Sunday, 4 December 2016

The simplest things are the best

Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a good weekend? Saturday was Fit 4 Force Christmas do! It was a great night and I want to thank everyone who came along and helped make it a great night. When I finally realised who had my camera I came across some cracking pictures ;) I was suffering on Sunday as I'm not used to drinking anymore. Back to training this week to work it all off!
The other week my Mum and I were at the local garden centre and we were talking about the first Christmas present my brother and I bought her. Many many years ago we went to the same garden centre with my Nana and my brother and I bought her a bauble each. My Mum was saying that she still has those baubles! Now they might not go on the tree anymore as they will now be classed as retro lol, however it got me thinking that the most basic things mean more and are remembered more than spending loads of money on expensive presents. Now if we are all honest can we remember all the presents we have had bought over the years? Now I did ask my Mum if she wanted a bauble for Christmas this year, but by the look on her face it was a no lol.
santa with weights
Now this got me thinking about exercise, when did things get so complicated? The amount of different training techniques and regime you hear about can be confusing and never know what to do. Sometimes like with Christmas it is best to keep things simple. You can have an effective, result driven training session by just using your body weight. It targets both strength & cardiovascular fitness. Keep it simple, do it right, train often and get fantastic results. 
So if like me you need to work off those Christmas parties then click on one of the links below...........we may love Santa but we don't want to look like him lol ;)
Remember we still have our special offer on for our LifeForce plan........also make sure you look out for next weeks email with our December and January specials.
Have a great week :)
Click one of the links below.
For a special time only the LifeForce plan will be only £25.00!!! This is in e book format so you can get started straight away :)
Andrea (bauble buyer) Springthorpe
07949 959 547

Finally learnt the meaning of 'megged'

Hi Troops,
Well finally in December arggghhh and on the countdown to Christmas. It's the Fit 4 Force Christmas Party this weekend so I am looking forward to celebrating it with some of my lovely customers :)
The other week I was at School and one of the kids was getting upset as someone was making fun of him as he had 'megged' him!!? Now I was trying to calm the situation down and forget to look up what it for those of you who are in the dark like I was and don't know what it means then this is the definition from Wikipedia......
 A nutmeg (or tunnel, nut, or meg), is a playing technique used chiefly in association football, but also in field hockey, ice hockey, and basketball. The aim is to kick, roll, dribble, throw, or push the ball (or puck) between an opponent's legs (feet).
Now since then some of the lads who I work with have told me what it means and were shocked that I didn't know.......But why would I know!? I don't play football, I'm not around people who play football (other than now the kids at school on a lunch time) and I don't watch it.
Now I am now educated in at least one football term and it got me thinking about diet and exercise too.......not everyone knows the best way to train to burn fat, and what some people class is eating healthy is not always the best way to achieve fat loss. Now I don't know all the answers (other than now I know what a nutmeg is), however I can share my knowledge and experience on how to get people results.
Just click one of the links below to help you burn fat in just 21 days and to burn upto 1000 calories in one training session.
Remember we still have our special offer on for our LifeForce plan........also make sure you look out for next weeks email with our December and January specials.
Have a great weekend :)
Click one of the links below.
For a special time only the LifeForce plan will be only £25.00!!! This is in e book format so you can get started straight away :)
Andrea (megged) Springthorpe
07949 959 547