Tuesday, 28 March 2017

'Just remember, there's a thin line between being a hero and being a memory'

Hi Guys,
Hope you are having a good week so far?
I am loving the weather, it's amazing how a bit of sun can make you feel better! And panic about those summer bodies.........
I was recently asked the question, why I do what I do......... So I thought this was great content for today's blog, the reason I run my business and do what I do.
Now for nearly 6 years (yes six bloody years where has that gone!) I have been running my business. There have been up's and downs and times when I have wanted to jack it all in, however, my passion is still there so that is why I am still going. Some of you might think I am just some evil witch that loves shouting the word Burpee's (I do but that is not the only reason I do what I do lol).
I do what I do because I want to make a difference to people's lives, not just physically but emotionally too. I know I can't change the world but if I can give someone a positive experience from training then I have done my job. I know that people come to me for various reasons and not everyone has the same goal, some come to lose weight, train for events, some come for the social aspect and some people come so they can eat a piece of cake without feeling guilty!
I myself get such a buzz from training, from feeling fit and healthy and I want to stay as young as possible for as long as possible. So if I can give even 50% of that feeling to someone else then I am happy.
As I have got older I have realised how important it is to be healthy & happy! I have realised that I am not invincible and that having a good quality of life is important. I get this from being active and healthy which also has a positive impact on my outlook on life, motivation and overall happiness.
So I do what I do to make people happy & healthy, to give them a better quality of life, stay younger for longer and to look bloody good in swimwear!
So if you want a piece of the positive pie click one of the links below........
Be the hero in your own life story and make your life Epic! 
Andrea (Transformer) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Sunday, 26 March 2017


Hi Troops,
Hope you have had a good weekend? Hope all those Mum's out there had a great Mothers Day.
It has been a lovely sunny weekend especially nice for all those Mothers Day celebrations. I was in Leeds Saturday afternoon celebrating a family friends birthday, girls afternoon out and got to spend it with Mrs S too :)
Now I don't have the privilege of being a Mum (yet) however I had a proud Mum moment the other day at School. Last week I was teaching Year 2 kids some forward rolls. The previous week I had one girl who didn't want to do it as she was afraid to push herself over, so last week she came to the PE lesson telling me she would try her best. After a couple of attempts of not being able to do it, she said to me that she really wanted to do it. So she went to try it again and did her first forward roll!
She was overjoyed, she gave me a big hug, thanked me for helping her and the rest of the class gave her a round of applause! #feltlikeaproudmum
you can do it
Now for some a forward roll was easy, however for her and other kids it was a real challenge (and would be for most adults to be fair, I don't like doing them). Anyway I felt so much joy to see the pure determination for her to achieve it. She kept trying and eventually got there.
This a lesson we could all learn from, there are times when we cant do something, or it takes longer than we thought to reach our goals and often give up before we achieve them. Learn from the determination of kids, keep trying and tryinmg till you get there! It might take you a week, a month a year, it all depends on the goal, however the journey is the lesson and the end result is the joy and round of applause!
So if you want help or a push in the right direction then click one of the links below......
Our new monthly recipes seem to be popular so why not sign up and take the hastle out of deciding what to eat!
Andrea (felt like a proud Mum) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

When you feel like your done......carry on!

