fireworks display selling the West Yorkshire Fire Service charity calendars.

The other week I was at a business event with work and they had a guest motivational speaker on. Now I have to say that this lady was pretty amazing, you couldn't hear a pin drop in the room and she was a true inspiration. The Lady in question was Mandy Hickson, who is one of only 5 female fast jet fighter pilots! Mandy has had a fantastic career and was a true inspiration. Now if you can't picture what type of job that is then think TOP GUN!!

Now I know that I am passed ever becoming a fighter pilot, in fact the nearest I  will ever come to one is I own a pair of Aviator sunglasses ;)

One of the things that Mandy said that I picked up on, was that if you want something bad enough, to keep going till you get there......even if you think you can't!

I hear far too often that people can't do boot camp as they are not fit enough! This does make me smile as the idea of doing any kind of fitness training is to progress and improve regardless of your starting fitness levels.

Fit 4 Force can compare itself to 'Top Gun' in the fact that we are a minded individuals coming together with the common goal of trying to improve, whether that is fitness levels, performance, weight or body composition.

Top Gun pilots are the best of the if you want to become the best version of yourself then why not click one of the links below
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here to be your very own 'Top Gun'

Click here to eat your way out of the 'danger zone'

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (I have a pair of Aviators) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Time for a change...

Hi Guys,

Following on from last blog about upgrading your life then I wanted to send out the following offer.....

Do you struggle with motivation? Want the extra touch to your training sessions? Or want to surround yourself with like minded individuals?

Well if so our  2018 health & well-being package is your answer!

The package is open to 10 x people only as I want to give more of an individual personal touch. The package includes
  • 12 x Saturday morning group sessions (one a month) which incldues
    • Goal setting
    • Weight & measurement tracking
    • Individual advice/support based on personal goals
    • Group Training session
    • Individual training plan (if required)
    • Each group session is 2 hours long and is worth £600.00
  • LifeForce Transformation plan - worth £25.00
  • Monthly recipes subscription - worth £120.00
All this is worth £745.00 however we are offering all this for just

So if you are interested and want to make a positive change in 2018 then email at to register your interest. Like I said above this is only open to 10 x people.......10 people who want extra, who want results and who are willing to put the hard work in!

So don't delay and email me today......

If this is not for you then we have a range of other services, just click one of the links below.
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here for some body changing training

Click here for healthy & happy way of eating

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (want to make a difference to your health & fitness) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Monday, 16 October 2017

Downgrade - No Way!

Hi Guys,

Hope you have all had a good weekend? Another one gone far too fast and another week closer to Christmas!!

Last week my car had to go in for a service so my Mum kindly lent me hers to go to work in. That day I happened to have a meeting at a school over in Leeds so I was motorway bound. Now I have a Mini Cooper S, which is quite fast to say the least. My Mum has a Renault Clio, which is not as fast!

The first thing I noticed when I picked it up to borrow on Tuesday night was that it hardly moved when I was pulling out of a junction!! Then I got a right shock when I got on the motorway on Wednesday........there wasn't as much power when over taking and it took ages to get to 70 miles an hour....then when it did the steering wheel started shaking.

I actually sat on the motorway driving and laughing at the same time. I had got so used to having a car with speed and power that I had forgotten what it was like to drive a car with less power.

It then got me thinking what if I had to downgrade my car!! I would hate chugging along on the inside lane of the motorway because I couldn't go any faster!

In life most people try to upgrade, better house, car, body than the last version. However there are times when people do downgrades on themselves which can be sad to see. How many people are out there that have let there health and fitness go? Have you gone from a sporty to clapped out?

There are many reasons why we sometimes downgrade.....ill health, can't train due to injury or weight gain through pregnancy or illness. However we can soon upgrade and get back to being fit & healthy, with the right mindset and support goals can be achieved.

So if you want help upgrading your life then click one of the links below.....

Click here to become a faster, sportier model.

Click here to upgrade your eating habits

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (only downgrade to smile about is when you see an ex with new partner!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Clearing up the confusion

Hi Troops,

Hope you have had a good weekend? And enjoyed the FREE guide I sent out earlier this week.

The weekend was a relatively quiet one for me compared to the last few hetic ones. One exciting thing I did was attend a Wedding Fair with my friend who is getting married next year..........she finally made some appointments for trying on Wedding dresses! I think me and her other bridesmaid were more excited than the bride ;)

Anyway I shall get back to topic........a few people have seen my Junior bootcamp logo/name pop in in new places, mainly with links to schools.

