Hi Guys,
Hope you all had a good weekend?
Last week was half time and it was the first time in ages I got plenty........of sleep! Prior to half term I had been working long hours, training loads and not getting enough sleep. I am an 8 hour a night kinda girl and when I consistantly don't get enough it takes it toll.
I get so I want to eat loads....of the wrong foods, which is not great when following a healthy diet, I also cant concentrate the same and feel like I need an afternoon sleep. So last Sunday I didn't set my alarm and I got up at 1.30pm!! I cant remember last time I slept in so much. I was out the night before, however I still slept for over 10 hours!
Last week was great getting my full 8 hours every night of the week, so I am making sure I am getting to bed earlier during the week so I don't feel as crap as I did the run up to half term. Although when I was off and had the odd lie in I felt so guilty!! Does anyone else get that or is it just me!?
Now how many times have you heard people say sleep is over rated? Well I disagree....not having enough sleep can have detrimental impact on your health.......your immune system becomes low so makes it harder to fight off colds, flu and infections. If you are tired you are more likely to gain weight, your hormones are affected and you are more likely to cling onto fat or eat too much. The less sleep you have the less you remember...your memory becomes affected and it is often hard to concentrate. Plus if you are sleep deprived you are less likely to exercise!
So aim to get 7-8 hours a night and see the difference :)
Andrea (8 hour a night girl) Springthorpe
07949 959 547