Thursday, 31 March 2016

Some people are so impatient..........and that's coming from Miss Impatient herself!

Hi Guys,
Sorry been abit quiet this week, after Easter I seem to have been slacking but back in full work mode now!
Now anyone who knows me well, will know that I am quite impatient (well really impatient infact) when I decide I want something doing or if I want something I want it straight away..... I even bought some Daffodils at the supermarket last week and was pissed off after a couple of days as they hadn't opened (no-one wants to look at a vase of green stems!)
Anyhow, I was taking my Mum to the hospital this morning, into Leeds which is just a nightmare in glad I don't have to do such a horrendous daily commute!! Now I couldn't get over the amount of impatient drivers!! People beeping, undertaking and driving up your backside to quite frankly get nowhere quicker. One guy beeped whilst I was waiting for a lorry to pass on a round-about (sorry I don't have a death wish) and then undertook me to slam on and sit infront of me at the lights. Now I had slowed right down, because if someone drives so close to me to make me speed up I drive slower on purpose. We even saw one woman putting her make-up on whilst sat at the about getting up earlier and doing it before you leave the house!?
 It got me thinking though that when people are too impatient they make rash decisions which are often the wrong ones. Take diet and exercise for many people want the quick fix, the magic pill, the do as little as possible for fast results? Unfortunately there are alot of people and thats why companies such as herbal shite, juice mush and the new one I keep hearing about Aloe Vera do well. They promise a quick fix and instant if you want a crappy drink each meal, want to lose muscle mass and look pale and gaunt then crack on.......however I would rather keep my muscle tone and eat healthy whole foods for every meal. Now these companies are great at showing the wonderful results of their clients, however they never show the 'after,after' results where someone normally ends up fatter than when they started when they start to eat again!
I know I have said it before but I will keep saying it, diet and exercise is a way of life, a lifestyle, there is no quick fix. You have to be patient and consistant. Now if there was a quick fix I would have found a way to get that six pack and be on 10 pull-ups by now!
Results come from consistantly doing why not let us help you be consistant!
Andrea (finally my Daffs are opening up) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Sometimes you just have to break free..............

Hi Guys,
Hope you have had a good week and are ready for the Easter holidays? I think we have some typical British bank holiday weather forecast boooo!
Ok so for the past few weeks I have had a bit of a dilemma.......I have had a PT client for a few months now and over the last couple of months they seem to have lost interest and cant be bothered in the sessions. It had got to the point where I found the sessions draining as no matter what I did they weren't getting the most out of them. They even questioned what I was doing with them when it was something that they didn't like (or found too hard). Now getting fit isn't easier and just because you hire a trainer or go to a session doesn't mean that you will get have to put the effort in, both at the session and out of the session!
fitness marriage
Now I could have carried this relationship on taking their money each week, with both of us losing interest and the client not getting any benefit from the session. Now a lot of trainers would have done that, however I actually care about what the client gets from the sessions and my own enjoyment from training someone. It had got to the point where I didn't enjoy training them, which was a first for me as I love doing what I do. So I decided to say that we should have some time off and for them to decide if it is what they really wanted to carry on doing. They replied and said that they had not been feeling well and that they were going to the doctors then would see how they felt.
Now a client/trainer relationship is just like any relationship/ both have to want to be there, have the same goals, work at things when they get hard and if it really isn't working then walk away. Bloody hell that's a first for me, talking about exercise and relating it to a relationship instead of the other way round which I normally do lol!
As a trainer I care about all my clients, whether it is my one to one clients or my group based sessions I want them to have the best experience and get the most from their sessions. When you have over 60 clients who at some point want your attention you can get a little bit tired lol. As an instructor you often become someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, someone to call names when you find a session hard lol and often become a friend. 
I have often seen trainers who look bored when doing one to one sessions, cant be arsed or are even on their phone when teaching group sessions!! (totally unprofessional I know).
So if you want to come and train with instructors who motivate you, want you to get the most out of your sessions and actually care then click one of the links below.
I often say that fitness is like a marriage, you have to make the commitment to make it work. Now we at Fit 4 Force are certainly committed -  we can offer the support and motivation, we just need you to make the first step to change and that is to come along to a session. Now we wouldn't expect people to get married on the first date, so we wouldn't expect you to commit on the first session, so if you have never been before why not contact us for your FREE taster session.
Have a great Easter :)
Andrea (committed to fitness) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Don't let your bad experiences stop you from doing something good!