Hi Guys,
What has happened to the weather!? We are now in Spring and it is bloody freezing. Last week I was teaching PE outdoors this week I have my winter coats back out! Bring on the summer!!
Earlier in the week I told you about a race I did at the weekend.....now I cant remember the last time I did a race as my focus has been on doing weight training for my competitions. Anyway in my madness I thought I would enter a 10 mile race whilst training for a comp arghh (although it has been good for the cardio fat burning!)
We had a girly day out (which is unusual as there are normally some guys racing too) to Thirsk to do a 10 mile race.......first off I underestimated how warm it was and had too many clothes on. I went with the intention of not racing, I didn't have a time in mind I just wanted to enjoy the course like I would on a normal Sunday morning run.
The first few miles I did this then I felt ok so started to push it a bit, I was feeling good up to about 7 miles. The route then went up a road, which I have now named 'psychologically hell lane! It was a section of the race where you ran out and could see the other runners come back down the other side. This was mental torture as it must have gone on for a mile! My pace slowed right down and I felt crap........however as soon as I ran round the cone for the turning point, mentally I felt better, focused on the race again and my pace picked up!
Then I got to last mile, I was red hot, even my legs were sweating and my legs never sweat! My legs felt like lead and I had no energy, I felt like stopping! Now the point where you are absolutley knackered is the point where you keep going. I just wanted to get back as quick as I could. I completed the race in a reasonable time of 84.02 minutes. Not bad to see running has taken a back seat so I can concentrate on other elements of training.
Now there are points in our lives and fitness when we want to give up, we want to quit when things feel hard. This might be things associated with our fitness, our careers or our personal lives. I am pretty much the mindset that if something is worth having that it won't come easy......we have to train or work hard to have success.
running meme 2
My brother takes the p**ss out of me as I have a 'jog log' since I have started running I write most of the running I have done down in a book and record my race results. I looked back in the  old 'jog log' and I did the Thirsk race 8 years ago! I looked back at my time and I did it in 80 minutes, this was when I was training for a Marathon and obviously I was 8 years younger so I was pleased with my result as I was only 4 minutes slower than my PB.....BOOM!
If I had given up on that race then the result would be very different! Our bodies are quite amazing and we can achieve things we don't think are possible. The challenge is mental.......the battle we have is with our minds, the thing that makes us go training, the thing that keeps us going when things feel hard and the thing that keeps our legs going when we want to sit on the curb!
The difference between who we are and who we want to be are the things that we do!
So if you want mental as well as physical support then click one of the links below..........It will be worth it!
Andrea (not bad time for an old bird) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Sunday, 19 March 2017

How ten minutes can feel so different!

Hi Troops,
Hope you have had a good weekend? Mine has been quite busy again, not as tiring as last weekend though when I went on my long distance road trip. However having said that I did a 10 mile race yesterday which was pretty tough!
After last weekend I was pretty tired and felt like I was trying to catch up on my sleep all week. In fact I had a few afternoon power naps when I could and also pressed snooze a few more times than usual. Now most snooze buttons are 10 minutes long, however, how come when the alarm goes off again it only feels like you have had a few seconds extra sleep!
Then there is ten minutes of exercise...the first ten minutes of my race yesterday felt like I had been running for an hour! And then there is the last ten seconds of a plank which feels like a lifetime!!
It got me thinking how the same amount of time can feel completely different depending on the activity. There are lots of activities which we can cram into ten minutes (get your minds out of the gutter lol) some activities can make time fly by and others can make it feel like a lifetime!
At bootcamp our sessions are based around interval training...this allows you to work hard in a short period of time. Clients often say after the session how quick it went (normally after they have called me evil). Sessions are varied which makes the sessions go quick too. So you don't need to spend hours in the gym in order to burn fat and get results.
Why not click one of the links below and start burning fat in a short space of time.......time flies when your having fun ;) 
Andrea (catching up on my sleep) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

High Five to all the guys!

Hi Guys,
Yesterday I spoke about International Women's day and I also said how I wouldn't leave the men out! So today this is a homage to all the guys out there!
Now I believe that men have a lot to do with the strength of women.......there are some amazing guys out there that support and back women. There are also complete douche bags out there that hurt women...which eventually make us stronger. Sometimes we have to be broken in order to come stronger....just like a muscle!
After we train, your body repairs or replaces damaged muscle fibers by fusing fibers together to form new muscle protein. These newly fused fibers increase in thickness and number to create muscle hypertrophy (growth). This adaption, however, does not happen while you actually lift the weights. Instead, it occurs while you rest.
Now as a tribute to guys I want to say massive thanks to all the amazing guys I have in my life, one my Dad and one my brother. Thanks to my Dad for setting the standard when it comes to letting a guy into my life. Also thank you for making me look after my car, showing me where I check the oil and how to blow my tyres up.....these are all life skills we need. Also thanks to my big bro for toughening me up and force feeding me peanut butter as a kid, as I now love the stuff lol!
Also to all the guys who broke my heart......my heart is a muscle too and is now so much stronger for going through heart ache!
Life is like exercise, it is sometimes hard, it sometimes feels like it has broken us! However we get back up stronger and fitter and the things that were once hard get easier.
So thanks to all the strong guys that have made us stronger and also to the weak ones that have made us even stronger! high five
Why not become a strong guy and click one of the links below!
Andrea (high five to all the guys) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Girl Power!

