Sunday, 28 August 2016

Fitness & Food is the one thing we can control

Hi Guys,
Happy Bank holiday, hope you are all having a good one?
Today I want to talk about control............ now I don't want to keep harping on about my competition, but I am going to lol, as this is the one thing that has given me focus and brought the old happy Andrea back!
Now I have mentioned in previous blogs how I had piled the pounds on and how I was unhappy about it. For me it was a reaction to a lot of things, my Mum getting ill, me stressing over the business and money, not having Mr Right as a back up and not yet fulfilling my personal goals of starting a family. Now all these things are out of my control (unfortunately!) Now I am a control freak, however I couldn't control my Mum getting ill, I can't control who signs up to come to bootcamp, I can't control when someone will get down on one knee and produce the antique diamond ring I want ;) nor can I control when I have kids (well I suppose I can as there are many ways and means in getting pregnant now a days lol). Anyway you get the drift. I can do my best to in promoting my business, I can support my Mum and I can be in the best shape of my life to attract Mr Right, but ultimately I cant control the when and how's......
andreia brazier
The one thing I could take control over is the getting fit and lean again. I can control what goes past my lips, I can control how hard I push myself at training and I can control how often I train. Now me getting the focus back and being happy again has had a positive effect on the rest of my life. When I had put weight on I ate more as I felt shit, which made me feel and look worse. So I took action on the one thing in my life which I could take control of. Life is full of unknowns and surprises, don't let that surprise be one day waking up looking in the mirror and not liking what you see anymore!
So if you want help on the one thing in life YOU can control then click one of the links below :) 
Andrea (happy again) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Dreams can come true!

Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good week and looking forward to the bank holiday? I hope the weather is better than it was at bootcamp last was on soggy session!
Today I want to share a little story with you..........for many years I wanted a mini cooper s in blue with black bonnet stripes, I even had it on my laptop as a screen saver for many years. Then last year I changed that to a Scirocco as that is the next car that I want.
Anyway the reason I had these cars on my screen saver was down to a book a read a few years ago.......'The Secret' which talks about law of attraction. Whatever you focus on you attract into your life. I like to try think positive and practiced this in all areas in my life. However when things weren't going great I stopped doing it as I thought it was a load of crap!
law of attraction
Before I went on holiday my positive thinking seemed to be coming into fruition........I was offered a new part time job coaching in Schools, which I have wanted to do for ages and on my way back I saw a Mini Cooper S in blue with black bonnet stripes for sale a reasonable price!
So before I hopped onto a plane to go to Spain I went for a test drive, put a deposit down and picked it up after my jollies!
All this things that have started to happen has given me the confidence that things do happen, even if not as quick as I would have liked (however I am Miss Impatient lol!) I have a calendar of Jessie Pavelka in my bedroom so just waiting for the look a like husband lol!
Now patience and positive thinking is needed when it comes to health and fitness. You have to have an image of how you want to look and something to aim for. I'm not saying that if you just think about it, it will happen, you have to put in the hard have to turn up to training and watch what passes those lips!
So if you want help on positive thinking, your end goal or with diet and fitness then click one of the links below......dreams can come true :)
Andrea (waiting for my hat trick) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Team GB True Inspiration

Hello Troops,
I went for some printer paper earlier today before I went to the gym and the guy behind the counter said I looked like a team GB athlete! I giggled to myself and took it as a massive compliment!
Well I don't know about you guys, but I am not sure what I watched on the TV before the Olympics started!? What a fantastic games it was and go team GB! 27 Gold Medals, 23 Silver & 17 Bronze and second on the leader board. How amazing is that!
I loved watching  the games and I even watched and got into events that I wouldn't normally be interested in.
The dedication that the athletes have given to being the best over the last four years (and more in most cases) is incredible. I am certain that all the hard training and being consistant was worth it when they scooped a medal. 
Now I am not sure if it is coincidence but the swimming baths has been busier since the Olympics started..........perhaps watching it has inspired people to take action.
So if you have been inspired by the Olympic Games or you have decided that you want to make a positive change to your health and fitness then please click on one of the links below.
Andrea (wish I was good enough for the Olympics) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Sunday, 21 August 2016

