Tuesday, 30 April 2019


Sunday was the 2019 London Marathon..... I can't believe the winner completed it in in an amazing 2 hours 2 minutes and 38 seconds!!! Most people can't complete a half marathon in that time!

In my previous life as a long distance runner, out of the 6 marathons I have completed I did London four times! The first time being the most enjoyable as I was so pleased to get round without stopping and the last time I did it was with my Dad (well we did it on the same day lol) as he did it for his 60th Birthday.

That was 8 years ago and at the time I said I would do another for my 40th.......well a lot can happen in 8 years and the desire I once had (and the time to train) to do a Marathon subsided and needless to say I am now in my 40th year and have no intention of doing another lol!

It is funny how something I once loved so much, is now something which I can't imagine doing again. Don't get me wrong I still run and enjoy it, however, the type of running I do is so much different to long distance. Plus I found other activities which I started to enjoy and get more benefit out of.

You often hear of people who have been really active in the past who have just then stopped, due to lack of time, they no longer enjoy it or they no longer see the benefits. If this has happened to you then I would say try something different rather than give up all together. If its down to lack of time, find an activity which is quick, high intensity and gets results (like bootcamp lol).

Or if like me you used to run long distance and no longer have the time or energy, then mix your running up with speed sessions which can be more effective and take half the time.

So if you feel like quitting, look for something new to #getinspired as exercise should always be part of your life!

Click here to be #getinspired
Click here to fuel your fitness
Andrea (proud that I have completed Marathons & glad they are over) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Shout out to my Dad!

Sunday was my Dad's birthday so I thought I would dedicate this weeks blog to him. I often give shout out to my Mum and I think my Dad sometimes gets forgotten about.

My Dad is the one who inspired me to take up running & go to the gym........ well as I got older at least as when I was younger I used to think he was nuts for doing Marathons! I can remember one day he came home after a training run and just laid on the living room floor as he was exhausted and could hardly move! I can remember thinking why the hell would anyone want to do that to themselves! Fast forward a few years and I have often felt the same.

Over the years we have run together, gone to the gym together and I used to get so frustrated when I couldn't catch him when out running.....then one day it happened, I got faster, he got bit older and I started passing him! I have to point out that I managed to beat his half marathon PB (not that we are competitive), I can imagine what he is saying, so I will say it for him , I still never beat his Marathon PB! And never will as my desire for long distance running is long gone!

So thank you to my Dad for being a constant support and an inspiration to start exercising. And to this day (at the age of 68) with dodgy knees he still keeps coming to bootcamp, goes to the gym and cycles!

So if you want to inspire someone or just want to become the best you can then click one of the links below.

Click here to be a constant inspiration
Click here to eat yourself young
Andrea (proud to have a superhero Dad) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Health is wealth......

I was talking to someone the other day and when they found out that I ran my own businesses they automatically thought I was rich! Not got my detached house and Range Rover just yet!

When I sat and thought about it, we put so much emphasis on finances when we talk about being 'rich', however, I feel I am rich in many other ways.

I have fantastic family and friends
I have a career/job which I love
Most importantly I have my health (apart from a cold this week!)

Good health and well being is something which I take for granted, but also work hard at! Being physically active and eating healthy on a regular basis takes commitment in both time and often money.

It often shocks me how much money people are prepared to spend on clothes, shoes, cars, anything materialistic but don't invest in their health and their future. We have one body and we need to take care of it! Most people look after their cars better than their bodies!

So if you want to avoid the 'scrap heap' then why not do something about it....invest your time and money in health instead of handbags!

Click one of the links below to keep your 'motor running' for a long time.

Click here to upgrade to a sporty number
Click here to fuel your health
Andrea (one day will be a 'classic') Springthorpe
07949 959 547