Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good weekend and week so far? My weekend consisted of a Hot tub party and a Wedding (watch out for my next blog on hot tubs ;)
This year I have a big birthday coming.......40 arghhh! And it seems to be flying round quicker than Usain Bolt completing the 100 metres!
After my holidays I had what is known as the holiday blues and started to feel fed up at the prospect of turning 40! I was even going to cancel my party that I have booked!! Then I had a word with myself and got over it!
In reality it is just a number, however, it got me thinking about the things which I still want to achieve in my personal life......having said that each birthday should be celebrated and I am happy that I am nearly at 40's door, a luxury that some people don't get!
Some things in life we can't control or put a time limit on and somethings we can, like our health and fitness. Turning 40 has given me some inspiration, I have set myself some new goals and I aim to help 40 people achieve their health and fitness goals by my Birthday in December. Health and fitness has been a big part of my life....... growing up via my folks and from my early twenties it has become part of my daily routine and career!
From 8th October our new package #MISSION40 is launched, and in honour of those who are turning or have turned 40 this year I will be giving the first month at a discounted rate #bornin1978

Some of you reading this may think 40 is miles away and for some it will be a distant memory. I honestly don't know where the last ten years have gone, I blinked and they disappeared! So if you want help in achieving your health and fitness goals, then click one of the links below or contact me on the below number.
Hope you have all had a good weekend and week so far? My weekend consisted of a Hot tub party and a Wedding (watch out for my next blog on hot tubs ;)
This year I have a big birthday coming.......40 arghhh! And it seems to be flying round quicker than Usain Bolt completing the 100 metres!
After my holidays I had what is known as the holiday blues and started to feel fed up at the prospect of turning 40! I was even going to cancel my party that I have booked!! Then I had a word with myself and got over it!
In reality it is just a number, however, it got me thinking about the things which I still want to achieve in my personal life......having said that each birthday should be celebrated and I am happy that I am nearly at 40's door, a luxury that some people don't get!
Some things in life we can't control or put a time limit on and somethings we can, like our health and fitness. Turning 40 has given me some inspiration, I have set myself some new goals and I aim to help 40 people achieve their health and fitness goals by my Birthday in December. Health and fitness has been a big part of my life....... growing up via my folks and from my early twenties it has become part of my daily routine and career!
From 8th October our new package #MISSION40 is launched, and in honour of those who are turning or have turned 40 this year I will be giving the first month at a discounted rate #bornin1978

Some of you reading this may think 40 is miles away and for some it will be a distant memory. I honestly don't know where the last ten years have gone, I blinked and they disappeared! So if you want help in achieving your health and fitness goals, then click one of the links below or contact me on the below number.
Click here to join the #mission40 crew
Click here to feel and look fab at whatever age
Andrea (is now embracing middle age!) Springthorpe
07949 959 547