Sunday, 4 December 2016

The simplest things are the best

Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good weekend? Saturday was Fit 4 Force Christmas do! It was a great night and I want to thank everyone who came along and helped make it a great night. When I finally realised who had my camera I came across some cracking pictures ;) I was suffering on Sunday as I'm not used to drinking anymore. Back to training this week to work it all off!
The other week my Mum and I were at the local garden centre and we were talking about the first Christmas present my brother and I bought her. Many many years ago we went to the same garden centre with my Nana and my brother and I bought her a bauble each. My Mum was saying that she still has those baubles! Now they might not go on the tree anymore as they will now be classed as retro lol, however it got me thinking that the most basic things mean more and are remembered more than spending loads of money on expensive presents. Now if we are all honest can we remember all the presents we have had bought over the years? Now I did ask my Mum if she wanted a bauble for Christmas this year, but by the look on her face it was a no lol.
santa with weights
Now this got me thinking about exercise, when did things get so complicated? The amount of different training techniques and regime you hear about can be confusing and never know what to do. Sometimes like with Christmas it is best to keep things simple. You can have an effective, result driven training session by just using your body weight. It targets both strength & cardiovascular fitness. Keep it simple, do it right, train often and get fantastic results. 
So if like me you need to work off those Christmas parties then click on one of the links below...........we may love Santa but we don't want to look like him lol ;)
Remember we still have our special offer on for our LifeForce plan........also make sure you look out for next weeks email with our December and January specials.
Have a great week :)
Click one of the links below.
For a special time only the LifeForce plan will be only £25.00!!! This is in e book format so you can get started straight away :)
Andrea (bauble buyer) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Finally learnt the meaning of 'megged'

Hi Troops,
Well finally in December arggghhh and on the countdown to Christmas. It's the Fit 4 Force Christmas Party this weekend so I am looking forward to celebrating it with some of my lovely customers :)
The other week I was at School and one of the kids was getting upset as someone was making fun of him as he had 'megged' him!!? Now I was trying to calm the situation down and forget to look up what it for those of you who are in the dark like I was and don't know what it means then this is the definition from Wikipedia......
 A nutmeg (or tunnel, nut, or meg), is a playing technique used chiefly in association football, but also in field hockey, ice hockey, and basketball. The aim is to kick, roll, dribble, throw, or push the ball (or puck) between an opponent's legs (feet).
Now since then some of the lads who I work with have told me what it means and were shocked that I didn't know.......But why would I know!? I don't play football, I'm not around people who play football (other than now the kids at school on a lunch time) and I don't watch it.
Now I am now educated in at least one football term and it got me thinking about diet and exercise too.......not everyone knows the best way to train to burn fat, and what some people class is eating healthy is not always the best way to achieve fat loss. Now I don't know all the answers (other than now I know what a nutmeg is), however I can share my knowledge and experience on how to get people results.
Just click one of the links below to help you burn fat in just 21 days and to burn upto 1000 calories in one training session.
Remember we still have our special offer on for our LifeForce plan........also make sure you look out for next weeks email with our December and January specials.
Have a great weekend :)
Click one of the links below.
For a special time only the LifeForce plan will be only £25.00!!! This is in e book format so you can get started straight away :)
Andrea (megged) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 29 November 2016


Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good weekend? I went out on Saturday and had a few drinks......the first time in a long time since I have been doing my competition prep. Let's just say it only took a couple of Red Wine's before I was ready to hit the dance floor ;) One thing I have not missed is losing a day the day after due to not feeling that great!
The other day I was on facebook and one of those links came up which compared your first ever profile picture to the current one. Now mine are roughly ten years apart and I was surprised in the difference in how I look. I personally think I have got better with age (like a fine wine) but I was surprised on how chubby I looked compared to now. Now the truth is I was 'lighter' on the scales than I am today!!
I can't actually remember my weight ten years ago however I know that I didn't go over 9 stone 2lb until I started training......well should I say training differently. Back then I did long distance running with no cross training or interval training. Now I wasn't fat, however I wasn't as lean and toned as I am now! On my most recent profile picture I was about 9st 8lb.
10 years apart
Now I am guilty as most about getting obsessed with the number on the scales however, I think the best way to track progress is to do measurements and progress pictures. You look at yourself everyday (or most days) in the mirror and can't see the changes. Doing photo comparisons is where you see the difference.
One question I ask is if you had the body you wanted would you give a shit how much you weighed? The scales just generate a number, they don't generate how you look, how you feel and how healthy you are.
So try not to get obsessed with the scales, take some selfies and click one of the links below so we can help with your diet and training.
Turn back time and start training and eating well :) 
Click one of the links below.
For a special time only the LifeForce plan will be only £25.00!!! This is in e book format so you can get started straight away :)
Andrea ('fine wine') Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Another weekend another perma tan

