Thursday 28 July 2016

We are 90% visual beings

Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good week? I have an action packed weekend away this weekend, and one of the things I will be doing is quad biking...........cant wait for that one!
Earlier this week I shared some of my progress pictures in one of my I always track my statistics and nearly three times more people read the blog than usual!!! Now I don't think me in Sports underwear is much to oggle at, however the fact that we are 90% visual beings might have something to do with it. I did some research and found that us humans process images 60'000 times faster than text!
Also around 100 thousand billion circulate on facebook!!
Images are the most easily things to remember by our brains and are essential for our learning. Because of the human nature, what we see has a deep effect in what we do, what we feel and what we are. So I am guessing that is why most people want to look their best. The beuty industry alone is worth billions of pounds as people spend, spend, spend to not only look good but feel good too.
Ladies how much better do you feel just by having your nails done? I know it makes me feel better.
So if you want to improve 90% of visual self then click one of the links below........not only will it help you look better you will feel better too.
Andrea (looking forward to burning some rubber this weekend) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

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