Hope you have all had a good weekend?
I had another busy one! I could do with a three day weekend! On Saturday I went to a Gin festival......a first for me and I think I have become a gin convert!
Now the thing is with me, I hardly drink and when I do it goes straight to my head lol #lightweight. I don't know about you guys but when I have a drink I tend to make bad decisions when it comes to eating......finishing the night off with cheesy chips and coleslaw is not something I would normally do!
Then on Sunday I was in a duathlon team and did the first running leg. I felt fine till I set off running then I realised that I am no longer 21 and I can't drink the day before a run!
This weekend my body has felt like a temple......a temple of doom!

Whilst I was under the influence of Gin I made the wrong decision when it come to my pre bed snack. How many of you out there have made the wrong decision whilst being under the influence of someone else? We probably all know someone who keeps offering you cake whilst you are trying to lose weight, the friend who wants to arrange something on the nights you go training. All this can impact results!
On the flip side if we surround ourselves with like minded individuals who support and encourage us we can be influenced to make good decisions when it comes to health & fitness.
At bootcamp we have an army of people of who want to make a positive impact on their health & fitness.....so if you want to surround yourself with like minded click one of the links below.
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain
Click here to make your body a temple!
Click here for great diet choices
Click here for delicious monthly recipes
Andrea (is no longer 21) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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