Hi All,
Hope you had a good weekend and are having a good week? 
Well at the weekend I did another competition, this time in Leicester. Now my prep hadn't gone as well this time as I was ill the week before and couldn't train. However I still felt in better shape than my last one. I felt tighter round my middle and I had more muscle mass this time.
Now unfortunately I didn't place :( The standard was so high and this time there were 16 girls and the top three were in awesome shape. It actually gave me more determination for next year!
Now I had my treats on Sunday night and I am now back on the healthy eating doing the LifeForce plan. After my last competition I went nuts and binged for two weeks, were this time I don't want to. I enjoyed my curry and now I am enjoying a variety of different healthy food and recipes out.
We are on the countdown to Christmas but why not buy your LifeForce plan and change your lifestyle today?
Christmas is a time when we all put on a few extra punds however don't let those pounds turn into stone!
Click one of the links below.
For a special time only the LifeForce plan will be only £25.00!!! This is in ebook format so you can get started straight away :)
Andrea (perma tanned) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Secret lives of 4 year olds

Hi All,
Well here we are end of another week, Christmas is slowly creeping up on us arghhh....
Last week when I was off ill, one thing I did that I haven't done in ages is just sit on the sofa all evening watching TV. I watched a programme called The Secret Life of 4 year olds, it was great to watch especially as I work with children of a similar age.

In episode one the children had to pair up and were joined together with a paper chain and they had to try not to break the chain. The idea was to get them to work together and compromise on the activities they wanted to do. Now in the group of children there are a few 'characters' one little boy in particular was pretty much ruling the roost from the start.

Now as you can probably guess him and his partners chain broke almost straight away......he then proceeded to break other pairings chains too. Now the programme was very interesting and funny to watch. Although I bet we all know someone like this, as soon as they fail they like to destroy others success?
1 person

How many times have you been on a healthy eating plan and have someone constantly tell you to eat more cake or offer you crisps, chocolate etc? I always think that people who do this are normally those who can't stick to something themselves and are jealous when others get results!?

I am lucky to be surrounded by friends and family who stop offering me chocolate and sweets and support what I do and what I want to eat. It is hard enough sticking to a healthy eating regime without someone trying to sabotage your success.

I have spoken to clients in the past who have had people call them 'sad' because they train and even told 'to get a life' because they turned down cake!!! Well if 'cake' is someone's life I am happy not having one ;)

So if you are focused and have a goal then surround yourself with like-minded supportive people, so click on one of the links below where you can have all the help and support you need.
Andrea (chain builder) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Work/Life Balance

Hello Troops,
Have you ever sat down and realised that you have got things out of balance? When I was Ill last week I realised that my work/life balance is out of kilter. I seem to be always working and I am that busy working that I am forgetting to have a life.

Now I love my work, however, something has to personal life and now my health is starting to suffer. So 2017 is my year to build my life as well as my business.

Health and fitness also have to balance.......when it comes to diet & exercise energy in v's energy out is what makes the difference. If you burn more energy than you put in (i.e eat less calories, train more) then this will have a positive effect on your weight, however the same goes for if you are eating more and training less. If you are putting in more calories than burning off then you are likely to gain weight.
prioritiesDietingPart2 01

So if you need to re balance your energy scales then click on one of the links below to let us help you make a change. Christmas is going to put us out of kilter so do something today to avoid the big imbalances. Our LifeForce plan has got many clients amazing results in just 21 days 
Andrea (over this illness lark) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Tough Ten completed

Hi Troops,
How are you? Hope you have all had a good weekend? I feel 50% human after being ill all last week :( Whatever I have had has totally floored me not even trained and my next competition is on Sunday arghh!!
On Saturday there was a 10k trial run at Roundhay Park in Leeds which was in aid of Cancer research......'Tough Ten'. Earlier this year a family friend lost her sister to Cancer so her and members of her family did the run in her memory, me and my Mum did it too. After feeling crap all week I was in two minds whether or not to do it.......then I thought there are people going through alot worse than having a bad cold so I did it and ran with my Mum.
It was a tough 10 too running through mud, sliding down bankings and running up stairs and hills at the finish. I was great to see so many people doing it, especially those who don't normally do anything like it. My Mum did great, she found it hard but kept going......and our family friend did amazing as she did it after having surgery on her knee in the past.  Now I got home had a bath and slept the rest of the afternoon and slept for double numbers on Saturday night.
This just got me thinking that no matter what your situation, you can achieve anything. Being healthy and fit is what keeps us younger and healthier inside. So forget the excuses and make changes today and click one of the links below.
Also we are on the count down to Christmas so now is the time to get into shape. Want to fit into that little black dress or Lounge suit then click below :) 
Andrea (sick of feeling sick) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Pulled up on my content!