Hi Guys,
Hope you are having a good week? I think I just about feel human again after a hectic weekend! I drove to Uxbridge and back in a day on Saturday and then was at a Christening on Sunday......I got home Sunday afternoon, feel asleep on sofa, woke up sorted my stuff for work then went back to bed. Not sure how people drive for a living I was absolutely knackered! I will come on to why I went to Uxbridge in a moment.....
Last Wednesday was International Women's day........now I am behind with my email on this because if I am honest I knew nothing about it until I saw it all over facebook and instagram!! Then I was busy being superwoman (haha) the rest of the week so I didn't get chance to write about it.
So only a week late....but I wanted to pay homage to all the amazing ladies out there! Plus my Saturday road trip ties in nicely!
I had to google what International Women's day was all about......International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
Now for me the most amazing woman I know is my Mum! She has proved over the last couple of years how strong she is going through treatment for Cancer, still working and smashing it at boot camp! Anyway I know she doesn't like me going on too much how great she is but didn't want to leave her out of my email ;) Besides she must be pretty amazing to raise such a wonderful daughter hahaha.
Anyway time for a blast from the past.......who remembers Gladiators? I don't mean the Russell Crowe film I mean the Saturday night TV show from the 1990's.If you have never heard of it then google it, there are some fab video's on you tube. It is similar to Ninja Warrior execept contestants were against Gladiators. Now I remember that was Saturday tea time viewing at my Nana's house and I always remember thinking how amazing the Gladiators were. Not once did I think that I would work in the fitness industry and aspire to be half as fit as the women on there.
On Saturday I got to meet a real life Gladiator....Panther! I went down to the gym she owns for posing practice for my next competition. It was great when I got there, there was a Gladiator shrine on the wall (pic of me and Panther...yes I look knackered lol). The road trip was totally knackering, however, it was a great experience and I am all about experiencing different things in life rather than having material goods!panther

I look up to a lot of different women, those who are successful in business, those who achieve fitness success, my Mum, my friends, especially one of my closest friends who juggles, three young children with work and still find time for a weekly catch up on my love life lol!
Fitness is my career and hobby so for me finding time to train and eat healthy comes as second nature....I know for a lot of people it doesn't come easy trying to juggle everything. However if you make it part of your daily/weekly routine then it becomes habit. Just like brushing your teeth! Now on Saturday I had to cancel my PT clients, I had to get up at 5am and head off on my road trip. It would have been easy to get posing practice from someone else, however, I wanted the best advice from not only a Gladiator but a judge too! If you want something bad enough then you will make the effort to get the results you want. My goal this year is to win a competition! That will be another goal ticked off....then I can get pregnant!
So if you want help with your goal or to be trained by someone who is a little bit crazy but 100% committed to not only my own health & fitness but your's too then click one of the links below.
P.S Boys I am not leaving you lovely lot out, look out for tomorrow's email on my tribute to men!
Andrea (hmmm need a Gladiator name!?) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Grey hair.....what the hell!