Now I think I briefly mentioned in a previous blog that the Junior side of my business is now part of Legacy Sport. I am also now part of Legacy Sport as one of the directors! Very exciting!! This enables Fit 4 Force Juniors to grow and have a positive impact on the health & well being of more children than before! I was at full capacity for my Junior sessions and wasn't able to keep up with demand. So when the opportunity came to get involved in Legacy Sport I 'tuck jumped' at the chance ;)


Legacy Sport were established the same year as Fit 4 Force in 2011, we share the same values, work ethic and goals. As well as Junior boot camps we offer a fantastic tools for schools called Sporting Age, which through assessments and interventions aim for young people to be 'physically literate' by the time they leave junior school!

Adults do not fear as I am still here to kick your booties into shape! There is no change to the adult sessions :)

So if you want to find out more information about Legacy Sport and how it can help your child's school then click here.

And if you want to be an inspiration to young people then click one of the links below.

Click here to be someone's fitness inspiration

Click here to show the young good healthy eating habits

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (helping the health of children and adults) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Sometimes we make the wrong decision whilst under the influence!

Hi Troops,

Hope you have all had a good weekend?

I had another busy one! I could do with a three day weekend! On Saturday I went to a Gin festival......a first for me and I think I have become a gin convert!

Now the thing is with me, I hardly drink and when I do it goes straight to my head lol #lightweight. I don't know about you guys but when I have a drink I tend to make bad decisions when it comes to eating......finishing the night off with cheesy chips and coleslaw is not something I would normally do!

Then on Sunday I was in a duathlon team and did the first running leg. I felt fine till I set off running then I realised that I am no longer 21 and I can't drink the day before a run!

This weekend my body has felt like a temple......a temple of doom!

Whilst I was under the influence of Gin I made the wrong decision when it come to my pre bed snack. How many of you out there have made the wrong decision whilst being under the influence of someone else? We probably all know someone who keeps offering you cake whilst you are trying to lose weight, the friend who wants to arrange something on the nights you go training. All this can impact results!

On the flip side if we surround ourselves with like minded individuals who support and encourage us we can be influenced to make good decisions when it comes to health & fitness.

At bootcamp we have an army of people of who want to make a positive impact on their health & if you want to surround yourself with like minded click one of the links below.

Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here to make your body a temple!

Click here for great diet choices

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (is no longer 21) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Friday, 29 September 2017

24 hour action!

Hi Guys,

Hope you have had a good week? Unusual that I send my blog on a weekend, however I have had a mental week and finally finding some time to type it up!

This week I went to a business breakfast meeting with over 250 business people there! There were a couple of speakers on who were very interesting and made some good points.

One of them mentioned that if you have an idea that you should follow it through within 24 hours. I love this, especially as I am impatient and like things to happen quickly! So I have been working on an idea to offer some extra services which I will send out in my next email.

When it comes to health and fitness I realise that 24 hours is not always long enough time to make a decision. Some people like to think and weigh up their options before they make a decision. However when it comes to getting results from diet and exercise it does not happen overnight. So the longer you think about taking action, it will take longer to get results.

So if you have been thinking about making a change to your health and fitness then why not click one of the links below? Christmas is fast approaching and if you want to rock those Christmas parties feeling and looking great then click one of the links below.

Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here to start your fitness journey

Click here to look fab in your christmas outfit!

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (24 hour action plan underway) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Sunday, 24 September 2017

When the pressure is off!

Hi Guys,

Hope you have all had a good weekend? I have had another hetic one, I cant wait to have one free weekend where I can do nothing........although I would probably be bored if I had!

Yesterday my friend and I went to do a 10 mile trail run in Harrogate. We went with the intention of doing it as a training run and not racing it........we haven't run that distance in a long time and it is nice to run somewhere different. So for the first time ever I ran without my watch on! It was nice to run without the pressure of chasing a time or knowing how far we had gone.

Now we were running through mud and cows**t and it was bloody tough! The first 5 miles were quite funny as we were sliding everywhere but the last 5 miles were hard and the last two miles I could have cried lol!

I have no idea what time we did and it doesn't matter as we finished it without face planting in mud or crying lol.

When it comes to can come along work at your own might feel hard at the time, however, once you have done you will feel like you have achieved something!

So take off the pressure of having to be the best or the click one of the links below and start your fitness journey today!

Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here for all your no pressure training

Click here for your 21 day transformation plan

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (nearly had a big girl paddy) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Go with your gut!

Hello Troops,
Hope you are enjoying this lovely british Summer weather!!! Take me back to Spain!!
I am currently reading a book on business and the part that I was reading yesterday was about following your 'gut feeling'. It went on to say that some of the best businesses and decisions are made from a gut instinct. Most people act quicker when they get a gut feeling about something rather than trying to weigh things up and talk themselves out of things.
Now if you read my last blog you will probably realise that I am very impatient and I often act on gut feelings.......which is great for an impatient person, as I act quicker and s**t gets done! Fit 4 Force was a gut feeling that I 'ran' with and I am so glad I didn't sit and think about it for too long as I might have talked myself out of it! Now a gut feeling doesn't literally come from our gut it comes from the limbic brain, which is responsible for all of our feelings such as loyalty and trust. Now when we make a decision to do something following on from a 'gut feeling' we often can't explain why we did just felt right!
Often the more time we think about something, we can make the wrong decision or talk ourselves out of something......
gut feeling
How many times have you thought that you wanted to start training but have been worried about whether or not you will be fit enough, worry about the other people in the class, tell yourself you haven't enough time? The list/excuses can go on. However if one day you look at yourself and realise that you need to change then take action. Remember the best decisions are made from gut feelings and are generally the ones with a great outcome! So why not follow your gut and click on one of the links that it will be a great decision ;)
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain
Andrea (time to get rid of my holiday gut!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Monday, 21 August 2017

It's all in the Prep!

Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good weekend? This weekend I have been decorating! Now anyone that knows me, knows that I am very impatient and once I decide I want something I want it straight away!
My kitchen cupboards needed painting as well as the walls, so when I said to my Dad it won't take long we can just wack the paint on, well the look on his face told me that that is not the way to decorate lol! Now my Dad is a perfectionist when it comes to decortaing and told me that I would need to prep all the doors first, clean and sand them down......yawn yawn what a ball ache!
Anyway I listened to his advice and prepped everything before I started painting. Now wait for the shock confession......1. MY dad was right and 2. I actually ENJOYED yes enjoyed the decorating! I found the painting quite relaxing. Anyway walls are all done and half of cupboards are done too. Any spare time I have been doing it, I even skipped running yesterday to have a full day painting!! What the hell has happened to me lol.
I am glad I listened to my Dad as putting the prep in to start with will make my cupboards better in the long run, so glad I didn't go for the quick fix!
meal prep
It is the same with diet and exercise, so many people opt for the 'quick fix' when it comes to losing weight, going on crash or extreme diets and yes they may lose weight in the short term, however, long term they tend to put the weight back on plus extra! I understand why people do it as they want instant results (like me and my kitchen) however anything that is going to last in the long term, needs time to work. You have to be consistant with healthy eating and training and the results will last!
So if like me you need help being a little less impatient then click on one of the links below..... 
Also if you missed my guide on meal prep then drop me an email and I will send you a copy :)
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain
Andrea (who'd of thought I liked painting) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Up your game!

Hi Troops,
Well its been a whole week since I have been back from MMF3 (aka my holiday). Boy it was exactly what I needed, in fact I didn't realise how much until I slept for the first two days without even picking my book up! I had a fab time, met some great people and felt so relaxed! It is safe to say that a week is never long enough!
Now I won't bore you all with my holiday what happens in Murcia stays in Murcia ;)
Before I went away I did a blog saying that I wasn't taking my trainers on holiday with me and I stuck to this. To be fair even if I had have done I don't think I would have done any running as I was there when the heat wave was on and it was far too hot. I didn't do much 'structured' swimming either! Anyway it has since I have got back that I need to 'up my game' where healthy eating and training is concerned.
up your game
To be fair last Thursday I was back in the gym, but I also went out for lunch and a cheeky cocktail! This morning I even slept in and missed the gym which is not like me! I think sometimes when you break your routine it is so hard to get back into, especially as I am off work from Legacy Sport so harder to get into a routine. Although I do think you should listen to your body and if it is telling you to rest then you obviously need it. It is if that rest turns into weeks rather than a couple of days when it might become an issue.
So if like me you want to get back into the swing of things after your holidays then why not click one of the links below.........lets do a 'high five or 'fist pump' to get us all back into training and healthy eating :)
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain
Andrea (when's my next holiday) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Who am I?

