This weekend I was on my boot camp instructors refresher course......."oh no" I hear my clients say, well yes you should be afraid as I have come back with lots of new ideas.......and some ideas which I had forgotten I had learnt previously!
Sometimes even us instructors need some extra motivation, an extra kick up the backside or just a little reminder of why we do our jobs. This refresher course came at the right time for me......this time of year can leave even the very motivated a bit disillusioned at times. If you are old enough to recognise the guy below then I am guessing he often has his off day too!

I try to keep my sessions as varied as possible, however sometimes even with years of experience under my sweat band I run out of ideas. So I am pleased to say that the 'plateau' has been lifted and I feel excited about all the new 'beasting' (sorry exercise) sessions I can do with you all.
Now I am lucky that even when I sometimes run out of ideas, I have plenty of go to resources where I can find some information. I am guessing there are people out there right now who don't know where to go to mix up their training or to keep it fresh.
Now there are lots of classes/online training plans and PT's out there and it can be a mine field on who to if you are not sure where to start then why not contact us for a FREE taster session. You can try before you buy! If you like us great and if not then you know to check out the next item on your list.
Not everyone likes to come to group training, however, for those of you who do then you can expect a variety of motivational training sessions with a group of like minded individuals who get results!
Come and have fun and click one of the links below!
Click here for a plateau busting training plan
Click here to fuel your fitness
Click here for delicious monthly recipes
Andrea (might have to dig the 80's leotard out) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
P.S Look out for our revamped packages coming soon!
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