Hello Troops,
Now earlier this week something devastating happened.........I found two grey hairs in the space of two days!!! Now in the grand scheme of things I realise that this isn't life or death situation, however, it made me realise that I aren't getting any younger arghhh!
Now at 38 I don't think I am doing bad as I can probably count on one hand the amount of grey hairs I have found over the years, but when I found two in such a short space of time it made me realise that this is the sign of things to come :( Not only am I getting older but it is going to cost a fortune having my hair died on a regular basis lol!
Anyway I am hoping it is just a blip and they will stay away for quite some time yet.
Now when I was younger I remember my Mum saying how she didn't feel her age and still felt young in her head, when I was younger I always wondered what she meant by this.......now I can relate to her! I sometimes forget how old I am as I feel like I am in my late twenties not late thirties! I often sit with friends and talk about the stuff we have done and then ask 'when did we get so old'?
Age is just a number, youthfulness is not age biased......you can have someone who is young chronologically but physiologically and mentally be a lot older........I am chronologically 'older' however I feel that I am still youthful as I am physically fit and like to have fun still which keeps me mentally young.
However I have realised that my 'fun' has changed over the years (perhaps that is a sign of being mature), the bars I like to go to now have weights on the end of them, water is my everyday drink and my hangovers are aching muscles from training hard. Don't get me wrong I like to go out have a boogie and let my hair down (even the grey ones), I just don't like the conventional hangovers. I will often be designated driver and the last one standing busting some moves on the dance floor!
A healthy diet and regular training leads to a good quality of life and keeps you youthful!
So if you want to stay as youthful as possible for as long as possible then click one of the links below :)
idea of fun
Andrea (happy to be healthy - not happy about the grey hairs) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Monday, 6 March 2017

If your happy and you know it........ clap your hands

Hi Guys,
Hope you have had a good weekend? I had another busy one, helping out at a Charity Carwash at local Fire Station then out with friends Saturday evening.
After I helped out at the car wash I called for a coffee on my way home and caught up with my messages etc. It was strange how I came across a quote and also received a message from one of my clients at the same time.
The quote was about happiness and how success doesn't bring happiness, however happiness breeds success. I think this is so true.....last year when I went through a period of being unhappy I ate crap, which had a negative effect on my body. Now I am happy, it is having positive effect on all aspects of my life. Everything seems to be going well and I think this is down to being positive and happy.
Clapping is associated with success....if you think about it there are many successful things that get a round of applause.....
• At the end of a theatre/performance
• When a footballer is changed over
• After meetings
• After singing Happy Birthday
• When someone wins something – award etc.
• Even after an aeroplane has landed
• I even get everyone to give themselves a round of applause after boot camp.
All these are positive things that people have achieved, so a success. All of the above are happy occasions....if you're happy and you know it clap your hands!
Going back to the client that messaged me, they said that they feel so much better already after coming to boot camp. They also said how their partner has noticed that they are a different person when they go to boot camp too. They said that they feel more motivated in general too in other areas of their life.
This is great as making one positive change in one area of your life has a knock on effect in other areas too. The danger is when it works in the opposite direction.....one bad choice can impact other areas of your life and your overall happiness.
So if you want to do something positive and bring happiness and success into your life then click one of the links below. It doesn't have to be big.....every time you make it to training or make good food choices is a success.
Andrea (glad to have happy clients) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Wonder what you fancy today?

Hi Guys,
Hope you have had a good week? Friday already so that means its the weekend tomorrow!
Now I don't know about you but I always find it harder to eat healthy on a weekend (well when I am not in prep anyway). We tend to socialise more or if we are in we don't always want the same foods that we eat in the week. At the minute I am in comp prep so every day is the same....however when I am not in prep I often look in my cupboards (mainly on a Friday evening) and wonder what I fancy to eat. To be honest I don't normally go shopping till Saturday so my choice is limited lol.
Anyway I want to take away the hassle of making a food decision........because quite frankly there are more important things we can be spending our time on!
I am launching a recipe guide where each month you receive up to 15 recipes a month....these will vary each month and will include recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and even healthy treats. Sound good? 
If you are interested then click the link below to receive your 15 recipes a month.......only £5.00 a month you would be mad to miss out!
So click away.......
Andrea (like to make life easy) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe