Sunday 4 September 2016

When it gets hard is when you need to stick to it!

Hi Troops,
Hope you have all had a good weekend? This weekend I went to my friends house warming, this was the first social event since starting my prep that I found really hard. To be honest it is not the alcohol I am missing this time it was the food. It smelt so nice and I found it hard. I think with only a week to go I know I am on the count down till I can have a curry!!
One of my friends said surely one chicken piece wouldn't ruin everything, now this might be true, however, 1. I know if I got the taste for something different I would want more and 2. what if I didn't place.....I would blame that chicken piece lol!
I think the hardest thing when trying to follow a healthy diet and fitness regime is social situations, it is so easy to get drawn in to eating and drinking too much. However like with everything if you plan for these situations they don't have to ruin your best efforts. Another friend at the party was slimming and ate her tea before going so she wouldn't be tempted and counted the alcohol she was having.
When your journey feels hard this is when you need to stick to it, the results will be worth it!
So if you want help when things get tough click one of the links below :) 
Andrea (dreaming of chocolate buttons) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

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