Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good weekend?
This weekend I was away in Darwin Forest, we stayed in a lovely lodge with a hot tub, its amazing how quick time passes when you are sat in a hot tub! On Saturday we went Quad biking, what a laugh. When we got there we had to sign a disclaimer and had to go through a briefing with a video. By the time we had read the disclaimer and watched the video I was scared to death that I was going to flip the quad and hurt myself.
The first ten minutes of riding them I was nervous that I would fall off, then after I relaxed I loved it..........by the end I felt like I was an extra in a James Bond film. Its amazing how one minute you can feel scared at the thought of doing something and then once you get into the swing of things you love it.
Its the same with fitness, it can be very scary going to a new fitness class and sometimes it might seem the best option is not to go. However, once you have made the first step, what first seemed scary often turns into something fun which you get a lot out of.
Want something new and fun, which will get you results then click one of the links below.
Andrea (Quad Speed Queen) Springthorpe
07949 959 547