Hi Guys,
The other day someone commented on my blog on how I contradict myself with the content that I put. They were referring to the comments I make about my diet.
One minute I say I am happy when I am eating healthy, but then state I can't wait to finish my strict competition prep and relax and eat what I want. So today I wanted to expand on this.
1. I am human, so yes every now and then I can't wait to eat a big bag of dairy milk buttons and not regret it ;)
2. When I say I can't wait to eat what I want then that doesn't necessarily mean I want to eat Pizza and Chips. When you are following a strict competition diet it can very repetitive, eating the same thing day in day out for weeks.
3. I should have said I can't wait to have variety back in my diet. You can eat delicious food which can be healthy. Variety is the spice of life!
After my last comp I binged on all the wrong foods and it made me feel like crap. You can be healthy and allow the odd treat.......I just went from one extreme to the other in a matter of days. My cheat meal turned into a cheat fortnight! I had been living in two extremes which are really unhealthy not only physically but mentally too. I learned my lesson and I won't be making the same mistake after my next competition.
As you all know I am very honest in my blogs and my content tends to come from what is happening in my life at the time I write them......they have real life relevance. The content might appear to contradict itself because one day I might be happy eating the strict plan then one day I might just fancy having steak for my tea instead!
When I did the LifeForce plan I never felt like I was on a diet, restricted or eating the same thing day in day out, so with Christmas just around the corner why don't you give it a go? 21 days to transform yourself...........get ready for Christmas ;)
Just click one of the links below.
Also thank you to the person who gave me the feedback as I do take things on board, it can get hard writing week in week out trying to think of new content that perhaps haven't covered. I would love to hear your feedback and what you think, plus it gives me ideas for my next blog ;)
Click below to change yourself.
Andrea (appreciate feedback) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

All the fun without the stress!

Hi Troops,
Hope you are having a good week? November is gradually marching on and we are heading to the dreaded 'C' word! I haven't even thought about any shopping yet arghh! I am however looking forward to some time off and giving myself a break from the strict diet and training routine.........few weeks to go yet so still on it as want to look good in my new outfit for the annual Christmas Parties!
Last week I was at work for my other non boot camp job and I was in a School speaking to a member of staff telling them what else I do for a living. They were saying how interesting it must be and I get to teach the kids in the school, get all the fun bits with-out the stress! Now I agree, I take my hat off to teachers, I think they do an amazing job as I don't think I could do it full time! However, as part of my job for the school work and for boot camp, I still have the planning, the preparation and try to keep things interesting and fresh. The hardest part of my job is putting a smile on my face when I have had a bad day.
 work stress
Now I sometimes feel stressed out about work, however it is because I am passionate about what I do and I want people to receive the best customer service possible are more importantly enjoy the sessions and get results.
Over the next few months there will be some changes coming , new packages, new sessions, so watch this space for more information. 
In the meantime if you want to transform your fitness, health and body in time for Christmas and next year then click one of the links below.
Andrea (passionate about health & fitness) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Never take things for granted

Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good weekend and enjoyed the Bonfire's and Fireworks. I helped out at Fire Service HQ Bonfire on Friday and it was freezing! I had seven layers on and still couldn't get warm........although I started feeling ill on Saturday so probably why :( So I have spend most of the weekend on the sofa feeling sorry for myself lol!
The other week I met up with a couple of my friends and when I got home one of them messaged me apologising for taking the things that she has that I want for granted (kids)I told her not to be daft and no need to apologise for having something amazing before me!
never take things for granted
Now this got me thinking about exercise and training, now I wake up in a morning I go and train (apart from when I have a cold lol) and get on with my day, now I just take this for granted that I will wake up and be able to do it! However how many people cant exercise due to injury or illness? How many people cant move on their own let alone exercise? How many people don't wake up in a morning?
So when you have that excuse not to exercise, just remember about those that would love to be able to exercise that can't..........never take being able bodied and healthy for granted. So click one of the links below and get moving ;)
Andrea (hate being ill) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

No time to work out?

