Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Who is your Inspiration?

Hello Guys,

Hope you are all having a good week and enjoying the snow? I could write a whole blog on how a couple days of snow has the whole country at a stand still......god knows how we got on years ago when we had weeks of it, or how other countries cope! Anyway I am not going to rant about that over my blog lol.

In my blog earlier this week I spoke about how even instructors sometimes need a kick up the booty to reassess, re motivate and make things fresh again. Today I want to talk to you about people who inspires us to be healthy and active.

Now if I think about who inspires me, initially I would say instagram fitness models, people who I inspire to look like. However when I think about consistent inspiration (and not just appearance) then I would have to say it was those who inspired me when I was younger and continue to do so in my adult life.

So my inspiration has to come from my parents (aka our Nige & Miss Daisy). Now when we were younger we often had to walk most places (as we only had one car), our days out were at the park with a cool box full of food and our entertainment was rounders or some other games. As we got older my Mum and Dad joined a running club so we had even more days out, which involved activity, I used to think my Dad was crazy when he was training for a Marathon....who wants to do that for fun I thought!!

As I got to my late teens and early twenties this is when I started doing my structured activity.....I started to run and went to fitness classes with my Mum. This was the start of my health & fitness journey.....which I got to turn that passion into a career.

My parents continue to inspire me everyday, they still try and keep active and healthy. They both come to my bootcamp as well as doing other physical activity. I suppose a special mention has to go to Mum as she continues to stay active and healthy whilst having treatment for cancer.

So whatever or whoever your inspiration is, being fit and healthy should be a lifelong journey that gives you a great quality of life.

Click one of the links below to start your fitness day you might become an inspiration to someone else!

Click here for consistent fitness training
Click here to eat yourself healthy
Click here for delicious monthly recipes
Andrea (lucky to have the parents I have) Springthorpe

07949 959 547

P.S Look out for our revamped packages coming soon!

Monday, 26 February 2018

Everybody say 'Yeah'

Hello Troops,

This weekend I was on my boot camp instructors refresher course......."oh no" I hear my clients say, well yes you should be afraid as I have come back with lots of new ideas.......and some ideas which I had forgotten I had learnt previously!

Sometimes even us instructors need some extra motivation, an extra kick up the backside or just a little reminder of why we do our jobs. This refresher course came at the right time for me......this time of year can leave even the very motivated a bit disillusioned at times. If you are old enough to recognise the guy below then I am guessing he often has his off day too!

I try to keep my sessions as varied as possible, however sometimes even with years of experience under my sweat band I run out of ideas. So I am pleased to say that the 'plateau' has been lifted and I feel excited about all the new 'beasting' (sorry exercise) sessions I can do with you all.

Now I am lucky that even when I sometimes run out of ideas, I have plenty of go to resources where I can find some information. I am guessing there are people out there right now who don't know where to go to mix up their training or to keep it fresh.

Now there are lots of classes/online training plans and PT's out there and it can be a mine field on who to if you are not sure where to start then why not contact us for a FREE taster session. You can try before you buy! If you like us great and if not then you know to check out the next item on your list.

Not everyone likes to come to group training, however, for those of you who do then you can expect a variety of motivational training sessions with a group of like minded individuals who get results!

Come and have fun and click one of the links below!

Click here for a plateau busting training plan
Click here to fuel your fitness
Click here for delicious monthly recipes
Andrea (might have to dig the 80's leotard out) Springthorpe

07949 959 547

P.S Look out for our revamped packages coming soon!

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Stay Active.....stay motivated!

Hello Troops......

Hope you have had a good weekend? I have had quiet(ish) one, was out Friday night and was marshalling at the Liversedge Half Marathon on Sunday......I did have a much needed Saturday night in chilling! I have realised I can longer get away with burning the candle at both ends #nearly40!

The other week I was away in London with work at the 'Why Sports' was a great conference which touched on lots of interesting subjects which applied to both Fit 4 Force and Legacy Sport (our sister company).

One of the slides they showed (as per below) was how physical activity effects brain you can see from the picture below, the positive effect physical activity can have on the brain.

