Hi Guys,
Sorry been abit quiet this week, after Easter I seem to have been slacking but back in full work mode now!
Now anyone who knows me well, will know that I am quite impatient (well really impatient infact) when I decide I want something doing or if I want something I want it straight away..... I even bought some Daffodils at the supermarket last week and was pissed off after a couple of days as they hadn't opened (no-one wants to look at a vase of green stems!)
Anyhow, I was taking my Mum to the hospital this morning, into Leeds which is just a nightmare in itself.........so glad I don't have to do such a horrendous daily commute!! Now I couldn't get over the amount of impatient drivers!! People beeping, undertaking and driving up your backside to quite frankly get nowhere quicker. One guy beeped whilst I was waiting for a lorry to pass on a round-about (sorry I don't have a death wish) and then undertook me to slam on and sit infront of me at the lights. Now I had slowed right down, because if someone drives so close to me to make me speed up I drive slower on purpose. We even saw one woman putting her make-up on whilst sat at the lights.......how about getting up earlier and doing it before you leave the house!?
It got me thinking though that when people are too impatient they make rash decisions which are often the wrong ones. Take diet and exercise for instance.......how many people want the quick fix, the magic pill, the do as little as possible for fast results? Unfortunately there are alot of people and thats why companies such as herbal shite, juice mush and the new one I keep hearing about Aloe Vera do well. They promise a quick fix and instant results..........now if you want a crappy drink each meal, want to lose muscle mass and look pale and gaunt then crack on.......however I would rather keep my muscle tone and eat healthy whole foods for every meal. Now these companies are great at showing the wonderful results of their clients, however they never show the 'after,after' results where someone normally ends up fatter than when they started when they start to eat again!
I know I have said it before but I will keep saying it, diet and exercise is a way of life, a lifestyle, there is no quick fix. You have to be patient and consistant. Now if there was a quick fix I would have found a way to get that six pack and be on 10 pull-ups by now!
Results come from consistantly doing something..........so why not let us help you be consistant!
Andrea (finally my Daffs are opening up) Springthorpe
07949 959 547