Hi Guys,
I was out running on Sunday and only did a short one as I didn't have much time. Now I haven't been running for ages due to injury so my running fitness has taken a nose dive, but gradually getting back into it.
As I was pushing myself round trying to go quicker I thought you can get a great work-out in a shorrt period of time if you work hard.
All bootcamp sessions are based on interval based training, where you work at high intensity for a short period of time. Sessions last between 45-60 minutes so there is no excuse not to work out. 
Click one of the links below to get your high intensity speedy work-out :)
Andrea (getting back into fitness) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Last week I got plenty!

Hi Guys,
Hope you all had a good weekend?
Last week was half time and it was the first time in ages I got plenty........of sleep! Prior to half term I had been working long hours, training loads and not getting enough sleep. I am an 8 hour a night kinda girl and when I consistantly don't get enough it takes it toll.
I get so I want to eat loads....of the wrong foods, which is not great when following a healthy diet, I also cant concentrate the same and feel like I need an afternoon sleep. So last Sunday I didn't set my alarm and I got up at 1.30pm!! I cant remember last time I slept in so much. I was out the night before, however I still slept for over 10 hours!
Last week was great getting my full 8 hours every night of the week, so I am making sure I am getting to bed earlier during the week so I don't feel as crap as I did the run up to half term. Although when I was off and had the odd lie in I felt so guilty!! Does anyone else get that or is it just me!?
Now how many times have you heard people say sleep is over rated? Well I disagree....not having enough sleep can have detrimental impact on your health.......your immune system becomes low so makes it harder to fight off colds, flu and infections. If you are tired you are more likely to gain weight, your hormones are affected and you are more likely to cling onto fat or eat too much. The less sleep you have the less you remember...your memory becomes affected and it is often hard to concentrate. Plus if you are sleep deprived you are less likely to exercise!
So aim to get 7-8 hours a night and see the difference :) 
Andrea (8 hour a night girl) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Whatever your reason, just do it!

Hi Guys,
Hope you are all having a good week? I could quite get used to being a lady of leisure and having time off during the week ;)
Anyway vback to reality! Yesterday I spoke about how lifestyle choices can impact the chance of getting cancer. Now to me that is one massive reason to change your lifestyle, however for some that might not be the case. If it is something that isn't relevant to you at the time then it might just be another statistic to you.
There are many reasons why people embark on a new training regime or a healthy diet plan, it might be to lose weight, to get fitter, to achieve a goal or just to look and feel better.
Now exercise and diet should be something that can be maintained, whenever we follow something that is so extreme this is normally when we fail! Its not all about looking better, its also about feeling better, being more healthy and feeling stronger and more energised. 
So whatever your reason may be, click one of the links below to become a better version of yourself :)
FB IMG 1458855881523
Andrea (doing it for my future) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Friday night viewing had me booing!

Hi Guys,
Hope you have had a good weekend and a great start to the week?
Last Friday night I was watching the stand up to Cancer programmes and it turned me into an emotional wreck! One because it is a topic which has touched our family directly over the last year and also because I am a soft buggar. As soon as I see someone cry.......I cry!
There was a New York Doctor on the programme (a rather dishy one at that) and he was explaining how smoking and obesity are the main causes of most cancers! In one hand I was shocked and on the other hand I thought to myself that at least this is something that can be prevented by lifestyle changes.
So I googled some stats and smoking, diet, alcohol and obesity cause over 100,000 cancers!!! That's the equivalent of 1/3 of cancers diagnosed!! Being overweight can cause Colon, Breast, Kidney, Gallbladder, Ovaries and Pancreas cancers...that is a bloody lot of cancer that can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight and making some lifestyle changes.
Now I hope that I have many years left in me yet as there are lots of things I want to achieve in my life and lots of places I would love to if you feel the same click one of the links below and do the best you can to lead a longer, healthier life.
fuck you cancer
Andrea (so emotional) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