Now how many times have you come in from work and thought you can't be bothered to train as you feel tired and sluggish? Hands up I know I have on several occasions.......and how many times do you feel more energised when you do make the effort to be active....again my hand is up.

Now as I teach sessions in the evening my training is done first thing in a morning before work. I admit there are days I want to roll over and press snooze, however the odd times I have done that I have felt more sluggish and less motivated when I have got to work. The positive effect which exercise has on my motivation and often my mood is worth setting my alarm earlier. The same goes for when I train after work, I feel more motivated and get much more done at home (including healthy food prep) when I have done so.

I know it is harder this time of year to stay motivated, cold dark evenings make most people want to hibernate! The thing is we should be working on how we want to look in the summer all year round....the trouble with 'hibernating' and avoiding exercise and healthy eating is when the sun comes out, people panic, are often unhappy with how they look and then go on some crash diet which is destined for failure.....

So let us help, with your motivation, your mood and also your summer body.......the above picture shows the positive impact exercise has on our just think what it does to our bodies!

Click here for an active mind and body

Click here to eat your way to a summer body

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (benefited from sleep this weekend) Springthorpe

07949 959 547

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Do something because you want to....not because you're forced!

Hey Troops!

Happy Wednesday!

Now most people will be wishing someone a Happy Valentines day, sending flowers, buying gifts and going out for over expensive meals. The majority of people will want to do these things, however I am guessing that there is a large percentage of people are doing it because they feel they have to!?

I personally think that if someone wants to do something nice, buy flowers, gifts etc, it should be because they want to, not because of a certain day that guilt's people into doing so.

The same goes for I hold my hands up as I try  and promote exercise and healthy eating to most people I meet! The benefits you get from doing regular exercise and healthy eating out was any 'magic' pill or potion that are often widely promoted.

Now I am not here to 'guilt' people into starting to exercise or eat healthy, as I honestly believe that you have to start that journey when YOU are ready. Those that have the mindset to do something they want and enjoy, get better results and stick to a routine.

So if you are considering starting something new and are ready to commit to change then why not click one of the links below........still not quite sure? Then drop us a line and we can help out with any questions.

Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain
Click here if you are ready to make a change
Click here to start your healthy eating plan
Click here for delicious monthly recipes
Andrea (not buying into the commercial hype) Springthorpe

07949 959 547

Thursday, 1 February 2018

A break from the norm.

Hello Troops......

Hope you have had a good week? January is over, I am sure February will fly by and we are on the count down to Spring!

In my last blog I spoke about being 'Under Pressure' when doing certain things in life and relating this to the pressure we sometimes put ourselves under to achieve an exercise goal.

Now if you read my blogs on a regular basis you will know that I have done lots of long distance running in the past, completed several marathons, half marathons, 10 miles and 10k's. I loved doing the training for them and I still run on a regular basis now. However as mentioned in my previous blog I am still in two minds about competing this year.......if I do or don't I want to achieve a certain look when it comes to my physique. Long distance running and trying to build muscle don't often go well together.

The type of running training I am enjoying at the minute is speed/strength interval based sessions. I go to Paris next month and I have entered the Paris half Marathon. This will be the first time I am going to do a race with very little mileage under my belt. However, I will still be doing my interval based training.

Like I mentioned last week, the pressure is off, I am not chasing a time. I am going to go and enjoy the event and soak up my surroundings instead of seeing backs of heads or pavements! I am actually quite interested to see how I perform, as I should have the fitness there with everything else I do. Working in the profession it is also intriguing me to see if there is much difference in my times.......I will keep you posted!

Now I am breaking from the norm, doing something different to what I normally I can't predict the outcome, however I know I will enjoy the journey a lot more than pounding the streets for hours on a cold Sunday morning!

Have you considered doing something new, do you want to break from your norm and enjoy the journey along the way? Final destinations & outcomes are often unknown, however the journey getting there should be the fun  and exciting part.

So if you want to make a change then click one of the links below.
Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here for your enjoyable fitness journey
Click here to fuel your journey
Click here for delicious monthly recipes
Andrea (intrigued to see my results) Springthorpe

07949 959 547