Hope you have had a good week......it is great to see lots of people back in the training routine! I can't believe how quick January is flying by though.......although a month closer to some warmer weather yay!
One of my favourite Queen songs is 'Under Pressure' which was released in 1981 and was co-written/sung with David Bowie. Now anytime I hear someone say they feel under pressure this song always pops in my head.
In the modern society we live in there is often something that makes us feel 'Under Pressure.......work, family, to look a certain way, to have achieved certain things. I was talking to one of my boot campers and fellow running buddies the other day as they have recently completed a half marathon in a time they were really pleased. This client had been ill over the Christmas period (like most of the UK population by sounds of it) and they just went to do the run to complete it.......
I have often put myself under pressure to do well at something or be better than last time. I have completed several Marathons in the past (never again lol) and the one I enjoyed the most was the first one.....all I wanted to do was complete it. After that I was constantly chasing a time, to be better than before and be as fast as I could possibly be.
All the fitness activities I have enjoyed the most are the ones where I have just gone to enjoy the event rather than put myself under pressure to achieve something.
This year I turn the BIG 40 arghhh!! There are lots of things that I wanted to achieve in my life before I was 40.....some are probably still achievable......others I am going to have to accept that they will happen after I am 40. One thing I wanted to do again was compete, I am currently still deciding, because as soon as I start to prep I start to panic and I don't think my body responds as well under the stress........so I am going to enjoy my training and healthy eating and if I feel like I am at a level where I can step on stage then I will.

Often I have people who come to bootcamp with concerns that they are not 'fit enough' or not as good as someone else. But what is 'fit enough'? Anyone who makes the effort to train, to make a positive impact on their fitness and health then fitness levels are subjective to each person.
If you are someone who wants to make a difference to your health and fitness, and who wants to enjoy the process whilst doing so then click one of the links below. There is 'no pressure' at boot camp. Everyone works at their own pace and everyone has their own personal reason for being there.
So if you want to make a change in 2018...click below
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain
Click here for the no pressure fitness sessions
Click here to start 2018 feeling full of energy
Click here for delicious monthly recipes
Andrea (going to enjoy the run up to being 40) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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