The grass isn't always greener

Hello Troops,
Hope you are all having a good week? I am on the countdown to half term, I cant wait to have a few days off and just chill out.....something I don't do enough of!
My phone contract was due for renewal and the deals that were on offer with my current service provider weren't that great, so after years of being a loyal customer I switched providers.........boy am I regretting that decision! Nearly as much as the many bad decisions I have made with regards to men lol.
Anyway my nice new shiny handset arrived along with a FREE tablet, my number was switched over last week and I have had problems ever since. I think technical support and customer service recognise my voice I have been on with them that much. I even called into a store to try solve the problem. I can receive calls and texts I just cant get any internet unless I am connected to wi-fi.....not great when you are hardly at home and need your phone for business!
grass greener
Anyway after getting rather p**sed off with my new provider I phoned back my old ones to see if they could match the deal........luckily for me they managed to get near enough for me to change back (which is still all in the process but won't bore you with it all!)
Now if you are happy with something, whether that's a product or a service then I would recommend to stick to it. Customer service is a massive priority when I decide on buying something, the fact that the issue isn't resolved was an issue, the bigger issue was that no-one seemed to know what they were doing!
So if you want to come along to exercise sessions where you will receive customer loyalty and stay where the grass is already green then click one of the links below.
Andrea (need to stick to what I know) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Sunday, 16 October 2016


Hello Guys,
Hope you have had a good weekend? Mine has been alot 'dryer' than last weekend when I was on my friends hen do. I was round at my friends fo a 'girls' night in.... I was back on the H2O as back on my competition prep now.
I was in the gym changing rooms last week and I was listening to a conversation in there, one lady was telling her friend how she did the Dryathlon in September and only drank three times! I couldn't help chuckle to myself as from what I can gather the idea is not to drink at all! As the conversation unfolded the lady said that she normally drinks 3-4 times a week so I suppose three times in one month is a massive improvement.
This got me thinking about how people tackle lifestyle changes in different ways......I am pretty much an all or nothing person so I find it easier just to cut things out where some people find baby steps easier and cut things out gradually. 
Its the same with training, if you starting something new you either start gradual or throw yourself in the deep end. Whichever category you come under we can help.
We have training packages which cater for those who want to train once, twice or upto times a week. Whatever size your step may be, taking it is the important thing. So however big or small, click one of the links below. 
Andrea (dry again) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Girls Just want to have fun!

Hello Guys,
Hope you have all had a good weekend?
I was away in Newcastle (Y I Man) for my friends hen do. We had such a blast, we did an Old School Sports day on the Saturday which was such a laugh. Although doing wheel barrow races after Prosecco and a burger is not a great idea lol! Now its a long time since I have been on a 'proper' night out with full on drinking as I have spent the last few months prepping for my comps. I have to say I was proud of myself as I managed to stay out late and remembered most of the night lol.
Now because I know I am a lightweight when it comes to drinking I drank water through out the night with my alcohol, it stopped me getting trollied and stopped me getting a hangover......RESULT! Now drinking water doesn't stop hangovers however it can help prevent them and stop dehydration (main cause of hangovers!)
Now when I was on the hen do I learnt a couple of was to avoid men that slap your arse, then lick your face to apologise (yes that is the kind of idiots that I seem to get on nights out) and the second was that if you do something well then why not tap into other watch this space for Fit 4 Force 'Old School Sports Day'. 
Have a great week guys and I am looking forward to trying something new. 
girls just wanna have fun-282154

Andrea (love Espresso Martini's) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Only downgrade in certain situations

Hello Troops,
Hope you are all having a good week? Today I had a situation that when I got home I thought, wow look how far I have come. I was at an event for work and one of the people there was my ex fiancee's wife! Now if she was just his wife then it might not have been such a defining moment, however she is someone who made my life hell by sending me numerous hate messages and attacked me in a nightclub and put me in A&E #rough
This was a long time ago now, however, on the handful of occasions I have bumped into her/him in the past I have always felt bit nervous.......until today. Today was different, today it was like I didn't know her and even when I saw him turn up I didn't think anything of it......other than how far I had come and what a lucky escape I had! Also by him doing a downgrade actually upgraded my life. How many other people have noticed that with an ex? They always seem to a do a downgrade afterwards (happened with most of mine lol).
exs downgrade
When it comes to health & fitness up & downgrades work hand in hand...........
You upgrade your eating habits to healthy ones, you downgrade your body fat
You downgrade your unhealthy lifestyle and you upgrade your health
Upgrade your exercise, upgrade your fitness and body composition
The list could go on but you get my drift. Sometimes you just to make small changes to what you are doing to get results. When I look back I have made mistakes in relationships and in my diet.......I thought because I trained a lot I could eat what I wanted! You can't train your way out of a bad diet, nor in the case of my past dubious episodes (ex's) polish a turd ;)
So if you want help to upgrade your behaviour and leave the downgrades behind click one of the links below.
Andrea (saved money on a divorce) Springthorpe
07949 959 547