Hey Guys,
Nearly the weekend again.........where does time go!? Time flies as you get older!
Today I took my mum to a hospital appointment and whilst she was in her appointment I was sat in the waiting area, having a drink and eyeing up fit Doctors ;)
Apart from the Doctors, it was a good spot to sit and see all the different people come in and out. It also made me realise the amount of people that are barely mobile and cant walk (for whatever reason). 
It got me thinking about how much we take for granted...........
I get up, go train, go to work, teach boot camp, run, go to the gym basically I take it for granted that I am fit enough to exercise. Some people aren't in a position to walk to the shops let alone exercise! So why do so many people who are able to exercise see it as a chore or just decide not to do it!?
Anyone that is physically well enough to exercise or just to be active should see this as a blessing! There are so many people out there who are ill or injured that would give anything just to have the ability to exercise.
For those of you who read my emails will know that my Mum is undergoing treatment for cancer.........now she is an amazing woman and is still attending my boot camps. However as time has gone on there is less and less she can do and she is starting to get frustrated that she cant do as much she used to. Now the fact that she is still exercising is still a lot more than the so called 'healthy' individuals who decide not to do a thing.
So if you wake up in a morning, fit and healthy then see this as a blessing and owe it to yourself to keep your body in the best shape it can be. You get one body.........look after it!
Andrea (grateful for health) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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