Sunday 10 July 2016

# Pink Army

Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good weekend? Sunday I did the race for life with my Mum. It is the first time she has run in over 9 months since she was diagnosed with cancer. I was so proud of her that she ran all the way and managed it in 36 minutes and 30 seconds!!
race for life
Watching everyone doing the race for either themselves or someone close to them showed that if someone has a reason to do something then they will complete it. It didn't matter what time everyone did, whether they ran or walked, the fact that they got out of bed and did something which was close to their heart mattered.
It is the same when someone embarks on a new fitness regime, there is normally a reason behind it.........weight loss, set themselves a challenge, improve their health or want to improve their physique. Whatever the reason you have to push yourself out your comfort zone, join a group of like minded people and make your goals happen :)
So click one of the links below and do something that will benefit your health, well being and future! 
Andrea (so proud of my mum) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

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