Hope you have had a good week? January is over, I am sure February will fly by and we are on the count down to Spring!
In my last blog I spoke about being 'Under Pressure' when doing certain things in life and relating this to the pressure we sometimes put ourselves under to achieve an exercise goal.
Now if you read my blogs on a regular basis you will know that I have done lots of long distance running in the past, completed several marathons, half marathons, 10 miles and 10k's. I loved doing the training for them and I still run on a regular basis now. However as mentioned in my previous blog I am still in two minds about competing this year.......if I do or don't I want to achieve a certain look when it comes to my physique. Long distance running and trying to build muscle don't often go well together.
The type of running training I am enjoying at the minute is speed/strength interval based sessions. I go to Paris next month and I have entered the Paris half Marathon. This will be the first time I am going to do a race with very little mileage under my belt. However, I will still be doing my interval based training.
Like I mentioned last week, the pressure is off, I am not chasing a time. I am going to go and enjoy the event and soak up my surroundings instead of seeing backs of heads or pavements! I am actually quite interested to see how I perform, as I should have the fitness there with everything else I do. Working in the profession it is also intriguing me to see if there is much difference in my times.......I will keep you posted!

Now I am breaking from the norm, doing something different to what I normally do.......now I can't predict the outcome, however I know I will enjoy the journey a lot more than pounding the streets for hours on a cold Sunday morning!
Have you considered doing something new, do you want to break from your norm and enjoy the journey along the way? Final destinations & outcomes are often unknown, however the journey getting there should be the fun and exciting part.
So if you want to make a change then click one of the links below.
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Andrea (intrigued to see my results) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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