Hi Guys,
Well I think my legs are just about back to normal after doing the Three Peaks at the weekend!
So last week I got an email from an Amazing guy I know asking how my mum was doing and how I was getting on with my pull-ups. I also mentioned in one of my previous blogs how one of my friends made me a home made Valentines card as he knew I didn't get one. Now if you have read my past blogs I seem to attract broken men who turn out to be knobheads!
So Amazing good looking, funny, intelligent, fit, kind and married with kids booo!!
Valentines card guy is thoughtful, naive and twenty years old!!
Its always the case the young ones seem to adore you and the decent ones in my age range are married. I was talking to the young lad at the weekend and he said all he wants to do is meet a nice girl and settle down.It got me thinking why younger men seem more keen to get into relationships than some guys 10-15 years their senior. Plus when I was 20 I was more likely to give things a whirl as I was less cautious than I am now as I hadn't had the life experience, broken heart and one knobhead after another like I have had now.
Now as much as I have been hurt in the past I think you have to live life to the max and go for something if it makes you happy......don't worry about the outcome. However how many people do you know who don't want to exercise because they have had a bad experience? Sometimes this experience stems from their School days when they have a PE teacher they hate. It could be the fact that they tried a fitness class and the instructor was a tool (yes I hate to say their are some out there!) Or they went to the gym once, got bored as they didn't know what to do so packed it in. Whatever the scenario these can all give people a negative view of exercise..........
Now not all PE teachers are the same, not all instructors are tools and if you find something you like doing it can be fun! 
So if you want an instructor who will motivate, make sessions fun and push you when needed then why not try bootcamp..........don't let a bad experience stop you from doing something good. This is the time you SHOULD look at the getting fit, healthy and achieving your goals!
So just click one of the links below to make your bad experiences good! :)
Andrea (there are some amazing ones out there) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Escape from Reality

Hi Guys,
Hope you've had a good weekend?
This weekend a group of us went to Gearstones where we each took part in different activities, some cycled, ran, walked and a group of us did the Three Peaks. A first for me which I really enjoyed........
Whilst we were there we didn't have any phone signal, we had wi-fi in the hostel but that was it. I actually really liked the fact that I didn't have a signal as it makes you appreciate what is happening around you and people's company more rather than 'checking in' all the time. 
Now I will be honest I didn't do any specific training for the three peaks, I left my packing whilst the last minute and borrowed my mum's walking boots. However I am glad to say that the boots didn't rub and I packed everything I needed even though it was very last minute. It made me realise though that even though I am not used to walking up hills and hard terrain, my fitness level was there to keep me going for 11 hours! I did sleep like a log on Saturday night though :)
Now I am not recommending that you go do three peaks without any training, however, if you are consistent with your training and keep your fitness levels up you are in a position to keep going in such challenges.
I had a great weekend with a great group of people, I learnt that it is good to 'switch' off and stay away from technology and take in each moment &. enjoy your surroundings instead of trying to capture it on your phone! I also learnt that everyone has strength and weaknesses, I am such a pussy when it comes to walking down steep climbs, I can jump out of a plane, but shit myself when climbing down steep rocks!
So if you want to keep your fitness levels consistently high then come to will also have an hour escaping from reality as there is no time to check your phone!
Have a great week :)
Andrea (lucky to not have any blisters) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 17 March 2016


Hi Guys,
A quick one today as all I want to do is ask you a MASSIVE favour........
I have been nominated for the My Mirfield Business Awards and I have got through as a finalist whoop whoop! Now this is the first time I have been nominated for anything like this and it would mean a great deal if I were to win! 
Thank you to everyone who nominated me, it shows that all the hard work is paying off and that I have a great set of customers and friends!
So if you would please click the link below and vote for Fit 4 Force under the Sporting or Activity Organisation of the year I would be grateful that if you send me a screen shot of your voting and I am to win I will put names in a draw to win 1 months training at bootcamp and 1 Lifeforce plan.
Have a great weekend...
I am off to climb the three peaks!!
Andrea (proud to be a finalist) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Time to look younger!

