Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Deep's about to begin!

Hi Troops,

I can't believe that I am hearing Christmas songs already!! I think they should wait till at least the 1st December before they start playing them!

Last week was the start of many do's coming up over the Christmas period, and the big one is this Saturday.....Fit 4 Force annual Christmas Party!

The next few weeks will be extra eating and drinking for me, which plays havoc with my waist line. The one thing that is so important to me over the festive period is to try and keep as active as possible. Now for most, the thing that people let slide over the Christmas period is their exercise routine. Christmas parties, shopping and catching up with friends often take priority.

Now I fit my training in before work as I am teaching boot camp on evenings so I need to make sure I get enough sleep to get my booty out of bed. 

The good thing about bootcamp is that we have a range of different classes, on different days, which can be done after work whilst still having time to socialise and do some Christmas shopping!

So if you want to keep those Christmas puddings at bay then click one of the links below

Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here to fit into those Christmas outfits

Click here to detox the effects of Christmas

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (don't want to be the chubby Penguin) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you!

Hi Guys,

Hope you have had a good weekend? I had a much needed quiet one, met up with a couple of friends but other than that it has been quiet.

Now I will be honest I was struggling what to write about today, I must have writers block (or might be the fact I am trying to stay off coffee!) So I thought I would search motivational meme's in order to get some inspiration.......and it worked! I came across the below meme and it made me think about why I do what I do and also the impact your actions can have on someone.

Before I get onto the impact I want to have on people, I was on the receiving end of how someone made me feel beginning of this week......not in a nice way either. I had a hospital appointment and they were running over an hour behind. When I finally saw the consultant she was abrupt, I felt like she was rushing everything then told me to get changed in a toilet and then just left me in the corridor wondering where the hell I had to go!! I came home from the hospital feeling quite upset, I had a painful procedure, which I would normally cope with but that on top of the lack of care made me upset (yes I am human and do cry at times lol). I like to think that I am quite a tough cookie but this was probably one of worst experiences I have had at a hospital.

Now one of the reasons I do what I do is to make individuals feel as passionate about exercise as I am. I know some of you might hate me for 60 minutes at a time and I can cope with the name calling because not only do I want to help you achieve your goals, I want to give you a good experience of exercise. It is hard if you push yourself, however, it can be fun, it can be enjoyable and most of all you normally feel so much better after you have done. So if you want a good experience as well as a great work-out then click one of the links below.

Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here to have an awesome exercise experience

Click here to feel passionate about healthy food

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (didn't like that doctor) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Heart rate of an athlete!

Hi Guys,

Hope you are all well? I have had another busy week/weekend....I am not sure where this year has gone.

On Friday I went to stay at my friends for a girly night (got messy!) and on Sunday I did the Leeds Abbey Dash.....the less said about that the better! My calf cramped up at about 4 miles and I had to hobble the rest of the way! Not my best time and I was disappointed.

Last week I had my 4 yearly check up on my heart..... for those of you who don't know, I was born with a hole in the heart and I had open heart surgery when I was 9 years old. I was in hospital for a week and I had to have 6 weeks off school. I still have two leaky valves and I have to go for check ups every 4 years.

One thing that resonates with me when I go is how big a thing it was that I went through. I have grown up with a scar and having check ups so I don't actually see it as a big deal.....until I speak to the Nurses and Consultants. First off they are often shocked on how low my heart rate is (heart rate of an athlete!).......until they find out what physical activity I do. Then they are shocked about all the activity I do. I often come away thinking that it is obviously not the norm for other people who have had a similar condition.

I think Mr & Mrs S have helped me be so robust over the years as they never mollycoddle me, in fact my Mum's motto was that you go to school unless you are being sick! I actually believe that it has helped me have a good work ethic and to actually just get one with things!

The Consultant (who by the way was an absolute god and had both me and my Mum drooling!) was asking me all sorts of questions if it affects my day to day life. Now I am one of the lucky ones as I know some people with Congenital Heart disease have worse symptoms and it does effect what they can and can't do.....especially physical activity.

All I want to do today is help motivate you all.........and give someone out there who might have a medical condition that you can still achieve your goals. I believe that being able to get up on a morning and have the choice to exercise is a gift. A lot of people have the ability to exercise taken away from them. I know how frustrated I have been last couple of days not being able to walk properly!! So make the most of what you have and click one of the links below.

Why not sign up to our monthly recipes, take out the hassle in deciding what to eat and add some variety to your life ;) Our introductory offer is £5.00 for the first month then only £10.00 a month for up to 15 recipes! That is less than 0.70p a recipe! #bargain

Click here to be one step nearer to having the heart rate of an athlete ;)

Click here to eat your heart healthy

Click here for delicious monthly recipes

Andrea (think I need to find myself a Doctor to date) Springthorpe
07949 959 547