It's the journey that counts

Hi Troops,
Hope you have all had a good weekend? Can't believe we are nearing the end of August, it will soon be Christmas arghh!!
It is only 3 weeks untill my Bikini Fitness competition and I am starting to brick it lol! I can't believe that I will have to get up on stage in front of loads of people in very little clothing........and do poses which are totally out of my comfort zone! That is the scary part, however that is why I did it as it was a challenge to me.......and we all like a challenge every now and then ;)
I am really competitive with myself and I am doing it to win, not just make up numbers on stage, however, I am also is my first competition so I don't know what to expect or what the judges are looking for.
I actually thought to myself the other day that no matter how well I do in the competition, I feel like I have achieved something as I have completed the journey (which has been tough at times.......currently sat in Costa Coffee eyeing up their cakes and finding it hard to resist lol). This goal has given me the determination to get the body I used to like back. Before this process I had turned into an emotional eater, I was putting weight on (fat not muscle) and the eating crap was making me feel worse. 
I now feel more energised, have more motivation to do things, my body is better than it ever has been (not bad for an old bird lol) and it feels good when people notice the changes. It is even great going on nights out not drinking as I wake up and can function the next day without feeling crap!
I might never get my ideal body (I have a picture on my fridge to motivate me) however I am becoming the best I can be and win or come last at the competition in my own mind I have won my own personal goal of completing the process and doing the best I can.
So if you too want to complete your own journey then let us help.......I know how tough sticking to something can be, however, if you train with like minded people and have the support and motivation from someone who has had to work hard to get results, then click one of the links below. 
Life's journey is more fun if it is shared! 
Andrea (it's been a challenging 3 months) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Less choice = easy action

Hi Guys,
End of another week and we are nearing the end of August and Summer...........booo!
I have only got three weeks till my competition arghhhh, I cant believe how fast it has come round. I am looking forward to eating something tasty as soon as I get off stage and out of that bikini lol!
Now I have been following a strict diet for several months which has been easier than I imagined. Now when I went on holiday I knew that I would be going off plan and even having some alcohol. The first couple of days I found it hard to get out of my strict mindset as I didn't want to jeopardise my results. Anyway I soon relaxed into my holiday and enjoyed meals out.
Now I didn't go mad, I made my own breakfasts and lunches and we ate out most evenings. I had a couple of curries, a lovely paella and even treated myself to one ice cream. Now I swam everyday and got back and I had lost a pound!
Since I have got back I have wanted to eat loads of nice stuff which I didn't want before I went away! I have stuck back to my plan, however, I have craved different food. I think my taste buds were teased on holiday hence me wanting other food.
I read an article when I got back and it said that the more we eat different 'dirty' foods we want them more and more, the cleaner we eat then that is what our bodies get used to and it is easier to stick to a plan.
So if you want to get into a clean eating routine then click the link below. Also click the other link for your consistent fitness :)
Have a great weekend and remember dont go mad with lots of different foods!
Andrea (nearly show-time) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

What a difference a year makes

I am still wishing I was on holiday so that is why you are still being greeted in Spanish lol!
Last year when I went on holiday, I got on the plane with a red swollen eye lid (which it used to do when I was stressed) I had had my emotions messed about with by someone who at the time I cared about and I had a business partnership where neither of us liked each other. I remember when I was away last year my eye gradually went back to normal as soon as I relaxed........however one day before I was due to come home it swelled up again. I was also bloated from the emotional eating :(
Anyway this year was a different feeling going on holiday, right before I went away I was offered a new part time job and I got myself a new car! Plus I had got my body back to how I like it so I felt good in a bikini ;)
When I look at what I want to achieve with my life still I have a long way to go, however just by looking back to a year ago it has improved massively.
Health & fitness can be very daunting when you look at where you want to be, however, just take time to reflect on how far you have come and how much you have improved. You still might not be at where you want to be, but remember it is a journey and things can't be achieved over night.
So if you want help with your journey then click one of the links below.
Andrea (when's my next holiday) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Sunday, 14 August 2016

un agua por favor

Hope you have all had a good weekend? Well I am back from Espania, I was actually back last Monday, which now seems a lifetime ago since I was away. I think my tan faded as soon as the plane landed in Manchester booo!!
Anyway have you ever found yourself saying that you are going to do something, then a months/years later you still haven't taken action? Well that is me, last year when I came back from Spain I said I was going to learn Spanish as mine is limited to asking for one water! Fast forward a year and I still don't know anymore Spanish than I did last year. Now this for me is quite strange as normally when I decide I want to do something I jump straight in and get it done!
So last week I started looking into Spanish lessons..........I know why I probably didn't get round to it last year, as all the courses I found clashed with when I am working. However that does not stop me from doing an online course, or getting some Spanish books. However I think I would prefer someone to teach me rather than be self taught.
So if you want someone to show you how to get fit, push you in the right direction, or show you where to get a bottle of England and Spain then click one of the links below. 
Don't put off making changes for another year, be your best on the beach!
Andrea (happier by the sea) Springthorpe
07949 959 547