Hope you have had a good weekend? I have had quiet(ish) one, was out Friday night and was marshalling at the Liversedge Half Marathon on Sunday......I did have a much needed Saturday night in chilling! I have realised I can longer get away with burning the candle at both ends #nearly40!
The other week I was away in London with work at the 'Why Sports' conference.......it was a great conference which touched on lots of interesting subjects which applied to both Fit 4 Force and Legacy Sport (our sister company).
One of the slides they showed (as per below) was how physical activity effects brain activity........as you can see from the picture below, the positive effect physical activity can have on the brain.

Now how many times have you come in from work and thought you can't be bothered to train as you feel tired and sluggish? Hands up I know I have on several occasions.......and how many times do you feel more energised when you do make the effort to be active....again my hand is up.
Now as I teach sessions in the evening my training is done first thing in a morning before work. I admit there are days I want to roll over and press snooze, however the odd times I have done that I have felt more sluggish and less motivated when I have got to work. The positive effect which exercise has on my motivation and often my mood is worth setting my alarm earlier. The same goes for when I train after work, I feel more motivated and get much more done at home (including healthy food prep) when I have done so.
I know it is harder this time of year to stay motivated, cold dark evenings make most people want to hibernate! The thing is we should be working on how we want to look in the summer all year round....the trouble with 'hibernating' and avoiding exercise and healthy eating is when the sun comes out, people panic, are often unhappy with how they look and then go on some crash diet which is destined for failure.....
So let us help, with your motivation, your mood and also your summer body.......the above picture shows the positive impact exercise has on our brains......so just think what it does to our bodies!
Click here for an active mind and body
Click here to eat your way to a summer body
Click here for delicious monthly recipes
Andrea (benefited from sleep this weekend) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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