Tuesday, 21 February 2017

50 shades of filth ;)

Hi Guys,
Hope you are having a good week so far?
Half term this week so I am enjoying not having to get up at the crack of dawn! Yesterday I went to see 50 shades of filth, sorry 50 shades darker with my friend. Now watching Jamie Dornan (aka Mr Grey) for a couple of hours is enough to brighten anyone's day up!
Now for me watching such films just makes my standards even higher when it comes to guys ;) In all honesty I would settle with a 70% Jamie Dornan and be happy lol.
50 shades
Now I won't spoil the film for you....but the female character Anastasia Steele wasn't happy with some of the 'terms' that Mr Grey wanted for their relationship....she stuck to her guns and eventually got the relationship that she wanted.
Now she didn't get there straight away and she had to persevere and eventually she got the results that she wanted.
The same goes with health and fitness, sometimes you don't see they results straight away, however, everytime you exercise or eat healthy you are progressing towards your end goal. Never get discouraged as eventually you will get the result you want!
So if you want help and support to take those small steps towards your end goal then click one of the links below :) 
Our 21 day transformation plan is flying out the door and a great price of only £25.00! So if you want to kick start your fat loss click below....
Andrea (got a Jamie Dornan crush) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
Follow us on instagram @fit4force
Connect on Linkedin - Andrea Springthorpe

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