Happy Wednesday!
Now most people will be wishing someone a Happy Valentines day, sending flowers, buying gifts and going out for over expensive meals. The majority of people will want to do these things, however I am guessing that there is a large percentage of people are doing it because they feel they have to!?
I personally think that if someone wants to do something nice, buy flowers, gifts etc, it should be because they want to, not because of a certain day that guilt's people into doing so.
The same goes for exercise.......now I hold my hands up as I try and promote exercise and healthy eating to most people I meet! The benefits you get from doing regular exercise and healthy eating out was any 'magic' pill or potion that are often widely promoted.
Now I am not here to 'guilt' people into starting to exercise or eat healthy, as I honestly believe that you have to start that journey when YOU are ready. Those that have the mindset to do something they want and enjoy, get better results and stick to a routine.

So if you are considering starting something new and are ready to commit to change then why not click one of the links below........still not quite sure? Then drop us a line and we can help out with any questions.
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain
Click here if you are ready to make a change
Click here to start your healthy eating plan
Click here for delicious monthly recipes
Andrea (not buying into the commercial hype) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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