Hello Troops,
By the time you read this I will be heading off on my jollies......something I certainly need right now! I was talking to someone the other day and they asked if I was taking my normally I pack them, however I have been so tired lately I am going to allow myself a complete rest!
Something which in all honesty I don't do enough of, I feel guilty if I don't train when I am at home, yet get me on holiday and I am quite happy to turn lazy for a week ;)
The other week after a bootcamp session we were doing the usual stretch off and we started talking about what courses I have done in the past, some of my newer clients didn't know my qualifications and didn't even realise that I had done my degree. It got me thinking that so many people come along to my sessions and sign up with-out actually knowing my background. 
Now we all assume that when we are buying a service that the person delivering that service is qualified.......however the scary truth is that there are probably a lot of people out there working in various different sectors, the fitness industry included that are not really qualified to do the role they do.
So for those who don't know that much about me (other than being the 'evil' instructor) I thought I would fill you in (not to blow my own trumpet) but to assure you that I am qualified to shout at you all on regular basis ;)
I have always had an interest in keeping fit and I have trained on a regular basis since been in my late teens.....however I always had administration type roles and worked in an office. Back in 2007 I decided to quit my full time job and go do my degree. I studied Exercise, Physical Activity and Health and The University of Huddersfield. I originally wanted to be a PE teacher and after doing my placement in a school I decided against it!!
i am your trainer
I somehow managed to come out with a First Class honours degree, something which I am very proud of and something which I worked my backside off to achieve. At University I completed my PT qualification and since leaving have gone on to do other courses, bootcamp instructing being the most obvious one. I am also a fully qualified running coach, so all those intervals I have you doing are for the greater good and not just my enjoyment ;)
Now I know I have said this before and it is still very relevant that my job is my passion and I never feel like I am going to work. The best feedback I get is when I see someone achieve their goal or complete something they thought they could never do. So if you want someone to help you on your fitness journey that is not only passionate but also qualified then click one of the links below.......
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain
Andrea (time for a siesta) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

When you realise you just don't get enough!

Take your minds out of the gutter........I am talking about sleep, well lack of it in my case.
The last few weeks have been manic at work (good manic but manic) I have had something on every weekend for the last god knows how many...... late nights and early mornings have started to take its toll!
On Friday I finished at lunch time and when I got home I thought I would have a 20 minute power nap....which turned into two hours!! The same happened on Saturday and when I was at my Mum and Dads on Sunday I could barley move from the sofa, I was absolutely exhausted! For the first time in a long time I missed training on Monday and had a couple of early nights and now I feel loads better!
I had noticed that I was getting a sore throat, my memory became even worse than normal and I sometimes couldn't think of words I wanted to say, I'm not even 40 yet!!
Now my job is normally to encourage people to get off the sofa and do some exercise, however, you sometimes have to listen to your body.....if you are having afternoon naps which turn into a couple of hours on a regular basis then it is your bodies way of saying you need a rest! Same goes if you are constantly getting run down or ill, I find it very hard to realise that I am not Wonder Woman and that I need to slow down, but that down times is as important as training time.
One of the benefits of exercise & eating healthy is that it builds your immune system, so when you do start to get a bit run down you can fight off being unwell a lot better than if you didn't exercise.
My goal for after my holidays is to make sure I get at least 7 and half hours sleep a night!!
So if you want to build your immune system as well as making sure you have a rest day at least once a week then click one of the links below....
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain
Andrea (ready for my holiday) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

If my train goes off the track......

engine, engine number 9
on the new york transit line
if my train goes off the track
pick it up, pick it up, pick it up
lets go..
Wise words sang by Fatman scoop there......
I was talking to my business/life coach in my last session and were talking about 'relationships' ......which it has come to light in our sessions that I am scared to death about. I am scared to put myself out there in case I get hurt.....(again)!
I like to use the analogy that relationships are like being the train heading to your destination/goal and sometimes you stop off to let passengers on and off. Those that want to be part of your train journey hop aboard and stay on for the final destination, others never get off the platform and others are constantly hopping on and off the train. I hold my hands up and admit that in the past I have made mistakes by staying at a platform for a bloody long time hoping that a certain person will hop aboard, or stay aboard. Everyone should have a journey and stick to it, why waste time waiting for passengers that don't actually deserve to hop aboard? There will be someone at the next stop eager to go first class........definitely more benefits having first class travel as opposed to economy! My issue at the moment is that I am currently on high speed and keep forgetting to stop at a platform to give people chance to step aboard.
fatman scoop
Anyway back to Fatman scoop wise words, health and fitness can also be like trains, you have a goal/destination where you want to get to and you have start the train in order to get there. Along the way there might be passengers who want you stop at a certain station, some that want to derail you and some that want to travel with you to reach the end destination. There will be times where you miss the odd training session and times where you have a bit of a blow out and overeat......this is normal! However if this is happening on a regular occurrence you will not see the results. 
The best way to get results is to surround yourself with like minded people, people who support you not dangle cake in front of your nose! If you are finding that your train is getting derailed more than moving forward then click one of the links below and let us help you.
stop playing.. keep it moving
stop playing.. keep it moving
stop playing.. keep it moving
keep it moving (yeah) moving (yeah) moving (yeah) 
So just click one of the links below and keep your train firmly on the track!
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain
Andrea (time to stop at some stations) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe