First week back at work for me this week, as well as being back training.......what a shock to the system when the alarm goes off at 6am everyday. I am actually glad to be back in a routine, but OMG getting down stairs have been an issue this week after having 3 weeks off the gym argh!!
Now I am back into a routine, the training and healthy eating has kick started! In fact I did start a detox on Christmas eve.......a social media detox. I deleted, snap chat, facebook and instagram from my phone, as like most people I get into bad habits where I am constantly looking at them!

It was great I didn't miss them one bit! In fact I only put them back on in the new year for work purposes. I find it is so easy to get into bad habits, looking at facebook/instagram instead of living in and experiencing the moment......especially when friends and family are around, as why would you need to look at them if you have someone to talk to? Ok social media rant over ;)
The same bad habits can be easily started when it comes to unhealthy eating.....having the odd chocolate can quite easily turn into a chocolate bar a day (or whatever your vice may be). Now I find that the easiest way to resist temptation is not to keep anything 'bad' (or binge worthy) in the house. If it's not there I don't miss it or don't want to eat it.
So if you need to stop something whether that being unhealthy eating or to stop living your life through social media, then get rid of whatever it is you need to detox from!
I have found that since I have put social media back on my phone I have hardly looked at it, so it has been a good thing to go cold turkey over the holiday period.
If you want help and advice on healthy eating and how to make exercise part of your weekly routine then click one of the links below.
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain
Click here to make exercise part of your weekly routine
Click here to start the detox process
Click here for delicious monthly recipes
Andrea (social media detox queen) Springthorpe
07949 959 547
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