Hi Guys,
Hope you are having a good week?
Ok, so the other day, I walked into work and someone asked me to settle an argument for them. He said that he had been discussing with another member of staff my age...........they had me either mid to late twenties! Boom get in! I said I would take either of those and be happy with them!!
Anyway it got me thinking that coming across as being younger than you are isn't always down to how many wrinkles you have on your face! Now I think I am blessed with good genes as Mr & Mrs Springthorpe look good for their age. However I think someone can appear younger if they look after their health and fitness and be happy and enjoy life. My parents have always been active and when I look at a lot of people their age who are walking round like they are 90 years old I realise how youthful they still are in what they do (although I wouldn't say that when I have a conversation with them after 9pm lol)
Now when I eat crap, I feel sluggish, my skin looks grey, I get the odd pimple and my belly bloats......all in all not a great look and I probably start to look my age. However if you eat the right food this shows in your skin, you have more energy so you can achieve more! Plus when you exercise you are keeping all your vital organs healthier. Also as you get stronger, fitter and build more muscle you will become more toned and look younger!
I know I have said it in previous emails however it is so important to fuel your body right, especially when you train as you need the right energy to help you perform better in training.
One tip I will give you to try and knock 10 years or so off your age is to use coconut oil on your skin. I buy a jar which I cook with and put some in a tub in the bathroom to put on my face and body. Since I have used it on my face I have seen a massive improvement and people think I am at least ten years younger than I am lol. Plus I drink 3-4 litres of water a day!!
Andrea (looking ten years younger) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Sunday, 13 March 2016


'Tell me what you think about me? I buy my own diamonds and i buy my own rings'
Sorry guys typing that title made me want to break out into a bit of 'Destiny's Child' so thought I would share the first lot of lyrics with you........anyway back to reality (oh there is another song......this could carry on all day!) many times have you said or heard people say 'Diet starts Monday'?
Now I hear it all the time and I have said it in the past.......But why a Monday, why not a Tuesday, Thursday or any day of the week? Or why not stop dieting altogether!?
Yes there you have it stop dieting and you will start to get results...........
Providing you cut out the crap and start eating more food and make yourself sweat! Eat less crap
So cut out the carbonated & sweet drinks, refined sugar, artificial & processed food. Then start to eat more fruit & veg (more veg than fruit) protein, health fats & drink more water. Gdont be skinnyet active and help lose those inches. If you focus on health then weight & inch loss will follow.
If you are consistant with healthy eating and exercise then you should never have to go back on a 'diet'.
So many people follow fad diets, or eat well for so long then go back tho their old ways and put weight back on. If you are consistently healthy then the odd treat wont ruin all your hard work. 
Remember been fit and healthy is not something you do for a couple of weeks every year, it is about changing your lifestyle, changing your relationship with food and about getting off your backside a few times a week to train.
There isn't a magic pill that makes it happen (thank god otherwise I wouldn't have a job!). The person behind your success is you!
So have a great week and before you reach for unhealthy options this week.........Remember it takes 524 burpees to burn off 1 large fries!!
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Andrea (enjoys getting sweaty) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 10 March 2016

So much information it's hard to know what to believe!

Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good week?
Now at the beginning of the year I told you my two main fitness do 10 x STRICT pull-ups and get a six pack – two goals which seem to be bloody hard to achieve! However I have set them and I will stick at it till I achieve them!
Ok so I have always had a flat stomach but I never seem to be able to get the full six pack. I know the reason why and that is down to my body fat percentage. In order to get the six pack you have to reduce your body fat percentage. I'm sure some of you have heard of the saying abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym?
Anyway after Christmas I did the LifeForce Transformation plan and lost pounds, inches and body fat. Then I carried on with the principals allowing one cheat meal a week.
Now anyone who knows me I am quite impatient so I looked to see what I could do to speed the fat loss process up. Now I work in the fitness industry and there is so much conflicting information out there it is sometimes hard for me to know what is best, let alone for anyone who has no experience.
Low fat, no fat, high fat – low carbs, no carbs, carb cycling – don't eat late, eat late so much conflicting information out there it is hard to know what to believe.
Anyway at the beginning of February I downloaded a 4 week abs program to do in the gym which also had a diet plan which you were supposed to follow for the 4 weeks. My god I think I lasted 9 days before I demolished a bar of dark chocolate!! It was boring, had no variety and I felt hungry and tired all the time. It was basically chicken or fish with veg or salad for each meal!! Now the first few days my stomach went down (probably because I was starving) however then I started to look bloated (worse than when I first started!) So I came off that f**cking boring diet of fish and chicken and went back onto the LifeForce Plan.
I have been reading a book recently about how to get leaner and the best advice to lose weight is to stop dieting! Eat a sensible healthy VARIED diet which includes all macronutrients (Carbs, Protein & Fat), plenty of veg, some fruit and avoid processed food and sugar. And do high intensity interval training to help speed up fat loss.
Now I have been eating 'better' again I have more energy, feel better and my performance in training has gone back to what it should be. If you are struggling to get results, then you might not be eating enough. If you consistently restrict your calories your body starts to go into starvation mode and holds onto fat. Then what do you do? Cut your calories or train more? Which then puts your body under stress & makes your body 'cling onto fat' as you are not getting enough calories.
If you want to learn more on how to follow a healthy balanced diet (which also includes chocolate) then click the link below. Or sign up to our online SWAT weight loss support group, where you can have your questions answered at the touch of a button. With ONE MONTHS FREE TRIAL what have you got to lose?
If you want to train to maximise fat loss then come to boot camp.............. HIIT (high intensity interval training) = higher fat loss.
Andrea (on my six pack journey) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

If you want something you've never'll have to do something you've never done

Hi Guys,
Hope you are all having a good week? 
Ok in my last email/blog, I confessed that I am addicted to buying fitness clothes. I will also admit that I have a guilty pleasure......I like to watch TOWIE (the only way is essex!) Now for someone who hardly watches TV this is one thing that I actually switch onto on a regular basis.
Anyway I was watching an episode and one of the guys in the show was plucking up the courage to go to a fitness class. I thought this was quite apt as alot of people often feel nervous before they attend fitness sessions. Now for people who like exercise and go to different sessions or the gym on a regular basis then they may find it hard to believe that people worry about going to new sessions.
Now its a long time since I first went to a fitness class or first went to the gym. However I remember feeling self conscious. Now the first time I went to a fitness class I was with my Mum and the first time I went to the gym I was with my Dad. It was ok as I got used to going with them so I felt more confident. But what if you haven't anyone to go with?
It can feel quite daunting walking into a gym or going to a fitness session for the first time. Over the years I grew more confident and eventually started going on my own. However when I was with my ex boyfriend who was a PTI in the Army, when I went to stay with him he used to take me training with him to the Army gym. Now I can tell you that is daunting!! Been the only female in an Army environment made me very self concscious! Anyway now it is my job it comes as second nature and it doesn't worry me. However at one point it did.........and you sometimes have to take yourself out of your comfort zone, to grow, develop and make a change. 
If you want to have something you have never had, you need to do something you have never done before.
So if you are worried about coming to bootcamp, remember that we have all been there, take the step to make the change. You will be training alongside like minded people who are friendly and have at one point been a newbie.
Or are you having trouble burning fat? Do you need structure, motivation and advice? Then why not buy our LifeForce Transformation plan or sign up to our online SWAT weight loss group......with one months FREE trial what have you got to lose?
Remember that in order to hit your goal, sometimes you have to try something you have never done before. So if you have hit a plateau or lack motivation let us help. 
Remember step out of your comfort zone and make a change!
Andrea (coaxing you out of your comfort zone) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Confession time........My name is Andrea and I am...................

Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good weekend and all the Mum's out there had a lovely mothers day.
Ok so my confession...... 'My name is Andrea and I am a fitness clothes shopaholic' could have been worse right!
So for Mothers day we went out for a family curry which was very delicious, as I was getting ready I looked in the wardrobe and thought I have nothing to wear! Now does that sound familiar? How many people say that on a regular basis?
My main issue is that I am addicted to buying fitness clothing and I no longer seem to have any normal clothes lol! I very rarely buy new clothes, however when I do it is fitness wear. Now I am glad that my issue is because I have an addiction to fitness clothes, however for many the reason why people have nothing to wear is because they no longer have clothes that fit them.
Ask yourself the following questions..........
Have you ever felt fed up as nothing fits anymore?
Do you have a wardrobe full of lovely clothes that are too tight?
Do you get a sweat on as you are trying to pull those jeans up and squeeze everything in?
Or do you just look in the mirror and dont like the body that is looking back at you?
If you answered yes to any of the following or perhaps you just want to improve your health and fitness then let us help.
We can kick your booty into shape at bootcamp or we can give you a ready made 21 day diet plan that not only helps transform your body but your lifestyle and relationship with food too.
We are also happy to launch our online SWAT weight loss group FREE for the first the link below to find outr more information.
Andrea (nothing to wear) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Creative Genius........someone has to be ;)

Hello Troops,
Hope you have all had a good week?
A while ago someone asked me if I got someone to do my emails/blog or if i had a template which I tweaked. I think they were suprised when I told them that I wrote them all from scratch! I often get asked where I get all my ideas from...........what can I say I am a creative genius lol
Joking apart it takes something I hear, an experience I have or how I feel that day that gives me inspiration! Anything in life can be related back to fitness & health because that is what keeps us functioning!
However today this creative genius is struggling!
So today all I'm going to say is, if you are wanting to make a change then click one of the links below. Simple diet + simple training = great results!!
Andrea (creative juice not flowing) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Alcohol..........often makes you do things you normally wouldn't!

Hey Guys,
Hope you are having a good week so far?
Today I want to talk about alcohol and how it often makes you do things you normally wouldn't! Now on Saturday I had my first drinking session since New Years Eve!!! Now me and my friend had planned an afternoon of cocktails for ages and I was looking forward to it after having a dry January and most of February. Now in all honesty I have not missed alcohol at all............ I have still had nights out and stayed sober and woken up hangover free.
So Saturday morning I tidied up, did my batch cooking as I thought I wouldn't be able to move from the sofa on Sunday. Anyway I had a great time on Saturday, probably drank my daily calorie allowance in cocktails and woke up Sunday feeling fine!! Now one tip I will say to anyone when going out drinking.........if you have a chaser with each drink then you can avoid the hangovers! The chaser has to be water of course. I had a drink of water with every other cocktail and still managed to function on Sunday.
Now we have all no doubt been in a situation where we have had a few too many and done things under the influence which we normally wouldn't do whilst sober. I know I have (now there are probably loads of things but thats for another day!) Today I want to say how this weeks drinking session made me do things I wouldn't normally do..........all of which were positive!
Well first of all I normally go for a run on a Sunday morning, something which I hadn't planned on doing as I thought I would feel rough. I normally do some admin work on a Sunday, again the laptop was tidied away as I didn't think I would be up to it. So Sunday morning came, I woke up feeling fine, however instead of forcing myself for a run, I forced myself to have a day of rest and chill exercise and no work!
Now I am normally the one encouraging people to exercise, which I still will do. However for those of you who do exercise on a regular basis one session you need to plan into your schedule is a rest day. So many people forget to do this (me included) and end up burning out, getting injured and feeling shattered. Rest days are vital for success, they give your body and mind the chance to recover so you work harder on your training days.
I am one person who finds it hard to chill out and relax, if I am at home I am on the laptop doing work, or running round doing my own training before going to train others. This is great and I love it however, living life at 100 miles per hour sometimes catches up with you!
So take at least one day a week to rest from exercise and switch your mind off from work. I felt great for it and it will be something that will be in my weekly schedule.
For the days you train and are not sure what to do then let me help! Let me take away the stress of training and healthy eating!
Andrea (taking time out) Springthorpe
07949 959 547