Hope you have had a great weekend?
I have just got back from a mini break in Rome. It was a surprise trip for my Mum, she knew we were going away but didn't know where to until we arrived at the airport!
We arrived in Rome to sunny warm weather and a fantastic apartment. We ventured out to find out where everything was and did plenty of sire seeing over the 4 days we were there.....we also did plenty of eating and drinking!
The first thing we came across was the Vatican city......I just couldn't believed the size and scale of everything. Every building hand grand details, grand architecture and were really amazing. A Roman will have worked all his life building something and would probably never get to see the end product!
When I was there I really started to understand the meaning of 'Rome wasn't built in a day' important things take time, you have to have patience and work on the things which are important every day!

The same can be said when it comes to health and fitness....you can't expect to eat healthy and exercise for a day and see changes! You have to be consistent, make changes and have routines on a daily basis and most importantly be patient! (this is coming from Miss Impatient herself!)
There is no quick fix when it comes to making long term and lasting changes.......so if you want help in achieving something great and becoming the best version of yourself then click the link below.
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Click here to become your very own Roman Warrior
Click here to eat your way to long term results
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Andrea (now has a love for Italy) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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