Hello Guys,
Hope you all had a good weekend? I suppose it seems a distant memory now.....I am behind with my blogs as I have had two action packed weekends on the trot!
So this weekend I spent the longest time I have with any male for a long time......Ben Nevis ;)
Yes we had our road trip up to Scotland, climbed a mountain and came home. Mixed in with all that was some small drama's and lots of laughs. When we arrived at our hostel we started un-packing the camper van and realised that we had left one of the girls rucksack in Yorkshire!! Said rucksack had all walking gear in apart from walking boots which was lucky. So after a mad dash into town she managed to get a raincoat from the one shop that was still open! We managed to climb up Ben Nevis with only the odd midge bites. We were so lucky with the weather and we got fantastic views and even managed to sit at the top for an hour and eat lunch. The other views that we got to see was the mass of good looking men!!! Is that where they are all hiding....up a mountain??!
Now I have stayed in a hostel before, however the ones I have stayed in the past has had separate dorms with doors, this one was certainly back to basics with rows of bunk beds and only two toilets and showers to share between 24 people! To be honest though I think it made the weekend feel even more of an adventure. I was glad to get back into my own bed on Sunday night though.
We set off home early Sunday morning and I have found out that as soon as I get in a vehicle (when not driving) I have the traits of a baby. I fall asleep, wake up when hungry then fall back to sleep. This was the pattern on the way there and on the way home. However when we had a blow out on the motorway, being sat at the side of the M6 for over an hour woke me up. Luckily we managed to get onto the hard shoulder before anything worse happened. RAC came to put on the spare and the damaged tyre was saved by a guy at Kwik Fit so we could get home.......
'You can't get better than a kwik fit fitter'
Now no matter how much you plan for events like this sometimes things happen which are out of our control or just bad luck. Luckily we all had enough clothes between us to sort the missing rucksack issue out, if the boots had have been left it might have been a different story. Although having said that there were some douche bags doing Ben Nevis in trainers and we even saw one guy in flip flops.......WTF!!
The same can happen in fitness and health, we can plan our training, stick to our meals and sometimes things don't happen how we imagine them to. We might not lose weight one week or we get ill and it puts our training on hold. However it is how you react to the situation that makes the difference between success and sticking. The girl who left her rucksack could have made the decision not to do it as she didn't have all her kit........if she had she would have missed out on an amazing experience and seen the things we did.
So don't let one mishap or disappointment knock you off track, things are sometimes sent to test us and if you stick at it then you will get results and see the top of your very own mountain.
So if you want help getting to the top click one of the links below.
Andrea (slept like a baby) Springthorpe
07949 959 547